
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Bad Weather Closes Fairbanks Schools

Schools were closed in Fairbanks for a second day on Thursday due to stormy weather. Driving conditions are slick, and more than 13,000 households were without power this morning. Golden Valley Electric Association had the number down to a few thousand by mid-day, but expected it will take until Friday morning to restore power to some remote neighborhoods. Download Audio

Large Projects Aim To Reduce Railbelt Energy Costs

The state is currently putting money toward five different large-scale projects aimed at reducing energy costs on the Railbelt. Some, like subsidizing Cook Inlet gas production, impact energy costs now and in the near term. Other projects, like the proposed LNG pipeline wouldn’t affect prices for at least a decade. The question is—should the state be supporting all of the projects? Download Audio

Livestock Owners Cope With Hay Shortage

State agriculture officials are advising Alaska livestock owners how to cope with the high cost of feeding their animals. Feed prices have risen sharply following last summer’s drought that hurt the interior hay and straw crop. Download Audio

New Report Investigates Alaska’s Suicide Rates

A new report on suicide in Alaska from the State Division of Public Health's epidemiology section, found rates are higher in more northern regions. Erik Woelber is a graduate student intern with the epidemiology section. Woelber says the study breaks communities into three categories by size and road access and looks at factors that may have contributed to the suicide rate. Woelber says the rates of suicide at higher latitudes merits more research. Download Audio

JBER Paratroopers Prep For Wide Variety Of Missions

Paratroopers of the 425 Brigade at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson have to be prepared to leave at a moment's notice to take on missions ranging from parachuting into a combat zone to providing humanitarian relief for natural disaster victims. On Tuesday, I had a chance to get a glimpse into the life of Alaska's Airborne soldiers. Download Audio

Soldiers To Begin UAV Training

Paratroopers from the same brigade – the 425th Brigade special Troops Battalion on JBER – will also be testing out some drones while they’re in Anchorage. Download Audio

Washington DC Gets Lesson In Tlingit Culture

It was Tlingit weekend at the National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. recently. Storytellers, artists and dancers from Alaska and Canada performed in the museum’s massive atrium. The museum, a stone’s throw from the U.S. Capitol, is a branch of the Smithsonian, but it’s unlike the others. Download Audio

Storm Closes Fairbanks Schools, Knocks Out Power

The Fairbanks area continues to experience strong winds Thursday morning with mixed precipitation. An early winter storm, with snow and freezing rain, has prompted Fairbanks schools to close for a second day. The University of Alaska Fairbanks is open Thursday, but there are widespread power outages.
The Alaska Railroad brings a load of tourists into Whittier in July 2008. (Creative Commons photo by Frank Kovalchek)

Alaska Railroad Adopts New Right of Way Use Policy

The Alaska Railroad Corporation has adopted a new policy regarding residential uses of Railroad rights of way. Over the last 30 years, some property owners adjacent to the rail line have created lawns, gardens, or structures that extend into the right of way near the tracks. Now, in order to begin or continue using the right of way, property owners will need a permit from the Railroad.

Homer City Charter Petition Effort Gathers Steam

Homer residents may have noticed a petition circulating around town recently, calling for the formation of a charter commission. If the petition effort is successful, that commission would then be tasked with writing a new city charter for Homer.

Cleaning up Town Square with Classical Music?

ATMI stories air on KNBA 90.3 FM Anchorage community members have been brainstorming ways to make Town Square a safer place. One proposed solution is to play classical music into Town Square to discourage illicit behavior and loitering. Alaska Teen Media Institute's Barae Hirsch interviewed teens and park goers about what they thought of this idea. Click for more.

Fairview Residents Work To Re-Image Neighborhood

When I accepted a job in Anchorage more than a dozen years ago, my new boss told me the neighborhood I'd be working in was sketchy. She said signs of illicit sex and drug use, along with alcohol debris would be common in the parking lot. And that homeless people would sleep on the porch. It was all true. That was my introduction to Fairview. But last Saturday I glimpsed a very different version of the neighborhood through the stories of smiling residents who love Fairview, faults and all. Download Audio

Alaska Has Few Enrollees

Enroll Alaska is back in business. The company suspended enrollments on last month, after discovering the subsidy calculations weren't working properly for Alaskans. Download Audio

Murkowski Says Sequestration Jeopardizing National Defense

The country could face a second round of automatic budget cuts if Congress can’t agree on a spending plan by year’s end. Download Audio

Bethel Filipinos Reach Their Families After Storm

It’s unclear how many thousands of people lost their lives in the typhoon that hit the Philippines. But Bethel’s small Filipino population has been desperately trying to reach family back home to make sure they’re okay. Download Audio

Fire Damages Classroom At Bethel School

Fire crews responded to a fire today at the Bethel ME school, which houses pre-school through second grade. Download Audio

Balash Appointed Natural Resources Commissioner

Gov. Sean Parnell has named Joe Balash as his Natural Resources commissioner. Balash has served as acting commissioner since September, and he was previously a deputy in the department. He was one of the governor's point people on the recent overhaul of the state's oil tax system. Download Audio

Estimated 6,000 Gallons Of Diesel Spilled From Arctic Hunter

Two weeks after the Arctic Hunter ran aground outside Unalaska, state officials are estimating that the boat has released up to 6,000 gallons of diesel fuel into the water. Download Audio

Sitka Urges Governor To Accept Obama’s Medicaid Plan

Several organizations around the state have recently asked Governor Parnell to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, including the Anchorage NAACP, the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce and the Alaska Chamber. Download Audio

Tribal Entities Ask Feds For Overdue Contract Payments

Some 60 tribal entities from across the country, including more than a dozen from Alaska, have written to ask President Obama to pay them long overdue contract shortfalls. Download Audio