
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

ASRC Gets Option To Buy Into Offshore Chukchi Drilling Operations

Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and a handful of North Slope village corporations now have the option to buy into offshore drilling operations in the Chukchi Sea. It’s part of a new agreement with Shell Oil. But with the future of that company’s Arctic operations up in the air, the deal raises more questions than answers. Download Audio

Gold Miners Push Back Against Nome Over ‘Negative Social Impacts’

A vocal show of frustration from Nome’s mining community took center stage at this week’s City Council meeting. The miners were angry about a letter the city sent to the State Department of Natural Resources complaining about impacts from the recent gold mining boom. Download Audio

NOAA Investigating Ferry, Humpback Collision

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration law enforcement officials are investigating a collision between the state ferry Kennicott and a humpback whale near Kodiak. The incident brought a multi-agency team of scientists to the island to help determine whether the collision caused the death of the sub-adult humpback whale. Download Audio

Higher Wildfire Potential Could Impact Northeastern Alaska Caribou Herds

Rural Communities in northeastern Alaska could be left without caribou in the future, according to a recent study. Scientists believe climate change could increase wildfire potential in lichen-rich boreal forest were the Central Arctic and Porcupine caribou herds forage in the winter. A decline in habitat could mean less opportunity for area subsistence hunters. Download Audio

GCI Completes Purchase of 3 Southeast TV Stations

GCI has completed its purchase of three television stations in Sitka, Juneau and Ketchikan. The deal means the telecom giant now owns almost every commercial TV station in Southeast Alaska. Download Audio

No Plans Yet For Commercial Kuskokwim Opening

For the second consecutive week, it’s “wait and see” for fishermen who are eager or anxious for the next commercial opening on Kuskokwim River. Download Audio

Aniak Youths Rescue Bald Eagle

An Aniak woman came across an injured bald eagle earlier this week. With help from her community in remote Southwest Alaska, she gave the bird a second chance and brought it to the care of veterinary experts. Download Audio

Eight-Year-Old Busks For A Cause

One of Juneau’s youngest buskers is raising money this week for a good cause. Elementary school student Sophia Nylen can sometimes be seen playing her violin in downtown Juneau with an open violin case to collect money. This week, all proceeds will go to the family that lost their Twin Lakes home to a fire on Friday. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: July 31, 2014

ASRC Gets Option To Buy Into Offshore Chukchi Drilling Operations; Gold Miners Push Back Against Nome Over ‘Negative Social Impacts’; NOAA Investigating Ferry, Humpback Collision; Higher Wildfire Potential Could Impact Northeastern Alaska Caribou Herds; GCI Completes Purchase of 3 Southeast TV Stations; No Plans Yet For Commercial Kuskokwim Opening; Aniak Youths Rescue Bald Eagle; Eight-Year-Old Busks For A Cause Download Audio

Judge Dismisses State’s Lawsuit Over National Wildlife Refuge Closures

A federal judge has dismissed the state's lawsuit over the closure of national wildlife refuges during the partial federal government shutdown last year.

Borough Could Be First To Allow Lifetime Auto Registration

The Matanuska Susitna Borough could be the first government to give the nod to lifetime vehicle registration. That's if legislation aimed at supporting a new state law is accepted by the Borough Assembly. Download Audio

Parnell Finalizes Tax Cuts for In-State Refineries

After getting through all of the security clearances and checks, guests were ushered into the fire station at the Tesoro refinery where Governor Parnell put his signature on the dotted line.

KSM Mine Wins Environmental Approval From British Columbia Government

A controversial mine planned for an area northeast of Ketchikan just won environmental approval from the British Columbia government. Download Audio
Insurance will give SEARHC members more flexibility in health care and generate revenue for the Native medical organization. (Photo by Lisa Phu/KTOO)

SEARHC to Receive $53 Million Settlement from Federal Government

The Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium will receive a $53 million settlement from Indian Health Service for about fifteen years of unpaid contract costs. Now SEARHC president and CEO Charles Clement hopes the federal agency will continue to pay its bills. Download Audio

Food Bank Seeks Donations After Spike in Users

The Food Bank of Alaska is asking for donations after seeing a spike in users. Download Audio

In Tok, Some Grumbling Over Electricity Rate Hikes vs. Energy Sustainability

Alaska Power Company customers in Tok and elsewhere in the Interior are unhappy that their electricity bills went up earlier this year. Some are frustrated that they’re being charged more partly because they’re conserving electricity – and generating it themselves. Download Audio

Anchorage economic outlook slow to moderate

Consumers in Anchorage are feeling positive. The city's Consumer Optimism Index has reached a four-year high -- 63 out of 100. The score is based on random phone surveys of at least 350 households. But the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation says that doesn't mean everything is looking up. The three-year outlook for Anchorage shows only slow to moderate economic growth.

2015 Yukon Quest Purse Over $127,000

The Yukon Quest International Sled Dog race organization announced the 2015 race purse Wednesday. The first 15 mushers to cross the finish line next February stand to win a percentage of more than $127,000. Download Audio

Meetings To Highlight Southeast Transportation Projects

Southeast Alaskans can learn more about regional transportation projects at a series of meetings starting next week. Download Audio

As Budget Deficit Looms, Juneau Assembly Eyes Tax Breaks

With another year of multimillion dollar budget deficits on the horizon for the City and Borough of Juneau, an Assembly committee is reviewing the city’s 37 sales and property tax exemptions. Download Audio