
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Alaska News Nightly: August 22, 2014

Alaska Seafood Industry Asks for Retaliatory Ban on Russian Imports; Commerce Sec. Pritzker Visits Alaska - Talks Salmon, Infrastructure; Mat-Su Borough To Ask Feds For Ferry Debt Forgiveness; Walker Wins Primary... For Libertarian Senate Nomination; ENSTAR Strike Finishes Second Week, No End in Sight; Fairbanks City Hall Renamed for Pat Cole; AK: Juneau Entrepreneurs Bring Basil To The Masses; 300 Villages: Chitna Download Audio:

Juneau Entrepreneurs Bring Basil To the Masses

Its prime time for gardens in Alaska and there are plenty of plants and veggies that thrive this far north. Basil, though, is not one of them - it needs more heat and sun - two things that are especially hard to find in the Southeast rainforest of Juneau. But two local guys have figured out a unique way to bring basil to the masses. Download Audio:

300 Villages: Chitina

This week we're heading to Chitna, a town of about 125 people on the Copper River. Judy Block is the administrator of the Chitna Traditional Indian Village Council. Download Audio:

Coexisting with Wildlife

Wildlife managers always give the same advice – let wildlife stay wild. They say do not feed the animals, do not let your pets go after them, and do not allow them to become habituated to humans. But what if the wildlife comes to you? And your pets? Listen now: APRN: Tuesday, August 26, at 10:00 a.m.

A Partnership of Language and Love: Reflecting on The Life of Dick Dauenhauer

Russian Orthodox funeral services are pending for former Alaska poet laureate Richard Dauenhauer who died Tuesday. Dauenhauer was known for many things, including poetry, translation and teaching. He was also the husband of Tlingit scholar and Alaska writer laureate Nora Marks Dauenhauer. For more than 40 years, they had a partnership of marriage and scholarship.

Walker Wins Primary … For Libertarian Senate Nomination

Walker had been a registered Republican until this spring. He hasn't campaigned or raised any money. He hasn't even joined the Alaska Libertarian Party Facebook page. So, when Walker got 2,600 votes – more than Fish and Kohlhaas combined – it was not expected. Download Audio:

Alaska Serial Killer Robert Hansen Dies at 75

Convicted Alaska serial killer Robert Hansen, who hunted down women in the Alaska wilderness in the 1970s as Anchorage boomed with construction of the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, died Thursday. He was 75. Download Audio:

Anchorage Attorney Hired in Cases Against Bethel Police

Interim Bethel city manager Greg Moyer confirms the city has hired Anchorage law firm Ingaldson, Maassen & Fitzgerald to represent the city in cases involving allegations of police brutality and an officer-involved shooting. Download Audio:

Yukon River Kings In Jeopardy Despite Meeting Escapement Goal

Yukon River king salmon continue to show symptoms indicative of low production. Unprecedented fishing restrictions in Alaska this summer allowed over 64,ooo kings to cross the border into Canada. That was enough to surpass an escapement goal, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Download Audio:

AFP Targets Begich Absenteeism in $1M Ad Buy

The ad says Begich missed more votes last year than 80 percent of his colleagues. Still, his 2013 attendance record was the best of the Alaska delegation. Download Audio:

Mat Su Borough Assembly Wrestles With Ferry Issue

The Matanuska Susitna Borough has until September 5 to repay more than 12 million dollars in federal grants related to the ferryboat "Sustina." Download Audio:

Anchorage Youth Court celebrates 25th anniversary

The Anchorage Youth Court is getting old. It's celebrating it's 25th birthday this week. The organization has shrunk over the years. The court now hears about a third of the cases it did a decade ago. But it's goal is the same -- to give young people a second chance. Download Audio:

Tlingit Expert, Linguist and Writer Dies at 72

Tlingit expert, linguist and award winning writer Richard Dauenhauer passed away Tuesday morning at Bartlett Regional Hospital. He had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about a month ago. Dauenhauer was 72 years old. Download Audio:

Alaska News Nightly: August 21, 2014

Alaska Serial Killer Robert Hansen Dies at 75; Anchorage Attorney Hired In Cases Against Bethel Police; Yukon River Kings Meet Escapement Goal, But Not Yet In The Clear; $1M Ad Buy Targets Begich for Absenteeism; Mat-Su Stares Down Deadline to Repay $12M For Failed Ferry System; A 25-year Look at the Anchorage Youth Court; Touring By Tesla: From The Mexico Border to Fairbanks; Tlingit Expert, Linguist and Writer Dies at 91; Ice Bucket Challenge Splashes Into Petersburg Download Audio:

Ice Bucket Challenge Splashes Into Petersburg

If you’ve spent any time on social media this summer, you’ve probably come across Youtube videos of the Ice Bucket Challenge. It’s a fundraising effort for ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease. Now, the viral sensation is popping up in communities around Alaska. In Petersburg, the term “ice bucket” is taken very literally. Download Audio:

Touring by Tesla: From The Mexico Border to Fairbanks

Guy Hall is an electric car evangelist. He drove from the California-Mexico border to Fairbanks in a Tesla Model S, and stopped by KTOO in Juneau to let a reporter take his wheels for a spin. Download Audio:

Begich Says ‘Bring it on’

Now that former DNR Commissioner Dan Sullivan has won the Republican Primary, U.S. Sen. Mark Begich is staking out his positions, emphasizing his record and his support of abortion rights. Download Audio:

Alaska News Nightly: August 20, 2014

Begich Says 'Bring It On'; Oil Tax Referendum Opponents Declare Victory; Oil Vote Goes Down In State Record Books as the Most Expensive Issue Race; Report: Alaskans Aren't All That Healthy; A Susitna Valley Farm Sells Its Produce Close to Home; Yup'ik Voters Give Ballot Translation Mixed Reviews; Indian Village Totem Poles Come Down in Juneau; Peninsula Women Swim Across Kachemak Bay Download Audio:

Oil Industry Puts $10M Into Oil Vote

The referendum was the most expensive issue race over a ballot measure in the state history, with the oil industry putting in more than $10 million to defeat the measure. Referendum sponsors spent a fraction of that amount, with a little over half a million raised. Download Audio:

Report: Alaskans Aren’t All That Healthy

According to the recently released “Healthy Alaskans 2020,” - an assessment and strategic plan issued every decade, Alaskans aren’t all that healthy. A 15-page overview of Alaskans’ health status as of 2012 shows Alaskans are not doing as well as people in the U.S. overall in every category. Download Audio: