
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

New Marijuana Bill Would Require Alaska Residency Of Sellers

The 25-page bill would require marijuana retailers and growers to be licensed by the state, instead of just getting business registrations. Download Audio

With Budget Recommendations, Early Education Programs On Chopping Block

Pre-kindergarten grants, Parents as Teachers, Best Beginnings -- all of these early learning programs were zeroed out in the budget recommendations offered by a House education subcommittee on Tuesday night. Download Audio

State Rep. Nageak Taken From Capitol By Ambulance

A Barrow state representative was taken by ambulance from the state Capitol Wednesday. House Speaker Mike Chenault said Rep. Benjamin Nageak, a Democrat from Barrow, wasn't feeling well and given his medical history, it was thought better to have Nageak checked by medical personnel than to do nothing. Download Audio

Commercial Fisheries Commission Chief Reacts To Being On Chopping Block

The Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission is defending itself against a recent state report pointing out inefficiencies and legislation that could dissolve the agency. Download Audio

Update: Tlingit-Haida OKs Same-Sex Marriages

Southeast Alaska’s largest tribal organization has authorized its courts to perform same-sex marriages. The Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska announced its new policy Monday. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: February 25, 2015

Air Force Officials Say F-35 Program Back On Track, Eielson Remains Preferred Location; NORAD Commander Visits Alaska; Cargo Ship Detained In Unalaska For Environmental Investigation; Attorneys Wrap Up Arguments In Lawsuit Challenging Restrictions To Medicaid-Funded Abortions; New Marijuana Bill Would Require Alaska Residency Of Sellers; Early Education Programs Facing Budget Cuts; As Legislature Eyes Budget Cuts, Public Media Funding Targeted; Rep. Nageak Taken From Capitol By Ambulance; Commercial Fisheries Commission Chief Reacts To Being On Chopping Block; Update: Tlingit-Haida OKs Same-Sex Marriages Download Audio

Alaska Pacific University Offers New Scholarship For Pell-Eligible Students

Alaska Pacific University is adding a new scholarship for low-income students who are eligible for the Pell Grant. The school also recently lowered tuition costs and hopes both measures will help attract new students. Download Audio

Bethel Man Charged With Murder

Bethel Police have arrested 27-year-old Mark Charlie Junior in connection with the suspected homicide of 26-year-old LeeAnn Berlin. Joe Corbett is a Lieutenant for the Bethel Police Department.

As Legislature Eyes Budget Cuts, Public Media Funding Targeted

Between operations and infrastructure, public radio and television were granted $5 million in state funds in the last budget. With the proposal offered by the House Finance subcommittee, funding would be reduced to $2.5 million. Download Audio

After Filing Bill To Limit Per Diem, Anchorage Democrat Pledges Some Of Her Own

A week after filing a bill that would prohibit legislators from collecting per diem when not in the capital, Rep. Harriet Drummond has pledged to return some of her own daily allowance. The Democrat will fly home for Anchorage caucus this weekend.

State Lags Behind Municipalities Adapting to New Marijuana Law

New marijuana rule change is a long way from the full legal market that voters passed. And as state entities work to develop comprehensive new laws municipalities are rushing to find shorter-term public safety solutions.

Trial Challenging Restrictions For Medicaid-Funded Abortions Continues In Anchorage

State attorneys are about to finish questioning witnesses for the defense in a trial that could determine whether or not the state removes some restrictions for Medicaid - funded abortions for low income women. Download Audio

Diomede Enters More than One Month Without Flights

The aviation company flying to the island village blames a combination of mechanical issues and weather is keeping flights from resuming, but residents say they’re getting by despite just one delivery of mail and cargo in the last month. Download Audio

Bethel Reacts to Walker Administration’s firing of DA

Bethel Community members are reacting to the Walker Administration’s firing of District Attorney, June Stein. While working in the office Sunday, Stein received a letter, delivered from a Deputy Attorney General informing her of her quote “impending release.” The state so far is not explaining why she’s being fired. Download Audio

Community members want action from muni to get more detox facilities

Community members gathered to ask assembly members to get more detox beds in Anchorage as part of the solution for alcoholism.

With Troop Cuts Looming, Anchorage Officials Turn Out Crowd

Several hundred people turned out to show support for the military in Alaska and speak against potential troop reductions at an event Monday night. Download Audio

Southeast Alaska King Salmon Head North In Search Of Cooler Waters

Some king salmon reared in Southeast Alaska are traveling farther north as ocean temperatures rise. This news was delivered to the Alaska Board of Fisheries as their spring meeting opened in Sitka Monday afternoon. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: February 24, 2015

Sec. Jewell On The Hot Seat In Murkowski’s Committee; As Pot Becomes Legal, Alaska Communities Rush For Short-Term Laws; Trial Challenging Restrictions For Medicaid-Funded Abortions Continues In Anchorage; Diomede Enters More than One Month Without Flights; Bethel Reacts to Walker Administration’s firing of DA; Community Members Want Action From Muni To Get More Detox Facilities; Bill Changes Alaska Lawmakers’ Per Diem Rules; With Troop Cuts Looming, Anchorage Officials Turn Out Crowd; Southeast Alaska King Salmon Head North In Search Of Cooler Waters Download Audio

Sec. Jewell on the Hot Seat in Murkowski’s Committee

Sen. Lisa Murkowski confronted Interior Secretary Sally Jewell today at a hearing of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The subject was the president’s proposed budget for the Interior Department. But Murkowski used the occasion to bash Jewell for recent department decisions blocking oil development on the North Slope.

Murkowski, Jewell Spar Over North Slope Oil And Gas Development

Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Interior Secretary Sally Jewell faced off in a Senate hearing Tuesday morning in Washington.