
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Bethel Artists To Learn About Fish Skins

There aren’t a lot of luxury items that come out of southwest Alaska. But there is group of artists working with a product that Alaskans know quite well, if they’ve ever put away fish. Local artists have a chance to learn to work with fish skin and bring it to new audiences and customers. Download Audio

Holly Brooks Hopes To Ski Past Her (Younger) Competitors

Anchorage resident and U.S. Ski Team Member Holly Brooks is in the middle of her World Cup Season. And she just made her second Olympic team.  Four years ago, Brooks had just started pursuing her long-shot Olympic dream. Now as she prepares for Sochi, she's in a very different position, with several years of international experience behind her. Download Audio

Pacific High: A (New) Century Of Education In Downtown Sitka

Sitka’s Pacific High School students returned from winter break yesterday, to find one last holiday gift: a new school. For the past two years, Pacific High has been housed in the Southeast Alaska Career Center, while the Lincoln Street building was remodeled from the ground up. KCAW’s Emily Forman visited the all-new Pacific High the day before students arrived and learned how this state-of-the-art facility has been over a century in the making. Download Audio

Bernice Joseph Dies At Age 49

Alaska Native leader Bernice Joseph of Fairbanks died of cancer yesterday at age 49. Joseph was a professor and administrator at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, but she maintained strong ties with rural Alaska. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: January 8, 2014

Army Cuts Will Be Small For Alaska Military; Marijuana Initiative Sponsors Submit Petition To Division Of Elections; Researchers Say Ocean Acidification Could Make Fish Anxious, Impact Fisheries; Mat-Su Mayor, Fish & Wildlife Commission Divided Over Legislation; Bethel Artists To Learn About Fish Skins; Holly Brooks Hopes To Ski Past Her (Younger) Competitors; Pacific High: A (New) Century Of Education In Downtown Sitka; Bernice Joseph Dies At Age 49 Download Audio

BLOG: Canada, Russia And The North Pole

“We do not give up the North Pole. Canada’s claims to the North Pole are no more than ambition,” declared Russian polar explorer and scientist Artur Chilingarov on December 11, whom President Vladimir Putin named a “Hero of Russia” after he famously planted his country’s flag on the seabed underneath the North Pole in 2007.

Danish Shipper Plans More Arctic Trips

The company that made the first commercial transit of the Northwest Passage plans to increase its shipments through the legendary waterway next year, suggesting such traffic is coming sooner than anyone anticipated.

Healthy New Year’s Pumpkin Spice Muffins

heidi drygas muffins 1 For Christmas this year, my adorable nieces in Fairbanks gave me the holiday death plague. Complete with hacking cough, sore throat, get the idea. I feel like death warmed over. In my delirious, sick-y state I decided I needed to bake something. I know, I know. I'm a terrible baker. See the recipe.

Judge Sen Tan To Retire

In a brief letter sent yesterday, the Anchorage Superior Court judge informed Gov. Sean Parnell that his retirement would be effective on July 1. Tan did not give a specific reason for leaving his post or supply information on his future plans.

Polar Star Called Off After Ice-Bound Ships Get Free

The Coast Guard icebreaker Polar Star is standing down from a rescue mission in Antarctica on Tuesday after the vessels it was going to assist broke free on their own. Download Audio

Small Plane Makes Emergency Landing On Anchorage Road

A small plane had to make an emergency landing on Tuesday afternoon on a street in East Anchorage after experiencing engine trouble shortly after takeoff. Download Audio

Murkowski Calls For End To Crude Export Ban

Sen. Lisa Murkowski today called for lifting the decades-old ban on crude exports. In a speech to the Brookings Institution, she said the oil boom in North Dakota and elsewhere in the Lower 48 calls for a wholesale review of the energy export rules. Download Audio

New Rules Adopted For Abortion Payment Conditions

State regulations take effect next month that further define what constitutes a “medically necessary” abortion for purposes of receiving Medicaid funding. Download Audio

Susitna-Watana Dam Timeline Pushed Back

Due to hefty cuts in Governor Parnell’s proposed capital budget, the Susitna-Watana Hydroelectric Project is having its timeline pushed back by four months. Download Audio

Buccaneer Seeks New Revenues In New Year

Just weeks after top executives for Buccaneer Alaska were fired, the company is making moves to shore up its financial situation. Download Audio

Technology Gives Exhibit Statewide Presence

This week, you can travel to the Anchorage museum without going further than the local public library. Download Audio

Era Alaska Changes Name To Ravn Alaska

The umbrella brand Era Alaska brought together Hageland Aviation, Era Aviation, and Frontier Flying Service five years ago. That’s history now. Download Audio

Why The Capital City Isn’t As Likeable As It Should Be

The City and Borough of Juneau has yet to join the more than one billion users on Facebook, though other governments use social media regularly. While city employees may be personal users, most don’t use it in a professional capacity to push information or interact with the public. But the city of Juneau is beginning to develop a social media policy. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: January 7, 2014

Small Plane Makes Emergency Landing On Anchorage Road; Polar Star Called Off After Ice-Bound Ships Get Free; Murkowski Calls For End To Crude Export Ban; New Rules Adopted For Abortion Payment Conditions; Judge Sen Tan To Step Down; Susitna-Watana Dam Timeline Pushed Back; Buccaneer Seeks New Revenues In New Year; Technology Gives Exhibit Statewide Presence; Era Alaska Changes Name To Ravn Alaska; Why The Capital City Isn’t As Likeable As It Should Be Download Audio

Election Law Revision Before Assembly

A new version of Anchorage Election law, or Title 28, will be before the Assembly at their next meeting. Officials began reviewing the law after problems with an election in 2012. KSKA's Daysha Eaton has more.