
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

A village at the end of a marshs

‘A wake up call’ COVID-19 cases in Maniilaq service area doubled in October

Residents of Kotzebue made up a large majority of the cases, with 96 residents testing positive. The villages of Buckland and Noatak also saw spikes.

Invasive Species Causing Major Problems

Alaska isn’t home to a large number of non-native bugs and weeds, but those that are here are beginning to cause some serious problems.
a docked ferry

Small fire aboard state ferry sends 11 to Wrangell hospital for evaluation

It’s not clear how the fire started. Crew member Steven Harrison said the working theory is that an ice machine in the bar area started the fire.

UA Regents Meet On Kenai Campus

The University of Alaska Board of Regents held their spring meeting at the Kenai River Campus in Soldotna late last week. Each year, the Board travels to one of the University’s satellite campuses for their April meeting. In addition to conducting regular business, these spring gatherings give the local campuses an opportunity to showcase their facilities and programs to the entire Board.

Nikiski trampling a reminder to take caution during moose calving season, troopers say

A Nikiski woman was trampled by a cow moose Monday evening when she got too close to its newborn calf, according to the Alaska Wildlife Troopers.

Baranof Goat Study Unlocks Clues To Island’s Paleo Past

A study to help establish goat hunting guidelines on Baranof Island has revealed much more than how to manage the goat population. It has sparked a mystery. And it’s offered clues to what the island looked like before there were hunters. Download Audio

State House Approves Alaska Native Language Bill

The Alaska House of Representatives approved a bill on Wednesday that would symbolically recognize 20 Alaska Native languages as official state languages. House Bill 216 passed on a 38-0 vote. With less than a week to go in this year’s legislative session, the Senate State Affairs Committee will hear the bill tomorrow. Download Audio

Computer Models Aid Firefighters

The wildfires around Nulato and Ruby on the Yukon River have been burning slowly but steadily this week. The Nulato Fire has covered more than 26 thousand acres, while a series of fires around Ruby have burned close to 65 thousand acres.

Statehood Documentary Premiering in Anchorage

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage An archive clip of Edward R. Murrow from the new documentary Statehood! from independent film producer Larry Goldin of Aurora...
A digital simulation showing different

Biden vows to block Pebble mine project if elected

“It is no place for a mine,” the former vice president said in a statement to news media.

Missing Hikers Return to Akutan

Two hikers who went missing on Akutan Island have made it back to town. The Oregon natives set off for Akutan’s volcano Tuesday morning, equipped only for a day hike. When they didn’t report for work at Trident Seafoods on Wednesday, the company sent out ground search parties and contracted with PenAir to do flyovers. The State Troopers and Coast Guard joined the search later in the day.

Hanging Up on Land Lines on Hold

Alaska Communications Systems wants to hang up on clunky pay phone service in the wireless age. The telecommunications company wants to end public...

Lonnie, Karen Vernon Sentenced In Militia Trials

An Alaska militia member will serve nearly 26 years in a federal prison after being convicted of conspiracy to commit murder and to amass weapons. Lonnie Vernon was sentenced today during a combative session in U.S. District Court in Anchorage, at which he denied the authority of the court, the judge and prosecutors.

Anchorage gets mixed reviews on “quality of life”

Thanks to tourist promotions, most Anchorage residents are aware they are living a "big, wild life."  But how does the city fare in an...
A gray-scale photo of a person in a mask, with just their eyes showing, and wearing a jacket.

Man who vandalized Alaska Jewish Museum with swastika stickers sentenced to 18 months in prison

Luke Foster, 28, was convicted on two acts of hate-motivated property damage and one drug trafficking offense.

Juneau Diocese Receives New Bishop

The Most Reverend Edward J. Burns was installed yesterday (Thursday) as bishop of the Diocese of Juneau. Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO - Juneau Download Audio (MP3)
A wooden dilapidated building

Alaska spent millions. So why is this historic building still a wreck?

The Jesse Lee Home is a nearly century-old former children's home and the birthplace of the Alaska state flag. The nonprofit Friends of the Jesse Lee Home had millions in grants and more than a decade to fix it up, but they now say time is running out. The problem, according to state officials, is that the group mismanaged state funds. Now the Jesse Lee Home is closer than ever to being demolished. Listen now

Hayes theft, fraud, conspiracy, money laundering trial starts up in Fairbanks

The prosecution and defense delivered their opening statements today in the federal trial of former Fairbanks mayor Jim Hayes. Hayes is accused of illegally...

Man Found Dead In Midtown Anchorage

A man was found dead in a midtown Anchorage business park Saturday. Initial police reports say he and his girlfriend were drinking and passed out. The man, said to be in his 30s, did not wake up.

Ten-year-old organizes kid’s bike race to promote healthy lungs

The organizer of a kid's bike race in Anchorage Saturday wants to raise awareness for the importance of healthy lungs.