
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Ketchikan Man Charged For Alleged Knife Assault

A 32-year-old Ketchikan man has been charged for allegedly stabbing another man during an argument Friday morning.

Begich Hosts Roundtable On Military Sexual Trauma Treatment

Senator Mark Begich addressed the issue of Military Sexual Trauma Treatment at a roundtable discussion at the YWCA in Anchorage last week.

AK: Live TV

Outside room 119 at Juneau-Douglas High School, a sheet of paper taped to the wall says, “FOG MACHINE IN USE.” It’s the Friday before Halloween, and the usually no-nonsense control room and JDTV News anchor desk is dressed with spider webs, skeletons, jack-o-lanterns, black lights, and strobes. Download Audio

300 Villages: Larsen Bay

This week, we're heading to Larsen Bay, a small community on Kodiak Island. Kara Darling works for the tribal office in Larsen Bay. Download Audio

Juneau Union Members Learn How To Talk About Right-To-Work

Nearly half of all states have right-to-work laws that prohibit contracts between employers and labor unions requiring workers to pay union dues. Alaska is not one of them. But with a Republican dominated legislature and executive branch, it is seen as a state where right-to-work legislation could pass. No bills have been introduced here since 2011, and the issue does not seem to be a priority for business or political groups. Download Audio

Court Says Former Distracted Driving Law Was Unclear

The Alaska Court of Appeals has found a former law was ambiguous with regard to whether it banned text messaging while driving. Download Audio

Warmer Temperatures Delay Bear Hibernation

Winter has been late in coming, this year. Temperatures are only now starting to get to levels near the seasonal norms. While that has meant extra time to split wood and change vehicle tires, it has also meant that bears have been active later in the year than usual. Download Audio

Public Housing Rent Reform Set for 2014

Alaska Housing Finance Corporation is overhauling the state's public housing system. Effective April 1st, any family with one able-bodied adult in the household will see yearly rent increases. And after five years, the assistance will end and they'll be responsible for paying their own rent. The changes will impact those renting public housing and those receiving voucher assistance to rent private units. Download Audio

Sea Lion Corporation Receives Final ANCSA Conveyences

The Bureau of Land Management has conveyed the final 4,516 acres to the Hooper Bay Sea Lion Native Corporation as required under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. The entitlement lands are located are north east of Hooper Bay near the Askinuk Mountains.

Marine And Coastal Monitoring

The herring never really recovered after the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Even 24 years later, there is an ongoing effort to monitor the waters of the spill area in the Gulf of Alaska. The spill prompted a wave of revealing scientific research that is cresting now with new technology, and a portal for public access in real time. APRN: Tuesday, 11/12 at 10:00am Download Audio

Pick.Click.Give. – How Alaskans Gave

pick-click-give-excerpt-photo There’s good news on the generosity front in Alaska. The PFD Charitable Contributions Program – Pick.Click.Give. – continues to grow in three core metrics: number of Alaskans contributing, total amount they are giving, and percentage of participants among those who file for their dividend online. Earlier this year, 26,093 Alaskans used Pick.Click.Give. to donate part or all of their $900 dividend to causes they support. Read more.

Senate Passes Anti-Discrimination Bill

Gay rights advocates are celebrating a win today in the nation’s capital. The U.S. Senate has passed a bill to ban workplace discrimination against gay and transgender people. Both Alaska senators voted for it. But, the bill is unlikely to become law. Download Audio

Shell Oil Works To Revive Arctic Drilling Program

Shell Oil is taking measures to revive its troubled Arctic drilling program. On Wednesday, the company filed an updated Arctic exploration plan with the Alaska office of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Download Audio

Groups Hail Court Ruling On Lease Sale Reviews

The Alaska Supreme Court is standing behind a decision it issued last spring, affirming that the state must consider cumulative impacts of exploration and development as it reviews oil and gas leases. Opposing sides in the case have differing views on the significance of the decision. Download Audio

Rodell Named Revenue Commissioner

After serving as acting revenue commissioner for the past three months, Angela Rodell now officially has the job. Download Audio

F/V Arctic Hunter Begins To Shed Debris

Rough weather is taking a toll on the grounded fishing vessel Arctic Hunter, which has been stuck on the rocks outside Unalaska since last Friday. The 93-foot crab boat has survived a series of storms this week without breaking apart. But salvagers haven’t been able to work on the vessel since last weekend. Download Audio

Fukushima Contamination Could Reach Alaska Waters Next Year

It’s been almost three years since a tsunami hit the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, releasing radiation into the ocean. Computer models indicate the contamination will reach Alaskan waters this year or next. But scientists haven’t been able to regularly sample Alaskan waters to check radiation levels. Download Audio

Top 10 Things Alaskans Want To Know About Healthcare

Juneau residents took their questions to healthcare experts Monday night and got them answered by Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium navigator Monique Martin, United Way navigator Crystal Bourland, chief operating officer for Enroll Alaska Tyann Boling, and chief administrative officer for Enroll Alaska Chanel Moesh. Download Audio

Officials Say Dirt, Birds Doubled ML&P Project Cost

The cost of prep work on a new power plant that Municipal Light and Power is building is now double what it was budgeted at.Anchorage Assembly grilled the power company's manager the about increased cost at Tuesday's meeting of the Anchorage Assembly. Download Audio

UAA Engagement Week Highlights Community

The University of Alaska Anchorage is hosting community engagement events this week. The focus is on being urban in Alaska. Bree Kessler is an assistant professor for Health Sciences at the center for community engagement and learning. She says on Saturday a pop up museum will appear for a few hours in a downtown neighborhood. Download Audio