
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Lobbyist: State budget shortfall will affect Juneau

The City and Borough of Juneau’s lobbyist for state issues says Alaska’s budget woes may lead to conversations during the upcoming legislative session about tapping the Alaska Permanent Fund. Download Audio

Ketchikan Assembly Responds to Education Lawsuit Ruling

A Superior Court Judge has ruled in favor of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough in its lawsuit against the State of Alaska over the state’s education funding mandate. The Borough Assembly talked about Friday’s ruling during Monday night’s regular meeting, and Borough Manager Dan Bockhorst calls it a “big win” for Ketchikan. Download Audio

NMFS Expands Fishing Near Steller Sea Lion Habitat

The National Marine Fisheries Service will re-open fisheries in the Western Aleutian Islands that have been restricted for years to protect a population of Steller sea lions. Download Audio

Sitka herring forecast lowest in a decade

Sitka’s commercial herring fleet should expect to catch significantly fewer fish this spring. That’s the news from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, which released its preliminary harvest level for the 2015 Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery on Friday. Download Audio

Calista Shareholders Reconsider Enrolling Descendants

Representatives from the Calista Corporation met at the Cultural Center in Bethel earlier this month with shareholders and descendants, to discuss the details of an upcoming vote on whether to issue shares to “afterborns,” those born after December 1971 when newly formed Alaska Native Corporations enrolled their shareholders. Download Audio

ANSEP tripling enrollment in middle school program

The Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program is tripling enrollment in its Middle School Academies after receiving a $6 million state grant. Download Audio

Nome Churches, Nonprofits Keep Sales Tax Exemption

Nome’s nonprofits and churches will remain exempt from city sales tax—and retailers won’t have their unsold inventories taxed—but at Monday night’s City Council meeting, efforts to charge property tax on airplanes moved forward. Download Audio

Orphaned Bear Cub Finds Temporary Home At Alaska Zoo

An orphaned bear cub from the Eagle area is at the Alaska Zoo. The young black bear will be kept at the facility in Anchorage, while a search is conducted for a permanent home. Download Audio

When missing person isn’t found, Juneau SEADOGS search for happy ending

At least once a week, 10 handlers and their dogs muck through the mountains, muskegs and forests on and off the beaten paths of Juneau in search of volunteer hiders. It’s practice for SEADOGS, or SE Alaska Dogs Organized for Ground Search. Local authorities call on the volunteer group several times a year to help out when people go missing. Download Audio

Hilcorp To Purchase Port MacKenzie LNG Plant

Cook Inlet oil and gas producer Hilcorp has announced purchase of an LNG plant at Port MacKenzie.

Judge Temporarily Halts EPA’s 404(c) Process on Pebble Mine

U.S. District Court Judge H. Russel Holland issued a preliminary injunction Monday, temporarily halting the EPA's 404(c) process regarding the Pebble Mine. Download Audio

Details Sketchy on Expanded Deferred Action for Undocumented Immigrants

Now, some undocumented immigrants may be eligible for an expanded deferred action program announced last week by President Barack Obama. Download Audio

New Activity Seen At Mount Shishaldin

There has been some new activity at Mount Shishaldin. The Alaska Volcano Observatory upgraded the volcano to an orange status several months ago, but Shishaldin started acting differently Sunday night. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: November 24, 2014

Judge Temporarily Halts EPA's 404(c) Process on Pebble Mine; Walker Transition Team Brings 250 Delegates to Shape Policy; Details Sketchy on Expanded Deferred Action for Illegal Immigrants; New Activity Seen At Mount Shishaldin; BBAHC Testing All Expectant Mothers For Opioid Use; For Better Storm Warnings, NWS Goes Local; Interior's Dry Weather To Continue; Report: Subsidized logging costs feds millions; "Frost" Brings Art Seekers into Anchorage Parks Download Audio

BBAHC testing all expectant mothers for opioid use

A few weeks ago, police were called to the Kanakanak Hospital in Dillingham when a woman six months pregnant and a mother who had just given birth that day were caught smoking an oxycodone pill in the bathroom of the maternity room. The disturbing incident highlighted just how severe the use of opioids like heroin and oxycodone has become in Bristol Bay. Now the hospital has made the testing for opioids routine for all pregnancies. Download Audio

For Better Storm Warnings, NWS Goes Local

Predicting storms in a fast-changing environment isn’t easy. But the National Weather Service is slowly working on a plan to improve their forecasts in Alaska -- and across the country -- by adding in the view from the ground. Download Audio

Interior’s Dry Weather To Continue

The Interior is forecast to get a little snow over the next couple days, but the trend is for continued dry weather. Download Audio

Report: Subsidized logging costs feds millions

A new report says the U.S. Forest Service is wasting millions of dollars by propping up a failing Southeast Alaska timber industry. It says the Tongass National Forest should instead invest in projects supporting tourism and fishing, which are growing segments of the economy. Download Audio

“Frost” Brings Art Seekers into Anchorage Parks

Frost is one of Anchorage's newest public art projects. It's a scavenger hunt with photo clues that lead you to a place where the artists have mixed lights and film into a temporary art piece. We went on a quest to find the newest installation. Download Audio

Finding the Perfect Thanksgiving Wine

Today we’re planning Thanksgiving. Now, a lot of time energy goes into what we eat for Thanksgiving, but what about what we drink? Download Audio