
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

thread welcomes Meghan Johnson as Quality Rating and Improvement Director

thread-johnson-announcement-excerpt thread, Alaska‘s statewide Child Care Resource and Referral agency, has announced that Meghan Johnson has been named the first ever Quality Rating and Improvement System Director. Johnson will be collaborating with a statewide team to oversee the development of a new quality system to advance the quality of early care and education in Alaska. Read more.

Senate Passes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill

The U.S. Senate this evening passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill that includes substantial funds for programs important to Alaska, including fisheries disaster relief and military spending. Download Audio

Fewer Kids Going to Preschool in Alaska, Waiting Lists Long

The number of children attending preschool in Alaska is on the decline, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Researchers say Alaska now ranks nearly last in the nation for preschool enrollment. Download Audio

Tribal Councils Express Opposition To Permitting Bill

More than 30 tribal organizations have come out in opposition to a permitting bill championed by Gov. Sean Parnell. Download Audio

Despite Pipeline Progress, State Proceeds with Two Lines

Wednesday the State released details about the new deal that will replace the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act. It makes the state a partner in the development of a natural gas export line from the North Slope. But the government is also still moving ahead with their back-up plan, the Alaska Stand Alone Pipeline. 16 Two Pipes

Railbelt Electric Companies May Undergo Changes

Alaska’s Railbelt electric companies are the sole users of the state’s main transmission lines that carry energy from the Bradley Lake hydropower project in Homer north to Fairbanks. But changes are coming. Managers of the state-owned portion of the line – called the Alaska Intertie – want to give independent power producers access to the system and some power company officials want to bring the entire grid under a single owner – operator model. Download Audio

60-Foot Tug Sinks Near Wrangell

State conservation officials say a 60-foot tug sank in about 120 feet of water near Wrangell. Download Audio

Stedman Says Hydro Funds Tight, Otter Bill Will Change

Sitka Senator Bert Stedman says he’ll continue pursuing legislation to aid sea otter hunters. But this year, it will be different. Download Audio

With Loss Of Dock, Gustavus Residents Worry About Tourist Season

Tuesday’s storm in Southeast caused a state-owned breakwater in Gustavus to dislodge from its pilings and wash ashore on the beach. The 200-foot steel structure also serves as a popular floating dock facility for local residents running charter fishing and whale watching boats. Gustavus residents are wondering what this means for their tourist season. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: January 16, 2014

Senate Passes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill; Fewer Kids Going to Preschool in Alaska, Waiting Lists Long; Tribal Councils Express Opposition To Permitting Bill; Despite Pipeline Progress, State Proceeds with Two Lines; Railbelt Electric Companies May Undergo Changes; 60-Foot Tug Sinks Near Wrangell; Stedman Says Hydro Funds Tight, Otter Bill Will Change; With Loss Of Dock, Gustavus Residents Worry About Tourist Season; Cameras Capture Northern Migration Download Audio

Cameras Capture Northern Migration

Scientists using time lapse photography have documented the migration of caribou and ptarmigan in northern Alaska. The project employed automated cameras to capture thousands of images of spring in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range. Download Audio

Silver Salmon For Lovers

salmon-for-lovers-1 The pleasant tanginess of homemade crème fraîche, lemon and leeks harmonize with the buttery richness of wild caught Alaskan Coho salmon presented on a bed of homemade egg noodles. Light candles, play soft music, pop a cork and serve. See the recipe.

Assembly Passes Election Law Rewrite, Weighs Ethics of Election Date Change

The Anchorage Assembly passed a rewritten version of Anchorage's election law last night (1/14 Tues). But some other election issues went went to the Ethics Board for review.

Alaska News Nightly: January 15, 2014

EPA Releases Watershed Assessment For Bristol Bay. Mixed Reaction To EPA Assessment. Begich Introduces Izembek Road Bill. State Releases Terms Of Pipeline Deal. State Selects North Slope Gas Partner. “Irregularities” Found In State Crime Lab Drug Samples. $500 Tickets To Be Issued For Spice, Bath Salts. New Study Shows Alaska Natives Are More Vulnerable To Flu. Listen Now

EPA Releases Watershed Assessment For Bristol Bay

A government report indicates a large-scale copper and gold mine in Alaska's Bristol Bay region could have devastating effects on the world's largest sockeye salmon fishery. Listen Now

Mixed Reaction to EPA Assessment

There was mixed reaction to the EPA’s release of its Bristol Bay watershed study. For the tribes, fishermen, and environmental groups who’ve lobbied the EPA to involve itself in the Pebble Mine debate, Wednesday’s announcement came as an reaffirmation of long-held beliefs: Listen Now

Begich Introduces Izembek Road Bill

U.S. Senator Mark Begich today introduced a bill to allow a road from King Cove to Cold Bay, just weeks after Interior Secretary Sally Jewell rejected the idea because it would run through a wildlife refuge. Begich says he picked one of the options scrutinized in a recent environmental assessment. Listen Now

Superior Court Confirms Anchorage Mayor’s Veto Power

The Superior court of Alaska has ruled that Mayor Dan Sullivan's Veto of the Anchorage Assembly's ordinance putting a referendum repealing a controversial labor law, also known as The Responsible Labor Act or AO-37 on the April ballot shall stand.

State Releases Terms Of Pipeline Deal

Last week, Gov. Sean Parnell announced he was cutting a deal to make the state a partner in a large-diameter gasline. Now, the terms of the agreement with the North Slope producers and TransCanada have been released. Listen Now

State Selects North Slope Gas Partner

The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority has selected a business partner for development of a natural gas processing plant on the North Slope. At a meeting yesterday (Tuesday) the AIDEA board chose a group lead by MWH Americas to construct the plant that will liquefy gas for trucking to Fairbanks. KUAC’s Dan Bross reports. Listen Now