
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Rep. Kito prefiles bill to revert to 120-day legislative session

Rep. Sam Kito III wants to repeal the ballot measure that tried to cut the Alaska Legislature’s annual session to down from 120 days to 90. Download Audio

White House invites Alaskan to State of Union

Lydia Doza got a text message she nearly ignored. It led to a special White House invitation to honor her efforts inspiring Native American youth to choose STEM careers. Download Audio

‘The Blob’… on winter vacation or gone for good?

Is 'The Blob' taking a winter breather? Or, is it fizzling out? After over two years, is The Blob finally dead? The giant, persistent mass of warm ocean water seems to have cooled over the last few months, possibly because of another warm ocean phenomenon that is now dominating the Pacific. Download Audio

Councilman calls on Fairbanks marijuana clubs to get retail licenses

Fairbanks city councilman David Pruhs is sponsoring an ordinance that calls on marijuana clubs to get licensed similarly to pot retailers. Download Audio

Industry opposes Anchorage pot tax, excessive regulations

Two separate items coming before the Anchorage Assembly will shape the state's largest market for commercial cannabis for years to come. And industry representatives are worried it'll be for the worse.

Dillingham drug bust nets $19K cash, 12.5g heroin

The Dillingham Police Department seized 12.5 grams of heroin and $19,000 cash in a drug bust in the Nerka subdivision Saturday night. The alleged dealer is Joshua G. Rivera, 37, from Anchorage, who is being held on two felony charges and $50,000 bail. Download Audio

Rasmuson Foundation, family gift $24M to Anchorage Museum

The Anchorage Museum is getting a big financial boost from the Rasmuson Foundation, and the Rasmuson family, for an expansion. It's a gift of $24 million -- $12 million from the foundation will be matched by the Rasmuson family. Download Audio

Former Anchorage Archbishop Francis Hurley dies at 88

The Archdiocese of Anchorage says Francis Hurley died at his Anchorage home Sunday evening, two days before his 89th birthday. Anchorage funeral arrangements are pending. Download Audio

Matt Hall wins Copper Basin 300, Aliy Zirkle takes 4th

This weekend’s Copper Basin 300 sled dog race saw the first musher cross the finish line before 10 a.m. Monday. Good weather and a fast trail contributed to an early finish for this year’s race. Download Audio

Director of Army National Guard coming to Bethel, Napaskiak

For the first time in recent history, the director of the Army National Guard will be visiting Bethel and Napaskiak tomorrow, Jan. 12.

Alaska VA tests pilot program in Kodiak

The Anchorage branch of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs will hold a claims clinic in Kodiak this weekend. Veterans and their family members will be able to meet with Veterans Benefits Representatives, who will help them in making new claims and moving claims along, as well as provide other assistance like answering questions on pending claims.

Murkowski visits Nome, addresses port development

Senator Lisa Murkowski made her first trip to Nome in almost four years this Thursday. She toured local facilities, talked with leaders, hosted a community meet-and-greet, and rounded out the day at a high school basketball game.

Legislature releases pre-files, including tribal court protective order bill

The state Legislature released 31 pre-filed bills today. That's the legislation submitted before lawmakers convene, that they plan to discuss – and possibly vote on – in the next several months.

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, January 8, 2016

Leaked documents point to misallocation of federal funds at tribal group; Supreme Court overturns education lawsuit ruling; FWS proposes tighter rules on predator hunting in refuges; Ahead of session, legislative bills trickle in; Judge sends LIO case to trial; UAF engineering chases sparse funding, looks to private sector; Facebook says Ketchikan is indeed in Alaska; AK: For Tlingit engineer, Juneau bridge connects Alaskans; 49 Voices: Ron Levy of Soldotna Download Audio

Real estate remains real stable in Alaska’s largest market

In an annual presentation to city officials on property values, Anchorage's municipal assessor showed a steady rise in overall property values.

Leaked documents point to misallocation of federal funds at tribal group

In late December, the Association of Village Council Presidents laid off 30 employees. AVCP has made no official statement about why the layoffs occurred, but documents show misappropriation of federal grant money over nearly a decade. Download Audio

FWS proposes tighter rules on predator hunting in refuges

The state of Alaska has, in recent years, loosened the rules for hunting wolves and bears, but federal wildlife managers aren’t going along with it. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today proposed new rules for predator hunting on national refuges in Alaska.

Ahead of session, legislative bills trickle in

Bills related to Medicaid and the governor's power to accept additional federal money for a budget item are included in the first batch of measures filed ahead of the upcoming legislative session. Download Audio

Judge sends LIO case to trial

A state judge handed down a significant ruling Thursday on a case involving the controversial lease for the state's Legislative Information Office in downtown Anchorage. Download Audio

UAF engineering chases sparse funding, looks to private sector

Conoco-Phillips is donating a half-million dollars to help complete an engineering building at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. It is the second large donation by industry directed to the project. Download Audio