
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Kachemak Bay Water Trail – Connecting Communities


What is a water trail anyway? While the concept of a water trail might sound foreign to many, Alaska boasts a couple popular water trails that generally go by another name. The Swanson River Canoe Trail and the Nancy Lake Canoe Trail are both well-traveled water trails. Read more.

Assembly Postpones Decision on AO-37, Traini Proposes Repeal

The Anchorage Assembly continued hearing testimony on two proposals about when to hold a vote whether a controversial labor ordinance should be overturned.

Volleys Traded Over Tennis Court Funding

A $10.5-million earmark for indoor tennis courts in Anchorage has become a lightning rod because the city didn't ask for it and many lawmakers thought the money was being used for other purposes. Download Audio

Survey Indicates High Rate of Sexual Assault in the Mat-Su Borough

Almost half of the adult women in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough have experienced some form of sexual violence at least once during their lifetime. That’s the sad news to come out of a recent survey conducted by the UAA Justice Center and the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Download Audio

Alaska’s Supreme Court Justice Talks About Diversity On The Court

The Alaska Supreme Court was in Barrow last week to hear a climate change lawsuit on the Barrow high school stage. Chief Justice Dana Fabe says it’s important for students to learn how their legal system works. The Chief Justice feels strongly that diversity on the bench helps communities have faith in the decisions judges make. In her chambers at the Boney courthouse in downtown Anchorage she spoke highly of her predecessor Jay Rabinowitz who believed all Alaskans should have equal access to the judicial system. Download Audio

AIDEA Signs Agreement To Support Niblack Project

The owner of the Niblack mining project on Prince of Wales Island continues to explore the possibility of a minerals processing plant on Gravina Island near Ketchikan. Download Audio

Study: Southeast’s ‘Blue Economy’ Growing

Southeast Alaska’s maritime economy provides more than a quarter of the wages paid in the region. That’s according to a new study published by the Southeast Conference. Download Audio

New Downtown Fairbanks Sculpture In The Works

A pair of Canadian sculptors selected to build a piece for downtown Fairbanks visited the community last week to preview officials and the public about the project. Their work is designed to represent and reflect the local environment. Download Audio

Understanding and Conserving Alaska’s Estuaries

Sure, all natural habitats are important. But some have a special power – for both nature and people. That’s the case for the estuary, that place where the world’s three most dominant natural realms meet. Read more.

Anchorage Assembly: Indoor Tennis Courts On Hold, Labor Law Hearing Wednesday

A plan to build indoor tennis courts was put on hold at the regular Anchorage Assembly meeting Tuesday night.

Alaska E-Health Network Defends Privacy Protections Of Medical Records

The company contracted with the state to manage Alaska’s new on line medical records data base is defending its privacy protections. The Alaska E-health Network, like many across the country, resulted from state and federal mandates designed to improve efficiency and privacy of health information transfer. It was piloted in Fairbanks, and went live this summer statewide. Alaskans are required to opt out of the system if they don’t want their medical records in the data base. The American Civil Liberties Union is critical of that, and has also raised concerns about access by hackers and government agencies. Download Audio

Why Sea-Tac Airport Workers Can’t Join a Union for Better Pay

In November, voters in the small city of SeaTac will decide whether to set one of the highest minimum wages in the country. The controversial Proposition One would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour for some workers, including ground crew at the airport. Alaska Airlines is fighting the measure. Traditionally, when workers want better wages, they join a union. So why are airport workers taking this approach instead? They don’t have a lot of choices – they’re stuck in a legal limbo under federal labor law. Download Audio

Alaska Native Tribal Governments Keep Doors Open For Now

Alaska Native tribal governments are keeping their doors open, but worry about how long the federal government shutdown will go on. Download Audio

Signing Up For Insurance On Federal Marketplace Still A Waiting Game

The main groups working to help Alaskans sign up for marketplace insurance plans haven't successfully enrolled anyone. One week after after the launch of the federally run health insurance marketplace, it's still not operational. Download Audio

State Expects Unemployment Filings To Rise Due To Shutdown

It’s been one week since the federal government shut down. The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development expects a rise in federal workers filing for unemployment payments due to the furlough. Download Audio

Tlingit & Haida Housing Authority, CCS To Expand Senior Services In Rural Southeast

Tlingit and Haida Regional Housing Authority and Catholic Community Serviceon Monday announced the expansion of a program that helps senior citizens live independently in Southeast Alaska. Download Audio

Bethel Economic Summit Looks At Energy Needs

Energy and the challenges of providing it in remote Western Alaska was the main topic of a summit in Bethel on Monday. Download Audio

A Busy October at Anchorage Libraries

Anchorage Library Zombie Preparedness Month Anchorage Library planners have outdone themselves this month with more interesting and diverse events scheduled than in years. The Zombie Apocalypse returns to Loussac on Saturday, Oct. 19, with the scavenger hunt maze open from 6:45-10 pm. Another noteworthy event this month is the grand opening of Loussac’s new early literacy center for young children. Read more.

Nikiski Top Pick For Gasline Terminal

Since natural gas was discovered on the North Slope, there's been talk of building a pipeline to get it to market. But where should that pipeline end? Exxon, BP, ConocoPhillips, and TransCanada announced on Monday that Nikiski is their top choice for a stopping point. Download Audio

Great Bear says Alaska’s Shale has Great Potential

The CEO of Great Bear Petroleum says their new 3-D seismic data confirms a promising new oil resource in the shale rocks just south of Prudhoe Bay. Ed Duncan said they received the data late last month and are still examining it, but “every source rock that we predicted to be present, is present." Download Audio