
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Crews Making Progress On 100-Mile Creek Fire

Mangers of the 100-Mile Creek Wildfire response are bracing for high winds. A Red Flag Warning is in effect for the 23,000 acre fire west of Delta Junction from noon to midnight, calling for south winds gusting to 35 miles per hour, and humidity in the 25 percent range. Over 500 firefighters are assigned to the blaze and Fire Information Officer Sarah Sarloos says a lot of work has been done. Download Audio

Invasive species could increase as climate warms

For the past few years Alaska has tried to eradicate its only known invasive aquatic plant: Elodea. The sturdy weed has taken root in a handful of the state's water bodies, threatening native birds, fish, and fauna. As ocean temperatures increase and icy days decrease, researchers worry it's only a matter of time before Elodea-and other invasive plants and animals-spread throughout Alaska. Download Audio

Weaving A Journey Of Change

The biennial culture and dance festival Celebration ended Saturday night in Juneau with a Grand Exit. The gathering of Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshians began in 1982 with just a few hundred people. This year, 7,000 were expected in Juneau for the 4-day event. The festival, organized by Sealaska Heritage Institute, included performances, lectures and language sessions. The Juried Art Show features Della Cheney’s Ravenstail robe “Leadership and Change.” Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: June 16, 2014

Seismic Storm Continues in Noatak with Fifth 5.7 Quake; Rebuilding Continues In Galena; Public Comment Open on ‘Land Into Trust’ Until June 30; Tentative Deal Reached On Ferry Union Contract; Crews Making Progress On 100-Mile Creek Fire; Invasive Species Could Increase As Climate Warms; Weaving A Journey Of Change; British Kayakers Arrive in Unalaska Download Audio

British Kayakers Arrive in Unalaska

A British kayak team that’s trekking along the Aleutian Islands reached Unalaska Sunday night. KUCB’s Annie Ropeik was part of a group that paddled out to greet them. Download Audio

BBNC Educational Foundation Sells Its Donated Northern Dynasty Minerals Stock

The Education Foundation of the Bristol Bay Native Corporation has sold its donated stock in the company that’s seeking to develop the proposed Pebble Mine. Back in early April the major mining company Rio Tinto divested itself of its 19-percent interest in the proposed Pebble Mine.

Clean-Up Continues on Shishmaref Fuel Spill, Source Still Unknown

Local responders and the Coast Guard continue cleaning up the oily substance floating off the coast of Shishmaref.

New Coast Guard District 17 Commander Brings Arctic Experience

With the buoy tender Sycamore as a backdrop and Coast Guardsmen and women in their dress blues, Rear Adm. Tom Ostebo turned over Coast Guard District 17 command to Rear Adm. Dan Abel on Thursday.

Man killed in logging operation south of Petersburg

A 51-year-old Idaho man working on a timber sale near Banana Point south of Petersburg died Thursday after a tree top fell on him.

State Releases Plan For Maritime Workforce

It’s a topic talked about often around Petersburg – what kind of jobs are most needed for the fishing fleets and boats of this coastal community and how to fill those jobs. A new plan released by state this spring identifies the highest work force needs around Alaska for seafood harvesting, processing, fishery management as well as ship operations and repair. The plan also lists steps forward to fill those jobs.

Fairbanks Assembly Passes Truancy Ordinance

The Fairbanks North Star Borough assembly passed a truancy ordinance last night. The ordinance lines out local policy addressing chronic unexcused absence from school including fines for repeated offenses.

Kuskokwim Fishermen Look To Loosen Restrictions at Yupiit Nation Forum

Kuskokwim fishermen looked for some relief from the king salmon restrictions at a Yupiit Nation tribal fish forum in Bethel on Friday.

The Art of Cabin Fever

Today we explore one of the Anchorage Museum's newest exhibits. So new in fact, that it's still in the planning phase. Carolyn Kozak is a curator at the Anchorage Museum, and recently she was inspired by some archived photographs taken by a man named Jasper Wyman in 1898. Read more.

We Are A Pop-Up Restaurant

Nathan Dolphin-Chavie left Anchorage to work in the Los Angeles fine dining scene, eventually becoming executive chef at a well regarded eatery. Looking for a new challenge, Dolphin-Chavie, along with LA-native Joshua Plesh, has returned to his hometown to bring a new culinary experience in the form of a temporary and intimate restaurant, Harvest Pop-Up.

Begich Painted as Soft on VA Scandal

Outside political groups are plugging Alaskan airwaves with ads about Sen. Mark Begich. One recent line of attack highlights the scandal at the VA, claiming Begich isn’t helping veterans. We take a closer look at the claim. Download Audio

Air Force Considering Transfer Of HAARP Facility To UAF

The Air Force has paused a plan to demolish the HAARP facility, as it reconsiders options for transferring its ionospheric research infrastructure near Gakona to another entity. That could be the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Download Audio

Health Care Broker Enroll Alaska Scales Back

Enroll Alaska is scaling back its business in the state. The division of Northrim Bank launched last year with plans to help tens of thousands Alaskans sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. The company ended up with disappointing results and is now rethinking its strategy. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: June 13, 2014

Begich Painted As Soft On VA Scandal; Air Force Considering Transfer Of HAARP Facility To UAF; Health Care Broker Enroll Alaska Scales Back; As Pollock Season Begins, Bycatch Debate Looms; Kuskokwim Fishermen Push for an Opportunity to Fish; Emergency Order Limits Kasilof King Fishing Hours; AK: Gold Miner; 300 Villages: Girdwood Download Audio

Kuskokwim Fishermen Push for an Opportunity to Fish

At Thursday’s Yupiit Nation fish forum in Bethel, long-term planning for tribal fishery co-management took a backseat to the anxiety and uncertainly surrounding the current king salmon restrictions. Download Audio

Emergency Order Limits Kasilof King Fishing Hours

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game issued an emergency order restricting personal use setnetting on the Kasilof River Thursday. That fishery’s time will be cut in half in an effort to get more king salmon up the Kasilof River. Download Audio