
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Supreme Court to Hear Healy Gas License

The Alaska Supreme Court is scheduled to hear an appeal of a Healy area natural gas license. The high court will consider the appeal filed by the Denali Citizens Council Wednesday September 18th.

Washington Company to Study Hydro Idea at Thomas Bay

Another company out of Washington just won permission to study the potential development of a new hydro-electric plant at a mountaintop lake within the Petersburg Borough.

Fairbanks Behavioral Health Center to Reorganize

Financially troubled Fairbanks Community Behavioral Health Center will close Monday and Tuesday and reopen Wednesday under a new name and operator.

New Recovery Plan for Tender in the Works

The new plan to recover the sunken fishing tender Lone Star has been approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. The vessel has been sitting in the middle of one of the major sockeye salmon producing rivers in Bristol Bay since late June.

The American Criminal Justice System through the Lens of the Trial of Jesus

There are plenty of fans for crime shows, so maybe it’s no surprise that there’s a book that frames the trial of Jesus in terms of the modern justice system. But maybe its more surprising how little has changed in more than 2,000 years. The author of the fascinating book “Jesus on Death Row” will be taking your calls on the next Talk of Alaska. APRN: Tuesday, 9/17 at 10:00am Download Audio

AK: Football

It’s football season in Alaska. The sport continues to gain popularity in the 49th state, where the first official high school football championship game was played less than 25 years ago. But in Alaska and nationally concerns over football’s safety have grown, and more and more parents are refusing to let their children play youth football because of the risk of injury. Football officials at all levels have responded by trying to make the game safer. Download Audio

300 Villages: Nelchina

This week, we're heading to Nelchina, a small and spread out community on the Glenn Highway. Roxanne Farmer is a life-long resident of Nelchina. Download Audio

Two Hunters Rescued Near Talkeetna After Boat Capsizes

Two Mat-Su Valley men were rescued by Alaska State Troopers yesterday after their boat capsized during a hunting trip.

AVTEC To Offer Nation’s First Ice Navigation Course

Recent federal and state focus on Alaska's role in Arctic Ocean shipping has raised concerns over regulations, safety and oil spill response, among other issues.  But, one teaching institution in our state is already dealing with the most basic question: who's going to be driving the boats? Seward's Alaska Vocational Technical Center plans to start the nation's first ice navigation training course next spring. Download Audio

Dena’ina Exhibit Opens at Anchorage Museum

Step into a remote fish camp. Listen to a Dena'ina love song composed in 1915. Those are couple of the experiences Anchorage Museum visitors can expect when they tour the first comprehensive exhibit bringing together the language, history and artifacts of the original inhabitants of Southcentral Alaska – the Dena'ina Athabascans. It opens Sunday at the Anchorage Museum. Download Audio

Why “Alaska” Means Milk And Basketball To Many Filipinos

When Filipinos hear “Alaska,” often the first two things that come to mind are milk and basketball. Download Audio

Fairbanks Resolution Could Keep EPA From Revoking Permits

The Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly will consider a resolution Thursday that could prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from retroactively revoking permits within the Borough. Download Audio

Photo Collection Sheds Light On Denali Explorer Belmore Brown

A collection of photographs by turn of century Denali explorer Belmore Brown is on display in Fairbanks. The exhibit at the Fairbanks Community Museum was put together by longtime Talkeetna climbing guide Brian Okonek, whose describes Brown as a multi talented pioneer. Download Audio

Denali Gets A Height Reduction from the USGS

In addition, all of the climbers who attempt to summit Denali come through Talkeetna to register with the National Park Service. Any change involving the mountain is bound to have ripples in the community. Download Audio

Sullivan Steps Down As Commissioner As Senate Race Heats Up

Natural Resources Commissioner Dan Sullivan is stepping down from his post amid talk that he's planning a run for U.S. Senate. Republicans see incumbent Mark Begich's seat as one of the keys to taking control of Congress, and the race is already getting heated.

Coast Guard Rescues Man Injured After 75-Foot Fall

The Coast Guard says they've completed a long-distance medevac of a freighter crewman who suffered injuries from a fall aboard the vessel.

Snow Screen: A Northern Film Festival

Snow Screen Anchorage Museum What does being a Northerner mean to you? Weigh in, and then watch. Snow Screen: A Northern Film Festival will feature YouTube videos with a Northern theme, curated and shown on the big screen. Learn more.

Ethics Infractions Cost Former State Legislator $18,000

A former legislator from Nenana is being fined $18,000 for breaking state ethics rules. An investigation found that Alan Dick, a Republican who served one term in the house, had charged the state and his campaign account for the same travel expenses and that he let family members live in his legislative office. Download Audio

Obama Asks Congress To Delay Vote On Syria

The debate over whether to attack Syria is extremely fluid right now. President Barack Obama, in a national address Tuesday night, called on Congress to delay a vote authorizing the use of force. Alaska’s delegation has all weighed in against that action. Download Audio

New Agreement Bolsters Alaska’s LNG Commercialization Efforts

The State has committed to a formal working relationship with a major Japanese financial institution that wants to develop natural gas projects. Download Audio