
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Protesters Show Support For Hammond, Fischer in Pebble Mine Case

Protesters gathered in Anchorage on Wednesday in support of Vic Fischer and Bella Hammond. The crowd was demanding the state call off its efforts to recover $1 million in legal fees from Fischer, Hammond, and their co-plaintiffs in case over the Pebble Mine. Download Audio

Anti-Pebble Groups Combine To Form ‘Bristol Bay United’

Three organizations that have come out in opposition to the proposed Pebble Mine – have formed a new group to lobby for permanent protections for the natural resources of the Bristol Bay region. Download Audio

Tanana Kids Take On Tough Issues

The Elders and Youth Conference, a precursor to the Alaska Federation of Natives convention wrapped up Wednesday at the Carlson Center in Fairbanks. Download Audio

‘Hunt, Fish, Share, Rock the Native Vote’ Concert Unites AFN Attendees

On the eve of the Alaska Federation of Natives Convention, a free concert to promote native subsistence rights is happening in Fairbanks tonight. Download Audio

Former ‘Rat Island’ Has Whole New Look

Five years after undertaking an effort to eradicate rats from a remote Alaska island, conservationists and federal wildlife officials are reporting success.

Sitka Prepares To Replace ANB Harbor

ANB harbor is usually packed with commercial fishing vessels, but this week, it’s empty. Its regular occupants have moved to other harbors around Sitka, as the city prepares to demolish all of the existing structures and replace the harbor entirely. Construction is scheduled to start in early November. Download Audio

State Expanding Advertising Efforts After 2012 Tourism Bump

Tourism numbers are in for the 2012 summer season, and tourism experts say that the results are encouraging. Now, the state and tourism groups are looking at expanding their strategies to bring even more people to Alaska. Download Audio

UAS and Yukon College Partnership Advances Native Language Efforts

University of Alaska Southeast and Yukon College signed an agreement this weekend that renews a more than 25-year relationship. The two institutions will continue to work together in various academic fields, including resource development and Native languages.

Northrim Buys Alaska Pacific Bank

Northrim BanCorp is purchasing Alaska Pacific Bank, with the Juneau-based bank becoming a Northrim subsidiary. The two have signed an agreement for Northrim to acquire Alaska Pacific in a stock and cash transaction valued at about $14.31 million, or approximately $17.28 per share of Alaska Pacific common stock.

New Library Space for the Very Young

Preparations have begun for the new Early Literacy center. The idea of libraries serving youth is a relatively recent concept, especially given that the libraries have been around for nearly 4,000 years ago. Although some public libraries had children’s books in their collections in the 1800s, most of them didn’t allow youth in the reading rooms. Read more.

Assembly Repeals Labor Law, Mayor Uses Veto

The Anchorage Assembly voted to repeal a controversial labor law at their regular meeting Tuesday night, but Mayor Dan Sullivan used his veto power to over ride their decision.

Elders and Youth Conference Kicks Off In Fairbanks

The First Alaskans Institute Elders and Youth Conference got underway Monday in Fairbanks. The annual precursor to the Alaska Federation of Natives Convention is in its 30th year, bringing together Alaska Natives from across the state of all ages to hear speakers and participate in issue and culture focused workshops. Download Audio

Southeast’s Top Choir, Band Students Converge On Petersburg

More than 120 of the top choir and band students from high schools around the Alaska panhandle convened on Petersburg this week. The community is hosting the Southeast Honors Music Festival. After more than two days and evenings of intense practice as a group, the event culminates with a public concert tonight. Download Audio

Soon, You’ll Be Able To Hitch Your Bike To A Rain Boot

Juneau is buying bike racks that double as public art with locally inspired motifs. The city is paying Minneapolis-based Dero Bike Rack Co. $20,883 for the custom order.

Phase One Of Capitol Renovations Nears Completion

State legislators, staffers and others doing business at the State Capitol building will soon be able to walk through the main entrance again. Juneau-based Alaska Commercial Contractors are wrapping up the first phase of renovations, which started at the end of April.

Bills don’t move, but Alaskans in Congress file away

With the bitter Congressional standoff over for now, lawmakers could turn to a practice rarely seen in Washington these days. They might pass a few bills. Each member of Alaska’s congressional delegation has sponsored dozens of bills this year. But, other than the budget, don’t bet on anything controversial becoming law.

Definition of ‘Alaska Native’ Needs Fixing In Health Care Law

Thousands of Alaska Natives will miss out on benefits they qualify for under the Affordable Care Act if the definition of Alaska Native under the law isn't changed. American Indians and Alaska Natives are exempt from the law's individual mandate to buy health insurance or face a tax penalty.

Special Shelter for Mentally Ill in the Works

Homeless advocates are working toward opening a special shelter for some of the city's most vulnerable homeless people. They're hoping to open the city's first overnight shelter for the mentally ill. Download Audio

Western Venture Likely Sunk After Blaze

The U.S. Coast Guard says a 59-foot longliner that burned Sunday in the Bering Sea has sunk.

Bethel Will Remain A Subsistence Use Area

The Joint Board of Fisheries and Board of Game opposed establishing a non-subsistence use area for Bethel in a meeting in Anchorage last week. The proposal was submitted by Fairbanks trapper Allen Barrette which stated that Bethel would appear to qualify as a non-subsistence area.