
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Revisions Required For Shell’s 2014 Chukchi Exploration Plan

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is seeking more information from Shell about their 2014 Chukchi Exploration Plan. Until Shell provides the agency with the answers for dozens of requested revisions, BOEM will not consider their application complete. Download Audio

Bethel Homeless Shelter To Open By Christmas

As temperatures drop in Bethel, a grassroots organization is opening a shelter to provide a safe and warm place to the city’s homeless. The Bethel Winter House will be open every night from December 24th through the three coldest months of the year. Download Audio

Eaglecrest In Finals Of Ski Town Throwdown

Eaglecrest Ski Area in Juneau is in the finals of a Powder Magazine poll of favorite North American ski areas. Called the Ski Town Throwdown, Powder Magazine runs the contest and people from all over Canada and the U.S. have been casting votes. The contest ends Friday at 4 p.m. Download Audio

US Women’s Nordic Team Entering Third World Cup Week

The U.S. Women’s cross country ski team will take part in their third weekend of World Cup racing Saturday. Download Audio

Parnell Proposes ‘Belt-tightening’ State Budget

With oil revenues expected to decline, Gov. Sean Parnell wants to cut the state's budget by $1 billion next year and draw on savings to balance the rest.

Tumultuous Times in the Coop

Chicken Blog Tumult 1 In the past couple of weeks, my chicken house looks like several chickens have spontaneously combusted… it’s a cloud of feathers. But every chicken is, luckily, accounted for. It’s just my Easter-egger going through a late-season molt. Read more.

Big Outside Money Expected For US Senate Race

Outside money is expected to pour into the race for the U.S. Senate seat held by Mark Begich, and the first of it is making a splash across Alaska’s TV sets. Download Audio

Study Investigates Two Decades Of APD Officer-Involved Shootings

A study released today of Anchorage police shootings over the past 20 years has produced conflicting data. Although minority citizens are disproportionately involved in police shootings, the majority shot by officers were white. The study attempts to show the recipe for officer-involved shootings and says vehicles are used as weapons in many cases. Download Audio

Department of Administration Gets New Acting Commissioner

The Department of Administration has a new acting commissioner. Curtis Thayer has been promoted from his deputy position, and he will be taking over for Becky Hultberg, who left the position for a job with the state hospital association. Download Audio

Report: 398 Alaskans Pick Marketplace Plans

Government figures show 398 Alaskans signed up for private health insurance during the first two months of the online marketplace. Download Audio

Public Tells Commissioners HB77 Concerns

A coalition of fisheries related business is holding a public forum in Anchorage tonight on House Bill 77. The controversial legislation would streamline permitting for the Department of Natural Resources. Earlier this week, people packed into the borough assembly chambers in Soldotna for a meeting on the issue. Not one member of the public testified in favor of the bill. Download Audio

Recent Warm Up Affects Subsistence Gathering

Normally in December, the Bethel area is covered in snow and ice but it’s been unseasonable warm so far. In fact, Bethel broke a record Dec. 6 reaching 48 degrees. The Y-K Delta is known for winter warm ups but the amount of them lately has some folks scratching their heads. Download Audio

Maritime Refuge Eyeing Invasive Cattle On Two Islands

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is looking for input from the public on how best to deal with about 1,000 head of cattle on two islands in the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. Download Audio

Governor Continues 100-Year-Old Holiday Tradition

Russian tea cookies, white chocolate coconut clusters, and star-shaped butter cookies are just a small sampling of what was available Tuesday afternoon at the Governor’s Annual Christmas and Holiday Open House. Download Audio

XtraTuf Says Its Boots Are Better

Popular footwear brand XtraTuf is on a mission to prove to their disappointed loyal customers that the iconic boots are not just “Sort-of-Tough.” Two years ago, parent-company Honeywell transferred production of XtraTuf from Illinois, to a factory in China, and the product that rolled off the line was nowhere near what Alaskans had come to expect. XtraTuf says the quality is back and they want to replace any pairs purchased that didn’t hold up, no questions asked. Download Audio

Crews Testing New Road Ice Breaker

The Alaska Department of Transportation has a new tool in the war on icy roads. Download Audio

Fairbanks Green Energy Advocate Pushes For Alternative Funding Model

A Fairbanks green technology advocate is trying to muster interest in an alternative model for financing energy and other projects. Fairbanks resident Robert Shields runs the local non-profit Alliance for Reason and Knowledge. Download Audio

Putting The ‘State’ In Alaska State Museum

The Alaska State Museum in Juneau is getting a lot of help from other Alaska museums ahead of its move to a new facility in 2016. As the staff works to pack up the more than 32,000 artifacts in its collection, museum professionals from around the state are lending a hand, and learning what it takes to safely store and transport priceless historical objects. Download Audio

Hovercraft To Be Replaced With Helicopter At Akutan Airport

For more than a year, getting in and out of Akutan has meant taking a hovercraft. The vessel ferries passengers to and from the island’s airport. But high costs and inconsistent service have sent the Aleutians East Borough looking for a better solution. Now, they think they’ve found one. Download Audio

State Weighs Options For Highway To Bypass Wasilla

The state Department of Transportation is considering a highway project that would route the Parks Highway around Wasilla, instead of through it. The small Matanuska – Susitna Borough community has long been at the center of Parks Highway congestion, since vehicles have to pass through traffic signals at local intersections while traveling through the city. Download Audio