
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Groundskeeper Charged With Attempting To Poison Brown Bears

Wildlife troopers say they’ve charged the Sea Mountain Golf Course groundskeeper for attempting to poison brown bears. The poison could be what killed two dogs that died after visiting the area.

Affordable Care Act Marketplace

Nearly one month after the federal government launched its new online health insurance marketplace, few Alaskans have been able to sign up. We'll discuss the frustrations and the successes with the marketplace and look ahead at how the Affordable Care Act will roll out in 2014. APRN: Tuesday, 10/29 at 10:00am Download Audio

Massive Landslide Covers Stretch Of Denali Park Road

A massive landslide has blocked the Denali Park Road near mile 37. Crews are already working to clear the road, but they aren't likely to finish the job until next spring.

Julie Kitka On Tribal-Federal Relations

The Alaska Federation of Natives Convention got underway this morning in Fairbanks. The keynote speaker today was Nelson Angapak, retired as Senior Vice President of AFN. He urged young people to work hard to achieve success, to listen to their elders and for Native people to come together to confront big challenges like threats to subsistence and federal cuts to programs. Download Audio

Tribal Courts May Get More Power In Alcohol, Domestic Violence Cases

Governor Sean Parnell announced at AFN today that he's preparing to launch demonstration projects to allow tribal courts to process more alcohol and domestic violence cases. He said tribes "can often provide local, culturally relevant justice services." Jerry Isaac is President of the Tanana Chiefs Conference, which has one of the most active tribal court systems in the state. APRN's Lori Townsend asked for his reaction to Governor Parnell's announcement: Download Audio

Subsistence Tops AFN Attendees’ Priorities

The theme at AFN this year is Traditional Native Family Values. KUAC’s Emily Schwing was at the convention this Thursday morning and found out the Native value of subsistence is very much on attendees minds. Download Audio

United Fishermen Take On Legislation, Appointments

The United Fishermen of Alaska’s Board of Directors is meeting in Sitka this week. President Jerry McCune says the board will work on priorities for legislative and government-agency action.

Petersburg Named Best Yachting Town

A national magazine has named the Southeast Alaska fishing community ofPetersburg as its best yachting town for 2013. Yachting Magazine’s readers originally nominated Alaska’s Little Norway for the title during the publication’s 3rd annual “50 best towns” competition. Editors narrowed the nominees down to a list of ten this summer and readers then voted for their favorite in an online poll.

Haines Hunting Guide Sentenced After International Investigation

A multi-year, international investigation into illegal bear and goat hunts has resulted in the sentencing of a longtime big game guide from Haines.
(Photo by Lisa Phu, KTOO - Juneau)

Interest In Health Care Enrollment Expected To Pick Up In Juneau

Enrolling in the new federal marketplace is off to slow start in the capital city. Ongoing technical issues with the insurance website have made it difficult, but those charged with helping Juneau residents enroll expect interest will pick up.

Anchorage Prioritizes Federal Grants for Affordable Housing

It costs more than $1,000 per month to rent a one bedroom apartment in Anchorage according to the most recent rental survey by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation. That number has convinced the city to make affordable housing the main priority in its 2014 Housing and Development Plan. That means money that used to go to social services agencies that serve the poor and homeless will be redirected to projects to help lower rental prices in the city. Download Audio

DNR’s Forestry Arranging Land for Wood Cutting

In June, the Choggiung Limited board of directors voted to restrict wood cutting on the corporation's lands to shareholders only. The board further decided that harvest would be for personal use only, denying others the chance to buy cut wood from a Choggiung shareholder.

Unalaska Drug Investigation Nets Nine More Arrests

Nine people were arrested in Unalaska Wednesday during a day-long drug bust. Deputy Police Chief Michael Holman says the operation started around 12:45 p.m. and concluded around midnight. Officers executed ten search warrants, following up on new leads from an undercover investigation into drug sales over the last few months.
Pacific Cod.

Board of Fish Approves New Bering Sea Fisheries

The Alaska Board of Fish voted to set up two new state-managed fisheries in the Aleutians at their meeting in Anchorage this week. A Pacific cod fishery will open up in the Bering Sea north of Cape Sarichef each year starting a week after the federally managed parallel fishery, and stay open until the harvest is taken or August 28.

Troopers Seek Help In Musk Ox Investigation

Alaska State Troopers seek the public’s help in getting information about the musk ox found shot dead Oct. 20 across the river near Bethel. The poaching has also been on the mind of Bethel city council member Mark Springer.

State Seeks to Build Decentralized Water and Sewer

Six-thousand homes in Alaska are not connected to a central water and sewer system - and the state may want to keep it that way. The Department of Environmental Conservation has spent decades working with communities to build water and sewer system.

Alaska – The Nutrient Cycle: A Visual Story

Once they enter fresh water chum salmon stop feeding and morph into an aggressive creature intent only on mating. After spawning, they die and their bodies become a source of nutrients for everything in the forest and sea. More.

Era Flight’s Landing Gear Collapses After Landing At Homer Airport

Passengers aboard an Era Alaska flight got quite a scare Wednesday when their aircraft’s landing gear collapsed shortly after landing at the Homer Airport.

Shishmaref Retains Alcohol Ban

Shishmaref's alcohol ban stands. Voters on Tuesday defeated a move to end the community's three decade alcohol ban.

Eastern Steller Sea Lions Taken Off Threatened Species List

A federal agency is taking the eastern population of Steller sea lion off the threatened species list under the Endangered Species Act.