
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Coalition Forms to Address Downtown Juneau Problems

The image of Juneau’s downtown ranges from the glamour of huge cruise ships and stores catering to tourists, to street people with nowhere to go. An informal coalition has formed representing business and property owners, residents and social service organizations to tackle some of the issues. Download Audio

Clearwater Lodge Owners Opt to Rebuild After Devastating Fire

The owners of Clearwater Lodge near Delta Junction have decided to rebuild the historic structure that burned down in May. Fans and friends of the lodge want to help get work started with a fund-raiser next month. Download Audio

Inaugural Beringia Arctic Games Brings Indigenous People Together in Russia

This time of year, indigenous people across the Far North gather to play games and celebrate traditions. Earlier this month, in Fairbanks they took part in the World Eskimo Indian Olympics. There was also a gathering of people from across the Circumpolar north in Inuvik, Canada. This year, native people from Arctic nations joined Russia’s Chukchi and Inuit peoples for the first ever Beringia Arctic Games. It was the largest gathering of its kind in a once forgotten corner of the world called Chukotka. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: July 28, 2014

YouGov Model Shows Treadwell Within Reach of Begich; Campaign Profile: For Joe Miller, 2010 Looms Large; Seismologists Uncertain if Southeast Quake Activity is Related; Coalition Forms to Address Downtown Juneau Problems; Fecal Bacteria Contaminates Many Anchorage Waterways; Clearwater Lodge Owners Opt to Rebuild After Devastating Fire; Inaugural Beringia Arctic Games Brings Indigenous People Together in Russia Download Audio

VA, Metlakatla Tribe Reach Housing Agreement

Alaska Native Veterans in Metlakatla will soon be able to get a direct loan from the Department of Veterans Affairs for housing.

Alaska News Nightly: July 25, 2014

Earthquake Rattles Southeast Alaska, Likely Damaging Communications Network; State Supreme Court Rules Same-Sex Partners Can Access Death Benefits; Complaint Filed Against Anti-Marijuana Campaign; Comments Sought on Possible Beaufort Lease Sale; Report Finds Beaufort Sea Oil Spill Response Inadequate; Officials Consider Proposed Federal Takeover of Kuskokwim Salmon Fishery; Usibelli Submits Coal Bed Methane Plan; AK: Welding; 300 Villages: Thorne Bay Download Audio

Earthquake Rattles Southeast Alaska, Likely Damaging Communications Network

Mother Nature rattled Northern Southeast this morning with and magnitude 5.9 earthquake and several dozen aftershocks. The quake appeared to have damaged internet and cell service to thousands of Southeast residents. Download Audio

State Supreme Court Rules Same-Sex Partners Can Access Death Benefits

The Alaska Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex partners are eligible for death benefits, even though they are prohibited from marrying by the state Constitution. Download Audio

Comments Sought on Possible Beaufort Lease Sale

A federal agency is testing the waters on a possible new lease sale in the Alaska Arctic. Download Audio

Report Finds Beaufort Sea Oil Spill Response Inadequate

A report released today by the World Wildlife Fund in Canada finds the capacity for oil spill response in the Beaufort Sea is woefully inadequate, even as Canadian regulators consider relaxing safety standards for offshore exploration. Download Audio

Officials Consider Proposed Federal Takeover of Kuskokwim Salmon Fishery

After a summer of long Chinook salmon closures and a weak chum run on the Kuskokwim river, middle and upper river subsistence fishermen eagerly await word about whether the federal government will take control of the fishery. Download Audio

Usibelli Submits Coal Bed Methane Plan

Usibelli Coal has submitted a plan to drill coal bed methane exploration wells on state land near Healy. The company is licensed to look for shallow gas on over 200 thousand acres of state and private land in the area, and this is the first action the company has taken. Download Audio

“State of the Schools” shows progress for Anchorage students and need for innovation

The superintendent of the Anchorage School District presented his State of the Schools speech to a group of principals and community members Friday morning. New data shows that the schools are improving but still have a ways to go. New programs can help.

Primary Election: Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Joe Miller

It will soon be decision time for Alaska voters on which of three Republican should face incumbent U.S. Senator Mark Begich in November. The statewide public radio forum, Talk of Alaska has offered each of the three an hour-long live opportunity to answer phone calls from public radio listeners statewide. Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan have had their turn, and next up is Joe Miller. APRN: Tuesday, 7/29 at 10:00am Download Audio

Earthquake Felt in Southeast Alaska, No Tsunami Expected

An early morning earthquake today is causing widespread communications problems in Southeast Alaska. Both Alaska Communications and AT&T wireless and internet services were affected.

300 Villages: Thorne Bay

This week we're heading to Thorne Bay, on Prince of Wales Island. Rochelle Huddleston Lorton is the district ranger for the U.S. Forest Service in Thorne Bay. Download Audio

AK: Welding

There are more than 100 people employed at Ketchikan’s Vigor Industrial Shipyard. Out of all of them, Cat Wong might have the most unusual story about how she got there. The 25-year-old is a pipe fitter and welder. She was born in the U.S., but grew up with her family in Singapore. When she was 21, Cat made an unusual choice, and moved to Ketchikan. Download Audio

Fecal Bacteria Contaminates Many Anchorage Waterways

Scores of rivers, creeks, and streams flow through Anchorage. People fish in them, play in them, and swim in them. But the city’s seemingly pristine watershed has a dirty secret: it’s largely contaminated with fecal bacteria.

Complaint Filed Against Anti-Marijuana Campaign

At issue is whether the owners of the anti-marijuana group's public relations firm are serving in volunteer capacity and whether the firm's time is being properly accounted. Download Audio

In U.S. Senate Race, GOP Rivals Lag Far Behind Sullivan

Campaign finance reports from Alaska’s U.S. Senate race show Republican candidate Dan Sullivan is increasing his financial lead over GOP rivals Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller.