
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

DNR Calls Off Public Meetings For Permitting Bill

Since the Legislature gaveled out this spring, state officials have been trying to build support for a controversial land management bill that couldn't get enough votes in the final days of session. Public meetings were supposed to be part of their outreach effort. But now the Department of Natural Resources has called those meetings off. Download Audio

Parnell Says Medicaid Won’t Expand In Alaska

Friday, Governor Parnell announced he won't expand Medicaid in Alaska. Medicaid expansion is a key provision of President Obama's Affordable Care Act. It would offer health coverage to an estimated 40,000 low income Alaskans. Parnell says he doesn't want to attach Alaskans health care or finances to a "failing Obamacare system." Download Audio

Storms Appear To Subside In Western Alaska

The worst appears to be over for coastal villages in Western Alaska. State Emergency incident Commander Mark Roberts says a return to a more normal weather pattern with clear, cold conditions is forecast. Download Audio

Thousands Of Interior Residents Still Without Power

Thousands of residents from Fairbanks to Fox and Nenana remain without electricity Friday following damage wrought by a mix freezing rain, snow and high winds. Download Audio

Alaska Legislators Ask Constituents To Support Storm Relief Efforts

Massive weather events have shaken up coastal communities in Alaska and Philippines this month. Now, two state legislators are asking their constituents to support to relief efforts on both fronts. Download Audio

Alaska Leaders Attend White House Tribal Nations Conference

Tribal leaders from Alaska and the rest of the country had a chance this week talk with the highest powers in the federal government. Nearly all of President Obama’s cabinet secretaries participated in the annual White House Tribal Nations Conference, as did Obama himself. Download Audio

AK: Tlingit Ventriloquism

Like many other indigenous languages, Tlingit is in survival mode. Revitalizing the language was the focus of this year’s Tlingit Tribes and Clans Conference held in Juneau last week. A Juneau resident has one solution for how to keep the language alive. During a conference session, realtor and assemblyman Carlton Smith gave participants a lesson in how to teach Tlingit to children with puppets. And he does it with the help of a special guest. Download Audio

300 Villages: Kiana

This week we head to Kiana, a village of about 350 people on the Kobuk River about 30 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Bertha Barr works for the village’s food distribution program. Download Audio

Public Use Cabins

On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’re talking about public use cabins. Why now? Well, they’re open in the winter, and perfect for a ski or snowshoeing weekend. Perhaps more importantly, the season for reserving cabins for summer will soon be upon us. Believe it or not, it’s time to start planning your cabin trips for 2014. We learn about remote cabins you can rent, how to do it, and personal favorites across the region.

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KSKA: Thursday 11/21 at 2:00 and 9:00 pm

Sullivan: More Patrols Downtown to Curb Crime

More police officers will be patrolling downtown Anchorage late at night when the bars let out, starting this weekend. Officers will patrol in cars and on foot downtown overnight on the weekends.

Tribal Law and Order in Alaska

Would tribal law enforcement jurisdiction help address the social and cultural problems in rural Alaska? It has been debated for decades, and now a congressionally-mandated panel says it’s the only way to go. But, a Supreme Court ruling says there is no Indian country in most of the state. APRN: Tuesday, 11/19 at 10:00am Download Audio

Fairbanks Assembly Approves Land Sale to Chena Hot Springs Resort

The Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly voted during their regular meeting Thursday to approve a land exchange sale between the Borough and Chena Hot Springs Resort. It's a deal that’s been in the works for more than a decade. It stalled earlier this year after a disagreement over the appraised value of the property.

Stimson Back In Service After Maintenance In Unalaska

The Alaska State Troopers’ largest patrol vessel is back in service after an engine upgrade in its home port of Dutch Harbor. The patrol vessel Stimson was out of commission for 10 days earlier this month during the overhaul.

2nd Grader Started Fire In Bethel School Bathroom

Lower Kuskokwim school officials say it was a 2nd grade student with a lighter that caused the fire in a detached building’s bathroom. The school will be disciplining the 2nd grade student according to the district’s policies.

Alaska’s Congressional Delegation Pushes For Fishery Disaster Funds

Alaska’s congressional delegation is pushing for disaster funds related to 2012’s low Chinook runs on the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers. Twenty-two new lawmakers are now included on a letter of support for $150 million in relief to be spread across other national fishery disasters.

Bethel Residents Make Case For Keeping Rural Status

Bethel’s rural status is not immediately at risk. But once the population hits 7,000, it will be presumed to be non-rural unless it proves to have rural characteristics. The federal subsistence board is in a multi-year process of reviewing how it decides which communities have the critical rural priority for accessing resources on federal lands as described under ANILCA.

Harbeson Homestead Joins the Great Land Trust Effort

Page 3 O'Brien Creek Conservation Easement Photo by Carl Johnson Earlier this year we enjoyed an intimate celebration with the Harbeson, Chapman, Barlow family complete with carrot cake, sparkling cider, hugs, and a few proud tears. In the conference room at Mat-Su Title, with a lovely view of Wasilla lake, we finalized the conservation easement on their historic thirty acre homestead including O’Brien Creek Estuary, overlooking Knik Arm. Read more.

Obama’s ACA ‘Fix’ Will Be Tricky To Implement In Alaska

President Obama said today insurers can continue offering the plans they intended to cancel as part of the Affordable Care Act. The announcement is a response to outcry over the President's "if you like your plan you can keep it" promise, which turned out to be untrue for millions of Americans. Now, state insurance regulators and insurance companies have to figure out if they can make Obama's new plan work. Download Audio

Storms Continue Dealing Damage In Western Alaska

Western Alaska has been wracked by storms the last few days. The first round occurred Saturday night and into Sunday morning. Before clean-up efforts were even finished in some of the worst-hit communities, strong winds and coastal flooding did more damage last night. Download Audio

Bad Weather Closes Fairbanks Schools

Schools were closed in Fairbanks for a second day on Thursday due to stormy weather. Driving conditions are slick, and more than 13,000 households were without power this morning. Golden Valley Electric Association had the number down to a few thousand by mid-day, but expected it will take until Friday morning to restore power to some remote neighborhoods. Download Audio