
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Copper River King salmon run slower than anticipated

The Copper River King salmon run is coming in weaker than anticipated. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Glennallen area management biologist Mark Somerville said run measures, including a weak commercial king harvest on the delta, and sub-par in river counts and catches all point to the same thing. Download Audio

For Better Storm Warnings, NWS Goes Local

Predicting storms in a fast-changing environment isn’t easy. But the National Weather Service is slowly working on a plan to improve their forecasts in Alaska -- and across the country -- by adding in the view from the ground. Download Audio

With Pruitt, Murkowski chides without charring

Sen. Murkowski did not ask confrontational questions of the embattled EPA administrator, but she did not leap to Pruitt's defense, either. Listen now
A cruiste ship pulls into a mountain town

Haines uses CARES funds to pay residents to shop locally

Shoppers who spend $300 locally are eligible for an extra $100.

VIDEO: Anchorage professor bets on bio-insulation made from mushrooms

From underneath the roads to inside our homes, insulation is everywhere in Alaska. But traditional foam board is energy intensive to produce and often ends up as plastic litter in oceans and waterways. A group of researchers at the University of Alaska Anchorage are working to develop an environmentally friendly alternative. Listen now

2014 Summer of Heroes Program to Honor Local Youth

Alaska Communications and Boys & Girls Clubs – Alaska are coming together again for the fourth annual Summer of Heroes program to recognize local youth making a difference in their local communities. The search is on for five young Alaskan heroes, plus one from the Employee Program, who are going above and beyond to make an impact in the lives of others. Read more.

40,000 ballots set for counting tomorrow, next week

The Division of Elections will begin counting more than 40,000 remaining absentee, early and questioned ballots tomorrow, working through next Tuesday to clear up...
a grave

Volunteers uncover fate of Lost Alaskans sent to Oregon mental hospital a century ago

A 15-year volunteer effort is helping identify the fates of thousands of Alaskans who were shipped to a psychiatric hospital in Oregon.

With a few weeks to go, Alaska schools are short 245 educators

On top of Alaska’s regular recruitment challenges, the Lower 48’s economy is strong, its supply of teachers short, and educators’ salaries are on the upswing. Listen now
a medical professional swabs a driver's nostril

Amid one of the nation’s worst COVID-19 outbreaks, Anchorage officials say they’re rationing testing

A spokesman for Mayor Dave Bronson said the administration plans to ask the city Assembly for additional cash "in the near future." But for now, it's scaling back its testing contractor's hours at multiple sites around the city, with reductions totaling 108 hours a week.

Senate president aims to finish session in Juneau

The Legislature didn’t take any actions Monday as it began the second week after the scheduled end of the session. But Senate President Kevin Meyer said he’d like to see the Legislature complete its work soon. Download Audio

Fuel Leaks at Underground Tank in Adak

A leaking underground tank spilled 134,400 gallons of diesel fuel in Adak Monday evening. Most of the fuel was absorbed into the ground, but...

Reward Increases For Info About Old Fairbanks Murder

A reward for new information about an old Fairbanks murder has increased. The Tanana Chiefs Conference is offering $35,000 for information leading to exoneration of four interior men, three of whom are Alaska Native, imprisoned for the 1997 beating death of Fairbanks teenager John Hartman.

Despite federal warning, Alaska alcohol board says distilleries can keep selling kegged cocktails

Federal regulations limit the size of containers that a distillery can produce, but Alaska has no limits in law.

Kodiak could soon see new missile testing

Pending a review of the Environmental Impact Statement, Kodiak complex could get Terminal High Altitude Area Defense assets. Listen now

Trump takes to Twitter to back Dunleavy amid recall effort

The Recall Dunleavy chair says the president should stay out of state politics.

State wants feasibility study of gasline spur

The State is requesting proposals for a feasibility study of a gas pipeline spur from Fairbanks to Wasilla. The request is in anticipation of...

Veniaminof Volcano Is Downgraded

The seismic activity at the Veniaminof Volcano on the Alaska Peninsula has decreased over the past week resulting in lowering the volcano alert level. The Alaska Volcano Observatory confirms that satellite observations show no evidence of eruptive activity.

Palmer Waste Dump Plan Draws Opposition

About one hundred people turned out to speak at a Matanuska Susitna Borough planning commission meeting on Monday. At issue - a plan to construct an inert construction debris dump on private land near Palmer.

2-1-1 Snapshot Highlights Need for Affordable Housing

Rent and housing prices are high in Alaska. And that's putting a squeeze on lower income families in the state. The United Way's social service help line – 2-1-1 – is logging an increasing number of calls about affordable housing. But the outlook for providing cheaper options for families, especially in the Anchorage area, is bleak.