
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

GCI Nears 3G Data Service In Bethel

Bethel was expected to have 3G service in December of the last year. The date was then moved to February, and now scheduled for mid to late April.

Calista Heritage Foundations Awards $177,000 In Scholarships

Two hundred and three students from the region will receive $177,000 in scholarships from the Calista Heritage Foundation. All recipients are Calista shareholders or descendants.

I Am The Chena Hot Springs Imagineer

Bernie Karl is an entrepreneur, an innovator, and an Alaskan original. And, amongst other things, Karl is the owner and chief Imagineer at Chena Hot Springs, 60 miles northeast of Fairbanks.

State Sues Feds Over Arctic Refuge Exploration

The state of Alaska filed a lawsuit last week against the federal government for rejecting Gov. Sean Parnell’s application to explore the geology of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The U.S. Interior Department says the window for such oil and gas exploration in the refuge closed in 1987.

Long-Awaited Snow A Welcome Sight To Oosik Classic Organizers

Organizers of the Oosik Classic Ski Race bill it as a "fun and funky" race and tour, followed by a night on the town of Talkeetna. Until recent snows, however, it wasn't clear just how fun the race was going to be.

Ahtna Goes to Congress For Role in Game Management

Alaska tribes and rural hunters have long complained that the dual federal-state game management system is hard to live by and doesn’t give subsistence users their due. Today, Ahtna Inc., the smallest of Alaska’s Regional Native Corporations, presented a proposal for co-management of game to a Congressional panel. Download Audio

VPSOs Prepare For Possibility Of Being Armed

The effort to allow VPSOs to carry guns cleared a major hurdle this week when the Alaska House unanimously passed the bill that does just that. The decision is in the hands of legislators in Juneau now, and while the bill passed the 38-0, the issue on the ground is more nuanced. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: March 14, 2014

Ahtna Proposes New Game Management Plan; VPSOs Prepare For Possibility Of Being Armed; Senate Education Moves Governor's Education Bill; Legislature Rejects Pay Raises For Top Officials; Geoduck Dive Fishery Opens; Market Found; Juneau School Board Unmoved By Travel Ban Task Force, Public Testimony; AK: Machine Shop; 300 Villages: Hoonah Download Audio

Senate Education Moves Governor’s Education Bill

The Alaska Senate Education Committee moved Gov. Sean Parnell's omnibus education bill Friday after rejecting amendments offered by the committee's lone Democrat. Download Audio

Legislature Rejects Pay Raises For Top Officials

The legislature has rejected proposed pay increases for the governor, lieutenant governor and main department heads. Download Audio

Geoduck Dive Fishery Opens; Market Found

Southeast Alaska divers were out fishing for geoducks Thursday, for the first time in about two months. Download Audio

Juneau School Board Unmoved By Travel Ban Task Force, Public Testimony

The Juneau School Board will not reconsider the ban on middle school sports travel, at least for the rest of the school year. Download Audio

AK: Machine Shop

Manufacturing – like everything else – is becoming more computerized, but instead of replacing craftsmanship, digital technology is opening up possibilities for students to create things in ways that simply weren’t practical five or ten years ago. Three kids at Sitka High School are building a tool – really just a customized piece of metal – to do an unsung, but important, job in the community. And their collaboration points toward a future where we’ll make stuff differently. Download Audio

300 Villages: Hoonah

This week we're heading to Hoonah, a small community on Chichagof Island in Southeast. Chris Erikson runs a guiding business in Hoonah. Download Audio

25 Years After Exxon Valdez: What Would Effective Regulation Look Like?

Twenty-five years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill nearly all damaged wildlife populations have been declared “recovered,” but the spill’s impact left lasting marks on people. With another major spill taking place just four years ago, it’s time to talk about loss of trust, and how to restore it. APRN: Tuesday, March 18 at 10:00am Download Audio

Californian Pulls Name From Board Consideration

A Californian that Gov. Sean Parnell had tapped to serve on a high-profile state board has withdrawn his name from consideration. The decision came before a legislative hearing where the nominee was expected to be questioned on his residency status, his tax records, and his ties to the oil industry.

While FDA Mulls Genetically Modified Salmon, Supermarkets Back Away

The head of the Federal Drug Administration told a U.S. Senate committee today her agency is still working on its review of an application to produce a genetically modified salmon. Download Audio

Feds Seeking Local Advice On Environmental Protocols

Members of the federal agency that oversees marine mammals held a teleconference in Nome on Wednesday to solicit region-specific advice on emergency response. It’s part of a process to draft environmental protocols for the Arctic that incorporate local expertise. Download Audio

Report Finds Mixed Blame In Raid On 40 Mile Miners

Governor Sean Parnell has released a report on last summer’s law enforcement sweep of placer mines in the 40 Mile area. It finds mixed blame for the heavy handed law enforcement that upset miners. Download Audio

Tanana Chiefs Conference President Steps Down

Longtime Tanana Chiefs Conference President Jerry Isaac stepped down Thursday, after 8 years at the helm of the consortium that represents 42 Interior Alaska native villages. Download Audio