
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Alaska House Finance Committee Hearing Public Input On Budget

With the state facing a deficit of more than $4 billion, the budget is arguably the most important issue facing the Alaska Legislature this session. The House Finance Committee is now hearing from the public on its cuts, in preparation for any changes it might make to the spending proposal. Download Audio

Murkowski Seeks Lease Extensions for Shell

Last summer, Shell asked the government to extend its offshore drilling leases in the Arctic. Today, U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski pressed Shell’s case to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell in a Senate hearing. Murkowski says Shell needs certainty to continue to invest billions of dollars in its Arctic operations. Download Audio

Sullivan Jousts with EPA’s McCarthy

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan today engaged the head of the EPA, Gina McCarthy, in a testy exchange. Sullivan’s focus was the EPA’s proposed rule for the Clean Water Act. But first the senator extracted some crow from McCarthy for dissing gifts given to her when she visited Alaska last year. Sullivan says her reference to a jar of moose meat that could “gag a maggot” was disrespectful to Alaskans. Download Audio

Medicaid Expansion Event Brings Out Lawmakers, Davidson

Legislators, aides and others heard an alternate viewpoint on Medicaid expansion from a senior fellow with an organization that has referred to the "dangers" expansion poses in states that opt for it. Download Audio

Budget Cuts Would Eliminate Health Care Commission

The Alaska Health Care Commission would be eliminated in proposed funding cuts from the House finance committee. The Commission makes policy recommendations to the legislature and the Governor to improve the health of Alaskans and control health care costs. Download Audio

P/V Stimson Likely to Move From Unalaska to Kodiak

The state is once again looking to move the Wildlife Trooper patrol vessel Stimson from Unalaska to Kodiak. And this year, the change seems poised to go through. Download Audio

Researcher Investigating Alaska’s Sexual Assault Issues

A researcher from University of California Irvine is in Dillingham to collect the experiences of sexual assault victims. The project is trying to figure out the cause of the disproportionately high number of sexual crimes in rural Alaska. Download Audio

Mayor, Chief Pitch ‘Community Policing’ At South Fairbanks Meeting

Fairbanks’s mayor and police chief rolled out a new approach to law enforcement last night. The community policing program is getting started in crime-plagued South Fairbanks. Download Audio

‘Iditarod Adventures, Tales from Mushers Along the Trail’ Documents Race Stories

A new book, out just in time for this year's race, documents stories of the Iditarod. Lew Freedman, a former Anchorage Daily News reporter and author of numerous other books on Iditarod legends, gets people who race or love and support the race, to tell their own stories. The book is called Iditarod Adventures, Tales from Mushers Along the Trail. Freedman starts with Martin Buser. He says he's had a question he's wanted to ask Buser since 1991. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: March 4, 2015

Alaska House Finance Committee Hearing Public Input On Budget; Murkowski Seeks Lease Extensions for Shell; Sullivan Jousts with EPA's McCarthy; Medicaid Expansion Event Brings Out Lawmakers, Davidson; Budget Cuts Would Eliminate Health Care Commission; P/V Stimson Likely to Move From Unalaska to Kodiak; Researcher Investigating Alaska's Sexual Assault Issues; Mayor, Chief Pitch ‘Community Policing’ At South Fairbanks Meeting; 'Iditarod Adventures, Tales from Mushers Along the Trail' Documents Race Stories Download Audio

Senators from Alaska, Maine form ‘Arctic Caucus’

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she’s forming an Arctic caucus -- a group of senators that will meet to advance discussion among senators and staff about issues important to the Arctic and its people.

Jewell: No Plan Afoot to Declare ANWR Monument

President Obama infuriated Alaska’s political leaders when he announced in January he would ask Congress to protect more land within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness, forever off-limits to oil drilling. Some, including Sen. Lisa Murkowski, predict Obama will act on his own to bar development, by using the Antiquities Act to declare ANWR a national monument. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said today that’s not in the works.

Thursday, March 5 is Steve Heimel Day at Alaska Public Media

Drop by the Alaska Public Media studios at 3877 University Drive, Thursday, 5 to say thanks to APRN's Steve Heimel. We are hosting a special community get-together from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. The long-time Talk of Alaska host, and morning news producer and reporter is leaving Alaska Public Media after many years of dedicated service. Enjoy the fellowship and the many Steve Heimel stories that will be floating around. You won't want to miss it.

Calista Announces Record Dividend

The Calista Corporation announced a record dividend Tuesday, totaling just over $5 million. The dividend amount is $3.80 per share, which works out to about $380 for the average shareholder with 100 shares.

Daylight Saving Bill Triggers Time Zone Déjà Vu

A bill that would eliminate daylight saving time in Alaska is now one step away from the Senate floor. But as the legislation has advanced, it’s also changed in a way that could divide the state -- literally. Download Audio

Developing State Regulations on Marijuana Mirror Alcohol, Cap Personal-Use Plants at 12

The majority of House Bill 75 spells out regulations for marijuana that mirror measures in place already for alcohol, granting local communities leeway with registering protests and setting civil fines. Download Audio

Cuts To Early Education Now Could Cost The State Later

Proposed cuts by Alaska lawmakers to early education programs could cost the state a lot more in the future. Program proponents say supporting parents and children from birth to age 5 is crucial to a child’s and the state’s development. Download Audio

Secretary of Defense Affirms Need For Arctic Emphasis

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter affirmed on Tuesday the need for a U.S. military strategy for the Arctic as Russia builds its military in the north. Download Audio

Crews Work To Clean Up Milne Point Oil Spill

Clean-up crews are still working on an oil spill at Milne Point, about 25 miles northwest of Deadhorse. Milne Point is operated by Hilcorp. Download Audio

Iditarod Restart Route Moves Off Chena River

The Iditarod has changed its plan for the Fairbanks re-start. This winter’s warm weather that forced the re-start north from Anchorage is also causing problems in Fairbanks. Download Audio