
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Secure Rural Schools Program Extension Approved

Congress has passed a one-year extension of a program that pays out millions of dollars to communities in Alaska near national forest land, like Petersburg. The extension of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000 was approved by the house and senate this week. Download Audio

ACLU Concerned Over Online Health Information Exchanges

The American Civil Liberties Union of Alaska is raising concerns about health information exchanges online in Alaska. The regional data bases allow doctors to access medical records, but ACLU of Alaska interim executive director Joshua Decker says people have no choice about whether their information is included. Download Audio

300 Villages: Venetie

This week, we’re heading to the Interior community of Venetie on the Chandalar River. Eddie Frank is the Tribal Administrator in Venetie. Download Audio

AK: Baby Boost

As in many small towns in Alaska, there are no babies delivered in Wrangell’s hospital. Expectant mothers have to leave town to give birth. When they return, there aren’t many services to help them adjust to life with a new baby. Hannah’s Place is a non-profit that provides free courses for expecting couples and new parents. In exchange for taking these classes, parents have access to a “free” store that has nearly everything an infant needs. Download Audio

Erin McKittrick

A 4,000-mile trek by two people just out of college is one thing. Repeating that kind of adventure with two kids is something else altogether. Hig and Erin of Ground Truth Trekking have finished their Cook Inlet expedition and they have a new book out. APRN: Tuesday, 10/1 at 10:00am Download Audio

Boater Finds Body Of Southeast Alaska Hunter

The body of a Craig man missing since Sept. 15 has been found in ocean water east of Ketchikan.

Getting the Flock Ready for Winter

A clean coop is a good way to start the winter. Yup. It has happened again. Summer screamed by, and all of the things I meant to do relative to the flock (relocate the manure pile, enlarge the pen, add a new gate) didn’t get done. Now it is a mad scramble to get all of the pre-winter preparations done: top off the wood pile, pick low-bush, stock the freezer with moose and ducks (if you are a hunting sort) winterize the car, and clean up the yard. Read more.

Mat Su Borough District One Race Pits Activist and Aviator

Two long-time Alaskans are vying for the Matanauska-Susitna Borough's District One Assembly seat. Both candidates have colorful backgrounds, although that's where their similarity ends. A newcomer to Borough politics is challenging a candidate with a long record in community service, and Valley voters will decide who gets the job on October 1.

Senators Weigh In On Government Shutdown

The Senate passed a measure advancing a government funding bill yesterday that zeroes out money for the Affordable Care Act. Both Senators Murkowski and Begich supported the measure. And Congressman Don Young supported it in the House last week. Download Audio

Arming VPSOs Discussed At Anchorage Meeting

An effort is underway to allow Village Public Safety Officers in Alaska to carry guns. VPSO’s are currently precluded from being armed but the shooting death of a VPSO officer in the Bristol Bay region earlier this year has resulted in an effort to change the rules. Download Audio

Man Dies After Being Struck Many Times With Road Sign

A 50-year-old man died after being beaten with a road sign, punched and kicked outside the Anchorage Community Mental Health Services building, and four people are in custody. Download Audio

Murkowski Secures $50 Million For Legacy Well Clean Up

Legislation that passed Congress today will allocate $50 million to clean up the 130 oil and gas wells that were drilled and abandoned by the federal government in the National Petroleum Reserve – Alaska. Download Audio

DEC Proposes New Fine For Particulate Pollution

A state Department of Environmental Conservation official says proposed new fine particulate pollution regulations are designed more to meet federal requirements, than clamp down on Fairbanks area residents who depend on wood for heat. Download Audio

iPhone Map Leads Drivers Onto Fairbanks Runway

An iPhone map that led drivers across the Fairbanks International Airport runway has been deactivated. Airport spokeswoman Angie Spear says the map errantly directed users to the east side of the facility. Download Audio

‘Strength in Youth’ Highlights Positive High School Statistics

Athletes at East High in Anchorage highlighted some positive statistics about teens earlier today at the homecoming pep rally. Like the fact that 89 percent of Anchorage high school students don’t smoke. The campaign is called “Strength of our Youth.” The idea is to debunk the myths that “everyone” in high school is making bad choices. Download Audio

Task Force Says Assembly Broke Charter Rules

A citizens' task force charged with reviewing the Anchorage Assembly's public hearing process has released a draft of their recommendations. One of their conclusions is that the Assembly erred in cutting off public testimony about a controversial labor law. Download Audio

Bear Mauls Man in Hoonah

A 58-year-old Hoonah man mauled by a brown bear Wednesday night has been medevac’d to Sitka with non-life threatening injuries.

Wrangell Voters Consider Sales Tax Decrease

A ballot initiative to lower Wrangell’s city sales tax by 1.5 percent is up for a vote of the public in the Oct. 1 general elections.

Electric Vehicles Get a Boost in Juneau

Amy Skilbred parades her electric vehicle on Fourth of July in Juneau. The goal of becoming the Electric Vehicle capital of the U.S. just got a lot closer for Juneau groups and electric vehicle supporters. The Juneau Community Foundation in partnership with the City & Borough of Juneau is the recipient of the $25,000 award that will go toward public charging stations. Read more.

Talkeetna Ranger Station to be Renamed

The Talkeetna Ranger Station has a new name. President Obama has signed the Denali National Park Improvement Act, which officially renames the Park Service building to the Walter Harper Talkeetna Ranger Station in honor of the Athabascan climber who was the first person to set foot on the summit of Denali in 1913.