
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Urban Gardening In Anchorage

Today, we’re urban gardening. The time to garden is now, and Anchorage resident Tikaan Galbreath can’t wait to dig into his soil. Download Audio

With No Deal On Budget, Legislative Session Goes Long

The hold up is a vote to draw from the constitutional budget reserve to fill a multi-billion-dollar deficit. Without support from the Democratic minority, the Legislature is short at least three votes to tap the rainy day fund.

After Tense Lead-Up, Legislature Confirms Walker’s Cabinet

Most of the high-level appointments made it through with unanimous support. But Attorney General Craig Richards saw significant -- though not fatal -- pushback from the Legislature.

Escaping Vietnam: Dale Tran

Hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese fled Saigon at the end of the Vietnam war in the spring of 1975. They ran from the oppression of the communists. In many cases they ran to save their lives. Dale Tran's family was among the thousands who escaped.

Matzo Balls and the $75 Challenge | INDIE ALASKA

Natasha Price is a crafty person. From knit hats to family dinners, homemade is kind of her thing. One reason for the DIY attitude according to Price is because living in Alaska is expensive enough without going out to eat every night. So after realizing that her family's monthly grocery bill was topping $600, she went on a quest to feed her family on $75 a week. Not an easy task in a state where nearly all food is shipped thousands of miles before reaching consumers.

Key Issues Linger As Legislative Session’s End Closes In

The Alaska State Legislature is scheduled to gavel out on Sunday, before the stroke of midnight. But many of the issues lawmakers have delved into – the budget, Medicaid, marijuana – are still unsettled. APRN’s Alexandra Gutierrez joins us to talk about what the end game for the legislative session looks like. Download Audio

Arctic Priorities Questioned on Eve of U.S. Chairmanship

The United States assumes chairmanship of the Arctic Council next week, kicking off a two-year window to assert American priorities in the region. The U.S. and other member nations have committed to making the Arctic a “zone of peace.” But now, some Arctic watchers wonder if the U.S. needs to add an item to its Arctic priority list: get tough with Russia. Download Audio

Refined Fuel Tax Measure Heads To Governor’s Desk

Though discussion of new revenues hasn’t gone far in the Legislature this session, the Senate on Friday passed a measure taxing refined fuels. Download Audio

Anchorage Church Officials Lead Rally For Medicaid Expansion

Hundreds of Anchorage residents gathered in Cuddy park Thursday night to rally for Medicaid expansion. The event was organized by AFACT, Anchorage Faith & Action Congregations Together- a coalition of local churches. Organizers hope the rally will make a difference as lawmakers enter the final days of the legislative session. Download Audio

UAF To Cut Several Low-Enrollment Programs

The repercussions of reduced state funding are hitting home at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. And some academic programs are going away. Download Audio

AK: An Artist On A Quest To Bring Otter To The Runway

This spring, Sitka artist Peter Williams took a trip to New York City, to show his work during fashion week. A designer and marine mammal hunter, Williams makes everything from hats to earrings from sea otter and sealskin. He's been trying to break into the lucrative fashion world for years, and he's got a larger goal in mind – bringing Alaska Native designs to luxury buyers worldwide. Williams says that one way to save a traditional art form, is to create a market for it. Download Audio

49 Voices: Wayne Constantine

This week, we're hearing from Wayne Constantine, who is Athabascan and lives on a homestead on the Stony River. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: April 17, 2015

Key Issues Linger As Legislative Session's End Closes In; Arctic Priorities Questioned on Eve of U.S. Chairmanship; Refined Fuel Tax Measure Heads To Governor's Desk; Anchorage Church Officials Lead Rally For Medicaid Expansion; UAF To Cut Several Low-Enrollment Programs; AK: Fur Fashion; 49 Voices: Wayne Constantine Download Audio

UAF Chancellor Brian Rogers To Retire This Summer

University of Alaska Fairbanks Chancellor Brian Rogers plans to step down this summer. Rogers, who was a top candidate to replace retiring UA system President Pat Gamble, announced his intention to leave the university Thursday.

Land Into Trust And The Future Of Tribal Sovereignty In Alaska

Alaska tribes can now ask the Interior Secretary to take land into trust, a legal designation called Indian Country. What would this mean for the future of tribal sovereignty? How would Indian Country status affect Alaska Native Corporations and the relationship between tribes and the state? APRN: Tuesday, 4/21 at 10:00am Download Audio

Chinook Salmon Bycatch; And HB132

This week on Alaska Edition: The North Pacific Fisheries Management Council takes action on Chinook salmon bycatch in Alaska’s pollock fishery. How could the veto of HB132 affect the Mat-Su Valley? Where does Medicaid expansion stand in the legislature? KSKA: Friday, 4/17 at 2:00pm and Saturday, 4/18 at 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 4/17 at 7:30pm and Saturday, 4/18 at 4:30pm Download Audio

State’s New Child Adoption Rules Signal Thaw With Native Groups

With the president of the Alaska Federation of Natives by his side, Walker announced at a press conference that the state would make it easier for Alaska Native children to remain with extended family or with tribal members in adoption cases.

Alaska News Nightly: April 16, 2015

Battle Over Medicaid Spills Onto Capital Steps; As Deadline Looms, Gov. Walker Says Legislature Could Gavel Out On Time; Emergency Regulations Strengthen Indian Child Welfare Act; Petitioners ask Governor to Stop Supporting Same-Sex Marriage Bans; Coast Guard Says Remains Of Missing Alaska Pilot Found; FBI Looks Into Bethel Incident; Interior Secretary Sally Jewell Defends Federal Land Management; Oil Price Likely To Dip Again After Brief Surge; Ninth Circuit Denies Big Thorne Injunction; Anchorage Students Rally Against Education Funding Cut; Juneau School District Seeking Special Election For School Bonds Download Audio

Anchorage Students Rally Against Education Funding Cuts

More than 150 high school students walked out of class Thursday afternoon to attend an impromptu rally at the Anchorage Legislative Information Office.

Battle Over Medicaid Spills Onto Capital Steps

The event is another strategy from the administration to get lawmakers to bring the issue to a vote in the Legislature ahead of session's end. Download Audio