
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Ravn Outlines Safety Improvements As NTSB Pushes For Investigation

The National Transportation Safety Board took the unusual move last month of asking the Federal Aviation Administration to investigate the Ravn family of companies. A report says Hageland failed to achieve safety outcomes, at the time losing operational control and launching flights without proper oversight. The company’s CEO says the report does not reflect the changes Ravn has made in recent months. Download Audio
Insurance will give SEARHC members more flexibility in health care and generate revenue for the Native medical organization. (Photo by Lisa Phu/KTOO)

Trial Program Aims To Increase Number Of Insured Alaska Natives

A tribal health organization in Southeast Alaska is encouraging members to enroll for health insurance. Through a new program, some Alaska Natives will have an opportunity to get it at no cost. Download Audio

Special Exhibit Offers Hands-On Glimpse Of University’s New Research Vessel

A new exhibit opens at the University of Alaska Museum of the North over the weekend. The year-long installation is called “Arctic Odyssey: Voyages of the R/V Sikuliaq.” It offers a first-hand look the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ state-of-the-art new research vessel, slated to sail in Arctic waters next year. Download Audio

300 Villages: Point Lay

This week, we’re headed to Point Lay on the Chukchi Sea. Dorothy Henry lives in Point Lay. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: May 16, 2014

State Files Fairbanks 4 Response; Ravn Outlines Safety Improvements As NTSB Pushes For Investigation; Trial Program Aims To Increase Number Of Insured Alaska Natives; Special Exhibit Offers Hands-On Glimpse Of University’s New Research Vessel; AK: Rusty Blackbirds; 300 Villages: Point Lay Download Audio

Anchorage School District releases proposed budget amendments

The Anchorage School District released their suggestions for adjusting next year’s budget on Friday. Under the superintendent’s proposal, the district would cut 57 classroom teachers instead of 143. The proposal does not add back in more than 48 support staff positions that were cut in the initial budget.

AK: 2014 Rusty Blackbird Blitz

Rusty Blackbirds are beginning to show up in Alaska for their annual migration to breeding grounds in our boreal wetlands. But researchers are worried that the once abundant bird is disappearing, and they don't know why. Download Audio

Earthquake Awareness: State of the Art

The earth is restless in Alaska, with more earthquakes than all the other states combined - plus volcanoes and tidal waves. The Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964 was critically important scientifically, and that science has made remarkable advances in recent years. APRN: Tuesday, 5/20 at 10:00am Download Audio

F/V Arctic Hunter Removal Plan Nearly Done

It’s been more than six months since the F/V Arctic Hunter went aground outside Unalaska. Now, the boat's insurance company is almost ready to drag it off the rocks.

Native Leader Facing Summer Jury Trial

An August 4th trial date has been set for a former Sealaska corporation executive accused of stealing money from a subsistence fund. A ‘not guilty’ plea was entered on behalf of Robert ‘Bob’ Loescher, 66, who appeared in Juneau Superior Court on Wednesday in a wheelchair.

Inter-Tribal Fish Commissions to Meet in Bethel and St. Marys

Just weeks before the salmon run begins in earnest, discussions are underway to form two inter-tribal fish commissions, one each for the Kuskokwim and Yukon Rivers.

Old Nome Hospital Sells for $450k

Nome’s old hospital has sold for $450,000, and the new owners now have an eBay listing asking for $2.5 million for the 55,000 square-foot facility.

Heroin, Meth Seized In Kodiak Arrests

Three Kodiak residents are behind bars and more heroin is off the streets after their arrest Monday afternoon.

Alaska Edition: May 16, 2014

Two state troopers die during an arrest in Tanana - a memorial service draws 4,000. The battle over SB 21, the oil tax bill, continues through intense advertising and campaigning. The State Assessment Review Board meets in Anchorage. Economist Scott Goldsmith weighs in on SB21, the oil tax bill. Advocates of same-sex marriage are in court. The state's annual Cook Inlet lease sale is held. Voting-rights advocates charge the state's translations of the election ballots into Native languages are faulty. Fairbanks four granted new hearing by judge. KSKA: Friday, May 16 at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 17 at 6:00 p.m. KAKM: Friday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, May 17 at 4:30 p.m. Download Audio

TSA Offering Travelers A Chance To Streamline Security Experience

Travelers heading to the Anchorage airport this summer to catch a flight could face one less hurdle before they make it out of town. The Transportation Security Administration is offering flyers the chance to be streamlined through security checkpoints. Download Audio

How Much Is The Pipeline Worth?

This week the State Assessment Review board or SARB has been holding hearings in Anchorage over the dispute in how much the Trans Alaska Pipeline should be worth. Download Audio

Working Group Discusses Caribou Decline, Ambler Road

Caribou users in the Northwest Arctic Borough were told Wednesday that North America’s largest herd declined by more than a quarter in just two years. The group also questioned state officials on how a proposed road to the Northwest Arctic Borough would impact subsistence resources. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: May 15, 2014

Earmarks: Congress Mulls Return of Practice that Enriched Alaska; Sealaska Reports $35 Million Net Loss Last Year; Oil Tax Referendum Groups Ramp Up Campaigns; How Much Is The Pipeline Worth?; TSA Offering Travelers A Chance To Streamline Security Experience; Clearwater Lodge Burns Down; Working Group Discusses Caribou Decline, Ambler Road; Olympic Aspirations: Training At The Alaska Boxing Academy Download Audio

Oil Tax Referendum Groups Organize For Campaign’s Final Stretch

With three months to go before the primary election, groups with a stake in the oil tax referendum are ramping up their campaigns. Download Audio

Earmarks: Congress Mulls Return of Practice that Enriched Alaska

In Sen. Ted Stevens’ day, Alaska thrived on earmarks, the congressional practice of directing federal dollars to home-state projects. Lawmakers agreed in 2011 to end the tradition, in response to public outrage over projects such as Alaska’s so-called “bridge to nowhere.” To this day, nearly every account of alleged excess features as Exhibit A the bridge that would’ve connected Ketchikan to its island airport. But now, there’s serious talk in Washington of bringing back the earmark. Download Audio