
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson touts his record and experienced team in reelection bid

Incumbent Dave Bronson was elected Anchorage mayor in 2021, and says his experience and his executive team make him deserving of reelection.

Beak deformities affecting Alaskan birds, puzzling scientists

A syndrome affecting Alaskan birds is being seen with more frequency in the northwestern U.S. Birds with "long-billed syndrome" have misshapen and overgrown beaks....

Search for missing Wasilla skier stalled

Missing skier Liam Walsh is thought to be lost in avalanche-prone Hatcher Pass.

Trump administration sued over Pacific walrus

The Center for Biological Diversity filed the lawsuit because the Pacific walrus wasn't granted an Endangered Species Act listing. Listen now
Two caribou in redish tundra and a few scattered sprice trees in the background

No one is sure why the Mulchatna caribou are disappearing in Southwest Alaska

Perhaps the animals trampled their food, but the herd was not at the peak numbers it once had decades ago. Perhaps there was heavy predation, like from wolves, but predators don’t usually cause a population to drop by half. Then there’s a theory of over-hunting, which could be a contributing factor.

300 Villages: Kivalina

This week, we’re heading to Kivalina on the Chukchi Sea. Stanley Hawley is the Tribal Administrator for the City of Kivalina. Download Audio

Fairbanks Housing Program For Chronic Inebriates Moving Forward

A new housing program for chronic inebriates in Fairbanks is slowly getting up to speed. The Tanana Chiefs Conference runs the 47 room facility out of a renovated hotel on South Cushman Street. T.C.C. has been working toward bringing in the first tenants since December.

Yukon Floodwaters Are Receeding Near Russian Mission but Still Pose Threat

Photo by Gabriel Duny Yukon River floodwaters are beginning to receed in Russian Mission, although the National Weather Service has issued flood warnings in...

Murkowski Asks to Intervene in Miller Suit

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage The venue change of candidate Joe Miller’s lawsuit against the state of Alaska has put a new wrinkle in...

Governor orders reorganization of commercial fisheries commission

Gov. Bill Walker issued an administrative order Tuesday that transfers many functions of the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission (CFEC) into the Department of Fish and Game. The reorganization will save the state more than $1.3 million a year, according to the governor’s office.

As REAL ID deadline looms, concerns from rural Alaska grow louder

As the REAL ID deadline looms, lawmakers and state officials haven’t yet figured out how to help rural Alaskans get their IDs. Many, if not most, rural residents will need access to flights for medical appointments or emergencies at some point.

Illness Hits Two Alaska Cruise Ships

Two cruise ships sailing Alaska waters have had recent outbreaks of norovirus or another gastrointestinal illness. Norovirus is a highly contagious illness causing vomiting and diarrhea.

3 Togiak men die in boating accident after successful hunt

Families were gathered to mourn Sunday in Togiak after the bodies of three men lost in a boating accident had been recovered from beaches near the village. Download Audio

Child care advocates have started pushing for more funding and reforms

Advocates hope that with additional funding will stabilize providers but reform is necessary to be sustainable.

Iditarod Leaders Leave White Mountain, Head For Nome

The top teams have left White Mountain and they are on their way to the Iditarod finish line in Nome. Spectators are unlikely to see a major shakeup in the front end of the field, but this year’s race is likely to end with career bests for many of the teams up front. Download Audio

Metlakatla Man Receives 60 Years To Serve For Murder

On Thursday, a Ketchikan judge sentenced 30-year-old William Buxton to serve 60 years in jail for the murder of his aunt, Leona Meely, during an argument a little more than a year ago at the family’s home in Metlakatla.

Mat-Su Salmon Symposium brings salmon advocates together

Matanuska Susitna Borough's annual Salmon Symposium brings together researchers and conservationists for updates on how to better manage and protect salmon habitat. Listen Now

Alaska News Nightly: December 24, 2012

Alaskan Airlines Plane Diverts to Juneau; Congress May Let Some Laws Lapse; Congress Passes Major Defense Bill; Powerline at Turnagain Pass Being Replaces; Samuelsen Named Person of the Year; A Rural Christmas; FDA Approves Genetically Modified Salmon; Don Promoted in Army National Guard; Star the Reindeer Indeed the Star of Anchorage Christmas; Hopes and Dreams of Young Alaskans

AK: Hockey Homecoming

Anchorage has a close knit hockey community, but if players want to continue on to college hockey or eventually play professionally, they have to move away from Alaska at a fairly young age - leaving friendships behind. They use their short breaks back home to re-live some of those childhood memories on the ice. And, the 5th Annual Christmas Classic gives them that opportunity. Download Audio
A white sign on a light wooden door says "University of Alaska Board of Regents/Executive Session in Progress/Please do not disturb"

Approved UA operating budget doesn’t include pay raises for non-union employees

A $917 million University of Alaska system operating budget for next year, approved by UA regents, does not include non-union employee pay raises.