
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Feds Ask King Cove to Weigh In on Road Alternatives

A group of tribal and government officials from King Cove are back from a week of lobbying in Washington, D.C. -- and they’ve come home with a new assignment. Download Audio

Panel Proposes More Education Money, Pension Fix

The House Finance Committee has proposed an increase in education funding of about $300 per-student over three years. Download Audio

Alaska Native Languages Bill Clears Final House Committee

A bill that would symbolically make 20 Alaska Native languages official state languages is heading to the House floor for a vote. Download Audio

FDA Adds Alaska Salmon Testing To Radiation Monitoring Program

Alaska fish are being tested for radiation contamination from Japan’s leaking Fukushima Nuclear energy plant. The power plant was damaged during an earthquake three years ago and continues to releases radioactive water into the sea. Download Audio

Study: Forecasts For Summer Arctic Sea Ice Lack Reliability

Year-to-year forecasts of summer Arctic Sea Ice extent aren’t reliable. That’s according to a report out from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. But A two-day workshop that starts Tuesday in Colorado will focus on ways to improve sea ice extent predictions. Download Audio

Study Says Melting Permafrost Emitting More Carbon Than Tundra Can Offset

The Arctic is warming two to three times faster than the rest of the globe. As temperatures increase, permafrost melts, releasing carbon dioxide, and the growing season lengthens, absorbing CO2. Download Audio

‘Fairbikes’ To Open In Fairbanks

A bike share business plans to start operating in Fairbanks this summer. “Fairbikes” owner Jennifer Eskridge previewed what’s planned for the North Star Borough assembly last week. Download Audio

Board to Review Proposal Limiting King Salmon Fishing to Federally Qualified Subsistence Users

With salmon fishing just a few short months away, the Federal Subsistence Board will consider a special action request to limit king salmon harvest in the Kuskokwim drainage to federally qualified subsistence users. Download Audio

April Fools: Balloons Are Future Of Brown Bear Relocation

Residents in Alaska’s largest city are distressed by the increasing human/bear encounters in Anchorage parks, along the coastal trail and area streams. In the lead up to salmon spawning in local waterways, an Anchorage biologist is working on a brown bear relocation program. Dr. Robert Bastic has developed a plan that will safely take bears away from the heavy population of Anchorage while also providing a unique tourism experience. The method? Hot air balloons. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: April 1, 2014

Alaska's Health Insurers Call Marketplace Enrollment Figures Disappointing; Feds Ask King Cove to Weigh In on Road Alternatives; Panel Proposes More Education Money, Pension Fix; Alaska Native Languages Bill Clears Final House Committee; FDA Adds Alaska Salmon Testing To Radiation Monitoring Program; Study: Forecasts For Summer Arctic Sea Ice Lack Reliability; Study Says Melting Permafrost Emitting More Carbon Than Tundra Can Offset; ‘Fairbikes’ To Open In Fairbanks; Board to Review Proposal Limiting King Salmon Fishing to Federally Qualified Subsistence Users; April Fools: Balloons Are Future Of Brown Bear Relocation Download Audio

Parnell Signs Law Excluding Homer Harbor From Habitat Area

The Kachemak Bay Critical Habitat Area just became a little bit smaller. Governor Sean Parnell signed a bill into law Tuesday that excludes the Port and Harbor of Homer from the habitat area.

House Speaker Proposes Exception To Residency Rule For Gasline Board Appointees

Amid controversy over whether the non-residents can legally serve on state commissions, the Speaker of the Alaska State House is proposing a policy change that explicitly carves out an exception for the board that could oversee development of a natural gas pipeline.

Judge Overturns Dillingham’s Annexation Of Nushagak Bay

The 2012 annexation of Nushagak Bay into the City of Dillingham has been overturned by the local Superior Court Judge. Download Audio

Mat-Su Considers Ordinance Allowing Borough To Pay For Ballot Proposition Ads

An ordinance now before the Matanuska Susitna Borough Assembly would allow the Borough to pay for advertising to influence voters in the case of state ballot propositions. The ordinance comes at a time when an upcoming state ballot is expected to put a number of controversial issues before the voters. Download Audio

Herring Seiners Hit Target – And Then Some – In Quick Saturday Opener

The 2014 Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery is over. The 48 permit holders caught the last remaining fish in this year’s harvest limit – and then some – in a wild 45-minute opener Saturday afternoon right in front of downtown Sitka. Download Audio

Feeling Left Out: The Health Insurance Gap In Alaska

Monday is the deadline to sign up for health insurance and avoid a penalty under the Affordable Care Act. Insurance is available through multiple sources, from private carriers to publicly funded providers like Medicaid. But Alaska is among many states that have so far declined to expand Medicaid, and it’s created a coverage gap. Download Audio

Fairbanks Approves Credit Line For Interior Gas Utility

The Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly has approved an up to $7.5 million line of credit for the Interior Gas Utility. The loan fund is for the borough created IGU to begin preliminary work on local gas distribution piping in anticipation of LNG being trucked to town from the North Slope via the state’s Interior Energy Project. Download Audio

Bills Addressing Alaska Native Issues Get Mixed Reception

Two bills dealing with Alaska Native issues got different receptions from members of the Legislature on Thursday. At least three House lawmakers were skeptical of a bill that would make 20 Alaska Native languages official state languages. About an hour later, they joined the rest of their House colleagues in voting unanimously for a bill honoring the late Rev. Walter Soboleff. Download Audio

Landmark Subsistence Decision Stands

The Katie John lawsuit over subsistence fishing rights is finally over. The U.S. Supreme Court announced Monday it will not review a lower court’s decision to leave standing federal rules that provide a rural subsistence priority on 60% of Alaska’s inland waters. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: March 31, 2014

Landmark Subsistence Decision Stands; Judge Overturns Dillingham’s Annexation Of Nushagak Bay; Fish And Wildlife To Review Southeast Alaska Wolves; Mat-Su Considers Ordinance Allowing Borough To Pay For Ballot Proposition Ads; Herring Seiners Hit Target – And Then Some – In Quick Saturday Opener; Feeling Left Out: The Health Insurance Gap In Alaska; Fairbanks Approves Credit Line For Interior Gas Utility; Bills Addressing Alaska Native Issues Get Mixed Reception Download Audio