
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Small-scale Hydro Project Proposed for Talkeetna River

The proposal for a massive hydroelectric project on the Susitna river is moving forward. The project has generated a lot of opposition in Talkeetna, the closest community to the dam site. Now a private company is proposing a second, smaller hydro project on the Talkeetna river.

Seismologist Says It’s Time to Talk About Earthquake Early Warning

Yesterday’s 6.2 earthquake in Southcentral Alaska struck without warning. Because that’s what earthquakes do here in Alaska. But state seismologist Michael West says now is the time for Alaskans to discuss the possibility of building an earthquake early warning system.

Housing Conference Gets Underway Monday

Two of the country’s foremost experts in the fight against chronic homelessness highlight the Alaska Coalition on Housing and Homelessness annual conference, which gets underway Monday in Juneau.

Biologists Trying to Rescue Orphaned Cubs

State Fish and Game biologists are in Galena trying to capture three orphaned bear cubs. The state initiated the effort after the cubs mother was reported killed by a local resident. The state is also working to find the animals a new home.

Alaska News Nightly: September 26, 2014

Judge Sides with State on Merged Campaign; Parnell Asks Military Official to Resign; Small-scale Hydro Project Called for Talkeetna River; Seismologist Asks for Quake Discussions; Homeless Conference to Start in Next Week; Biologists Search for Orphaned Cubs

300 Villages: Coffman Cove

This week, we're heading to Coffman Cove, in Southeast Alaska. Heather Hedges is the tourism coordinator for the city of Coffman Cove. Download Audio

AK: Alaska Native Dancing Tradition

Over the past several decades, there’s been a renaissance in Alaska Native traditional dancing. KNBA’s Joaqlin Estus recently visited with one of the founders of an Inupiaq dance group in Anchorage, who told her about his personal journey toward tradition. Download Audio

Medicaid Reform

Alaska will spend more than $700 million on Medicaid this year. State officials say Medicaid costs are increasing at an unsustainable rate. What would reforming the program look like to keep costs under control? APRN: Tuesday, 9/30 at 10:00am Download Audio

Fire at Nome Multiplex Injures 2, Displaces at Least 20

Fire tore through a Nome eight-unit multiplex Thursday night, displacing more than 20 people and gutting the building with flames that refused to subside after more than an hour of active firefighting.

Fire burns condo in Anchorage, doesn’t spread

A fire severely damaged an Anchorage condo near Tudor and Baxter on Thursday afternoon, but fire crews contained it before it spread to other units and structures.

Seismologist: Quake’s Depth Helped Minimize Damage

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake hit Southcentral Alaska at 9:51 this morning. Michael West directs the Alaska Earthquake Center in Fairbanks. He says the epicenter was about 60 miles Northwest of Anchorage and 60 miles underground. Listen now:

Quake Shakes Anchorage-ites and Visitors Alike

No major damage or injuries were reported in Anchorage after this morning's quake, but community members said they were still shaken. Items fell of shelves and people ducked under desks. Listen now:

State To Defend Merged Gubernatorial Ticket

The state says a lawsuit challenging the mechanism that allowed two Alaska gubernatorial candidates to merge their campaigns would derail the November election and potentially disenfranchise voters if it succeeds. Download Audio:

JBER F-22s Scramble To Intercept Russian Jets Near Alaska Air Space

U.S. and Canadian air forces have scrambled jets twice over the past week to intercept Russian aircraft that have buzzed the Alaskan and Canadian coastlines twice in the past week. Listen now: 

Landslide Destroys Restoration Projects Near Sitka

High rainfall this month is being blamed for a major landslide near Sitka. The U.S. Forest Service reports that a 100-acre slide came down in the Starrigavan Valley, about ten miles from town. Although there was no structural damage in the event, hundreds of thousands of dollars of watershed restoration projects in the valley have been wiped out. Listen now:

College Student Wants To Make Voting Easier For Cellphone-Using Peers

Alaskans 18 to 24 are the age group least likely to vote. About a third of them aren’t registered – and of those who are, fewer than half actually come out on Election Day. But a college freshman from Juneau would like to change that by making the whole process a little more convenient for those in school. Listen now:

Juneau Police Officer Takes On Criminal Justice Reform

Juneau Police Lt. Kris Sell has been appointed by Gov. Sean Parnell to serve on the Alaska Criminal Justice Commission. Sell is the only active police officer to serve on the commission, which was created by a bill that passed the legislature earlier this year. Its purpose is to evaluate sentencing laws and law enforcement practices, and to make recommendations for improving the system, which may include changes to criminal rehabilitation and restitution policies. Download Audio:

Alaska News Nightly: September 25, 2014

Seismologist: Quake's Depth Helped Minimize Damage; Quake Shakes Anchorage-ites and Visitors Alike; Poll Shows Sullivan With An Edge; State To Defend Merged Gubernatorial Ticket; US Jets Scramble to Meet Russian Aircraft Near Alaska Airspace; Landslide Destroys Restoration Projects Near Sitka; College Student Wants To Make Voting Easier For Cellphone-Using Peers; Juneau Police Officer Takes on Justice Reform Download Audio:

Near Quake’s Epicenter, Businesses Escape Relatively Unscathed

Preliminary reports of damage around Talkeetna, near the earthquake's epicenter, are minimal. Some residents and businesses reported that items had fallen off of shelves and broken, but no serious structural damage was reported as of Thursday afternoon.

US Chamber of Commerce Pledges “Full Weight” to Sullivan

A new Dittman Research poll shows Republican Dan Sullivan is six points ahead of Democrat Mark Begich in the U.S. Senate race. The research was funded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. It ran a pro-Sullivan ad in April and today officially announced it’s endorsement of Sullivan. Download Audio: