
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Mat-Su Borough certifies election results

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough's new mayor was sworn in Tuesday. Vern Halter was declared mayor after the Borough Assembly certified the Oct. 6 election Tuesday night.

Port of Nome hires McDowell Group for port expansion research

Updating and streamlining the strategic plan for Nome’s port expansion was the theme of the hour-long work session that preceded last week’s Port Commission meeting.

Savoonga man marooned in Russia, hoping for a charter home

A man from the Bering Sea island community of Savoonga is stuck in Russia after traveling there through a unique visa-free travel program for Alaska Natives. Despite not needing a visa for the trip, Sivoy Miklahook now finds himself on the wrong side of the Strait as his Russian papers inch closer to expiration. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015

UAF comes clean about disciplinary failures in sex abuse, rape cases; City unveils plan to combat escalating Spice emergencies; Unalaska museum closes after ancient Bible found in director's house; Murkowski's irate over canceled leases, Interior nominee heard all about it; Under US chairmanship, Arctic Council convenes in Anchorage; Fairbanks Police Department under fire at city council meeting; Alaskan stuck in Russia after visiting relatives there Download Audio

UAF comes clean about disciplinary failures in sex abuse, rape cases

The University of Alaska Fairbanks violated its own policy regarding sexual misconduct cases between 2011 and 2014. University students responsible for rape and other sex crimes were not expelled or suspended during that time. Download Audio

Mayor intros new measure to combat wave of Anchorage spice emergencies

One of the problems trying to enforce existing rules is that "spice" refers to a wide umbrella of drugs containing a number of different synthetic substances. Download Audio

Unalaska museum closes after ancient Bible found in director’s house

The Museum of the Aleutians in Unalaska remains closed after the discovery of museum materials--including a Russian Orthodox Bible from 1801--at the executive director's house disrupted normal operations last week. Download Audio

Murkowski’s irate; Interior nominee heard all about it

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski used a confirmation hearing as an opportunity to voice her frustration over a string of decisions by Sec. Sally Jewell limiting development in Alaska, including last week's cancellation of Arctic offshore lease sales. An Interior Department nominee felt the burn today. Download Audio

Under US chairmanship, Arctic Council convenes in Anchorage

The United States has taken the helm of the Arctic Council and the eight-nation body is meeting in Anchorage this week. Download Audio

Fairbanks Police Department under fire at city council meeting

The Fairbanks Police Department came under criticism at last night’s city council meeting. During citizen’s comments, Fairbanks resident and Alaska Native Daisy Stevens questioned the department’s handling of recent and past homicide investigations. Download Audio

Scott Kelley named state’s director of commercial fisheries

The state has a new director of commercial fisheries. Long-time Fish and Game employee Scott Kelley takes over Wednesday, replacing Jeff Regnart, who retired at the start of October.

Scientists ID dead orca in Southeast Alaska

Scientists have identified the dead killer whale found on a shoreline in Southeast Alaska last week. NOAA fisheries spokesperson Julie Speegle says a team of scientists made it to the Portage Bay on northern Kupreanof Island Monday.

Survey shows billions of juvenile Arctic cod under sea ice

What happens under Arctic sea ice has largely been hidden from the prying eyes of science. But a new under-ice trawl net has changed that. A new study finds a northern cod species lurking there in the billions. Download Audio

Independent ferry tied up for repairs in Wrangell

An independent ferry in Southeast Alaska is tied up with mechanical problems in Wrangell, the latest in series of delays and difficulties for the new service.

State finalizes purchase of Fairbanks Natural Gas

Interior Alaska residents are expected to see a drop in their energy bills this winter now that the state has purchased Fairbanks Natural Gas.

Plans for Juneau sea walk, whale statue put on hold

The city of Juneau is cancelling bids for the construction of a sea walk and bronze whale statue after the bids exceeded expected costs by several million dollars.

Kenai school district seeks input on potential cuts

With the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District facing an expected $3 million — or more — hole in its budget next year, it’s turning to the public for ideas.

State Dept. official to talk on nuclear treaty in Fairbanks

A high ranking State Department official will speak Monday night at the University of Alaska Fairbanks on the prospects of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Oct. 19, 2015

On Attu Island, WWII battlefield awaits clean-up as seabirds recolonize the isle; State Dept. official to talk on nuclear treaty in Fairbanks; Confronting suicide in Alaska: Talk about it; Expert disputes boot print evidence at Fairbanks 4 hearing; Fairbanks 4 parolee speaks out at AFN to standing ovation; In tight race, Halter wins Mat-Su mayor's seat; NAACP asks Sitka to rename Alaska Day event; Online map plots coastal erosion in eight Western Alaska locations Download Audio

Sea birds recolonize Attu Island amid toxic WWII battlefield remnants

It’s been seven decades since U.S. soldiers recaptured Attu Island from Japanese forces, setting off one of the bloodiest battles of World War II. Download Audio