
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

A New Year’s Resolution That Sticks

Today we’re sticking with our New Year’s Resolutions. This is the time of year in which many us, despite our best intentions, are already falling short on our resolutions. But food and wine blogger Carolyn Kinneen picked an attainable New Year’s Resolution for 2014: To expand her wine knowledge. Read more.

I Make Wearable Art

From dresses made of horse hair, swan feathers, and red roses, Enzina Marrari creates garments that bridge fashion design and sculptural art.

Parnell Proposes Slight Bump To Base Student Allocation

Gov. Sean Parnell introduced his education package Friday, and inside is a small increase to the school funding formula. That increase would come through the “base student allocation,” which is the amount of money a school gets for each child enrolled.

Avalanches Close Richardson Highway

The only highway to Valdez has been closed by avalanches. The Anchorage Daily News reports one avalanche nearly struck a truck today on the Richardson Highway. Download Audio

Alaska Salmon To Remain On Walmart’s Shelves

Walmart announced Friday that they will continue to stock salmon products from most of the large seafood processors that operate in Alaska. Download Audio

300 Villages: Hollis

This week we’re heading to Hollis, a small community on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. Bill Sharpes is the fire chief in Hollis on Prince of Wales Island. Download Audio

Educators, Lawmakers Rally Around Repeal of High School Exit Exam

With school districts working on their budgets and teacher layoffs looming, the potential change in the base student allocation is the most talked about portion of the governor’s education package. But part of the bill that has the most political momentum is a section that would repeal the high school exit exam that students need to graduate.

Alaska News Nightly: January 24, 2014

ASD Budget Cutting Process Begins as Legislature Mulls Increasing Education Funding; Bill Could Eliminate High School Exit Exam; Legislation Introduced To Repeal State Funds For U-Med/Northern Access Road; Avalanches Close Richardson Highway; Alaska Salmon To Remain On Walmart’s Shelves; Cantwell Urges White House To Stop Alaska Pebble Mine Project, Protect Fishermen; AK: Spoken Word; 300 Villages: Hollis Download Audio

Legislation Introduced To Repeal State Funds For U-Med/Northern Access Road

Two Anchorage Democrats introduced legislation Friday to repeal $20 million in state funds allocated to the planned U-Med/Northern Access Road. The road would slice through the center of the congested University district in Anchorage. Download Audio

Cantwell Urges White House To Stop Alaska Pebble Mine Project, Protect Fishermen

A U.S. senator from the Lower 48 is asking the White House to stop the Pebble Mine. Democrat Maria Cantwell, of Washington, says the proposed mine in Western Alaska threatens fishing jobs in her state. Download Audio

Are Alaska’s Legislative Districts Getting Too Big?

The chairman of the Alaska Redistricting Board says state residents need to have a conversation about the growing number of people who live in each legislative district.

Bill Thomas Considers Kerttula’s House Seat

Former Haines Representative Bill Thomas is considering a run for the House seat being vacated by Juneau’s Beth Kerttula. But he’s more likely to take on Juneau Senator Dennis Egan.

Radiation from Fukushima

They’re having trouble sealing up the leaking nuclear power plants in Japan and they’re also having trouble disclosing what is going on there. Is this a reason to distrust Alaska seafood? APRN: Tuesday, 1/28 at 10:00am Download Audio

ASD Budget Cutting Process Begins as Legislature Mulls Increasing Education Funding

Anchorage School District officials presented the 2014-15 budget to the Anchorage School Board Thursday evening. The district faces cutting 23 million dollars this year unless the legislature increases the per student funding. Public testimony was passionate and officials discussed calculations for how much legislators would have to increase funding to stop cuts. Download Audio

Warm Temperatures Causing Issues Around State

The Northern Lights 300 Sled Dog Race from Big Lake to Finger Lake has been cancelled, and the north part of Denali National Park has been put off limits for snowmachines due to wet conditions and lack of snow. Skiing has been off and on at Alyeska Resort in Girdwood.

Legislative Session Gavels In; And Rep. Kerttula Resigns

The Legislature opens the 2014 session and Gov. Parnell gives his State of the State address. Layoffs are coming to the Anchorage School District. Sen. Mark Begich opposes the proposed Pebble Mine. Analysts lay out the impact of budget shortfalls to the Legislature. Buccaneer his rough spots in preparing to drill in Cook Inlet. Shell's earnings off 48 percent. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals says the federal government failed to evaluate the potential consequences of the 2008 off-shore lease sale. The Anchorage labor law referendum seems head to the November ballot. Rep, Beth Kerttula steps down as House Minority Leader. KSKA: Friday, 1/24 at 2PM & Saturday, 1/25 at 6PM. KAKM: Friday 1/24 at 7:30PM & Saturday. 1/25 at 4:30PM

Court Says Chukchi Lease Sale Environmental Assessment Faulty

A federal appeals court has ruled that the environmental assessment behind a massive oil lease sale in the Chukchi Sea in 2008 was faulty. Download Audio

Document Highlights Rural Housing Shortage

Affordable housing is getting harder to find in Nome and surrounding villages. The regional non-profit corporation – Kawerak – is drafting a document to present to the state legislature identifying housing as one of the major issues facing the communities in the area. Download Audio

Final Fine Particulate Public Hearing Draws Large Crowd

A final public hearing on proposed Department of Environmental Conservation fine particulate pollution regulations drew a large turn out earlier this week in Fairbanks. The regulations aimed at bringing wintertime air in Fairbanks in line with federal standards, continue to be controversial. Download Audio

New Science Released On How Human-Made Sounds Impact Marine Mammals

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is asking for public comment on guidelines updating the effects of human-made sounds on marine mammals. Download Audio