
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

300 Villages: Nanwalek

This week we're headed to Nanwalek, a small Russian orthodox community across Kachemak Bay from Homer. On maps, it's often called English Bay. Nancy Yeaton works for the Nanwalek IRA Council. Download Audio

Violence Against Women

The numbers of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking in Alaska continue to be some of the highest in the nation. Family violence impacts the emotional growth of children and affects entire communities. What can be done to reduce the harm? APRN: Tuesday, 10/22 at 10:00am Download Audio

AK: Spear Fishing

For one month each fall, Interior residents wade into the crystal clear waters of the Chatanika River to catch whitefish. They spawn in the fall, unlike other fish in Alaska. The state limits both the number of permits and the harvest. This isn’t your typical fishery. Instead of rods and reels, or nets, fishermen use spears. Download Audio

Magone-Resolve Tows F/V Lone Star to Unalaska

Almost four months after it sank near Dillingham, the fishing tender Lone Star has been lifted off the bottom and is on its way to Unalaska.

Veniaminof Volcano Is Downgraded

The seismic activity at the Veniaminof Volcano on the Alaska Peninsula has decreased over the past week resulting in lowering the volcano alert level. The Alaska Volcano Observatory confirms that satellite observations show no evidence of eruptive activity.

Begich Takes In About $810K During 3Q

U.S. Sen. Mark Begich took in more than $810,000 during the last quarter for his re-election bid. The Alaska Democrat reported ending the quarter, Sept. 30, with $2.4 million on hand.

1 Dead, 2 Injured In Fairbanks Small Plane Crash

A Fairbanks International Airport official says a small plane with three people aboard has crashed off the south end of the airport. Airport division operations manager Angie Spear says one person has died and the other two are injured.

NPR-A Lease Sale Moves Forward

A leas seal for the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska will go forward, now that the federal government is back in business. The sale is scheduled for Nov. 6, and it will include 408 tracts and cover about 4.5 million acres.

Judge Rules Against State For Failure To Process Water Rights Application

Earlier this week, a state Superior Court judge ruled that the state was in error when it failed to process the Chuitna Citizens Coalition application for water rights to a tributary of the Chuitna River.

Democrats Get Early Start On Run For US House Race

With the control of Congress in balance, the Alaska Senate race is expected to be one of the more high profile races in the country.The Republican National Committee has gotten involved, and veterans of the Romney and McCain presidential campaigns are already working to unseat Democrat Mark Begich, but what about the House race? The odds may be long, but two Democrats are already competing for the chance to take on Don Young. Download Audio

Housing Research Center Project to Test System That Heats Without Fossil Fuels

The Cold Climate Housing Research Center in Fairbanks moved ahead Wednesday on a project that will demonstrate how solar energy can be collected year-round and used to heat a commercial building without fossil fuels, like heating oil. The project is being funded by one of the world’s biggest fossil-fuel companies. Download Audio

Great Alaska ShakeOut Promotes Earthquake Preparedness

Nearly 50,000 Alaskans registered for an earthquake preparedness event today called the Great Alaskan ShakeOut. Download Audio

Proposed Air Regulations Draw Crowd

There was a big turnout in North Pole on Wednesday night for a Department of Environmental Conservation open house on proposed fine particulate pollution regulations. Opinions are mixed on whether they do too much, or not enough. Download Audio

Half Of Ketchikan Women Experience Violence

Out of every 100 adult women you see walking around in Ketchikan, 33 have been raped, and 43 have been slapped, hit or worse by an intimate partner. When you combine those numbers, that means 50 of those 100 people we see every day has experienced one or both of those types of violence. Download Audio

APU Hosts Alaska’s First Women’s Summit

The state's first Women's Summit started in Anchorage on Thursday at Alaska Pacific University. The two-day event is directed at examining strategies to improve the lives of Alaska's women. Download Audio

Ketchikan Breaks 2008 Cruise Passenger Record

According to the City of Ketchikan, preliminary counts show 960,262 passengers visited the community via cruise ship in 2013. That’s an increase of 8.4 percent over last year, and handily beat the 2008 record.

Juneau School Board Allowing Review Of Middle School Sports Travel Ban

The Juneau School Board says a community committee can review its ban on middle school travel for athletes, but it’s not likely anyone from the board will participate.

Two Sitka Dogs Die From Mystery Poison

A Sitka veterinarian is warning pet-owners away from a part of town where two dogs were poisoned this week.

Mt. Village Man Arrested For Stabbing

A man in Mountain Village has been arrested for allegedly stabbing his brother. On Wednesday evening, Alaska State Troopers arrested 37-year-old Luther Aguchak who they say stabbed his 38-year-old brother with a knife.

Sitka Tribe Of Alaska’s Top Manager Resigns

The Sitka Tribe of Alaska’s general manager is leaving for a similar job in Washington state. Ted Wright announced his resignation in a press release. Wright has been general manager of Sitka’s tribal government for about two years. He held the same position from 1992 to 1995