
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Emergency preparedness in Alaska

On this week's Alaska Edition, we discuss emergency preparedness in the state.

AK: Artist finishes portrait collection of Juneau’s grittiest

As 2015 came to a close, Juneau artist MK MacNaughton finished a art project that portrayed 52 of her fellow community members—or, a portrait a week for a year. MacNaughton picked her subjects not for how they look, but for what they do, where they do it, and how hard they work at it. Download Audio

FDA stops imports of genetically engineered salmon

The FDA issued an alert this morning to stop imports of genetically engineered salmon.

Legislative committee raises concern over new DEC rules

A joint House and Senate committee on Thursday quizzed Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Spill Response Director Kristin Ryan on a new set of regulations that they say could be overly burdensome to companies and people throughout the state.

Lawmakers approve removing records from online court system

The Alaska Senate has approved a bill that calls for records of acquittals, dismissed cases and dropped cases to be erased from the state's online court record system.

Man found dead on trail outside Aniak

An investigation into a death in Aniak has taken an odd turn, with someone else connected to the situation found dead yesterday.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Jan. 28, 2016

Moda exits Alaska's individual health insurance market; Railbelt communities consider a business model overhaul; Scientists say murre die-off comparable to Exxon Valdez spill; APD investigates 2 unusual deaths at Point Woronzof; Corrections nominee pledges to stop incarcerating the intoxicated; Police, public health officials unite to combat Spice; Homeless count sheds new light on Alaska needs; Special election announced to recall North Slope mayor; Cyrano's theater honored with Governor's award; Middle Way restauranteur branches into pizza Download Audio

Moda exits Alaska’s individual health insurance market

Moda Health says it's pulling out of the individual market in the state. The company is one only two insurers who sell individual health insurance plans in Alaska. Download Audio

Railbelt utility overhaul could mean more renewables, cheaper power

Utilities from Homer to Fairbanks are in discussions to overhaul the way electricity is generated and transported across the region. The goal is cheaper electricity -- and more renewable power. Download Audio

Scientists say murre die-off comparable to Exxon Valdez spill

The number of dead common murres showing up on Alaska’s beaches is growing, and the scale of the die-off is now on par with the grounding of the 1989 Exxon Valdez in Price William Sound when 22,000 birds were collected. Download Audio

APD investigates 2 unusual deaths at Point Woronzof

Two suspicious deaths in Anchorage have local police puzzled. APD was investigating a body that was found at the city's Point Woronzoff early Thursday morning when they found a second person nearby, critically wounded. Download Audio

Corrections nominee aims to improve safety for intoxicated people who are detained

Last year, Dean Williams found many problems with the state Department of Corrections that contributed to the deaths of dozens in Alaska’s prisons and jails. Now he will be in position to do something about it. Gov. Bill Walker on Thursday nominated Williams to be corrections commissioner. Download Audio

Police and public health officials collaborate to combat Spice

According to the latest figures 9.7 percent of emergency transports are spice-related emergencies across the municipality. Now, the city is pulling together a broad spectrum of experts from different fields to develop long term strategies.

Homeless count sheds new light on Alaska needs

Alaska now has a more localized way of looking at homelessness data. Instead of gathering information that reflects the state as a whole, some municipalities can see their own data that gets reported to the feds. That could mean more funding for housing in some communities. Download Audio

Special election announced to recall North Slope mayor

North Slope officials have called for a special election to recall Mayor Charlotte Brower after residents successfully gathered enough signatures on a petition. Download Audio
Sandy Harper of Cyrano’s.

Cyrano’s theater honored by Governor

The annual Governor's Awards for the Arts and Humanities takes place tonight in the capital city. Awards will be given to outstanding Alaskans for their work in advancing art and humanities. One of tonight's recipients is Cyrano's theater company in Anchorage. Download Audio

Middle Way restauranteur branches into pizza territory

Last Saturday was the grand opening of Hearth Artisan Pizzas, a pizzeria owned by Jon Campabello, who also runs the restaurant next door: Middle Way Cafe. Download Audio

PBS hosts Democratic debate

Live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, PBS NEWSHOUR co-anchors and managing editors Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff will moderate the DNC-sanctioned debate, the first Democratic presidential debate following the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary. Thursday, January 11. 5:00 p.m.

Marine Science Symposium – LIVEBLOG – Thursday

5:15 p.m. It's over. The Symposium concluded with the presentation of awards for the best student presentations but most of the winning students were not there, presumably back at their studies.

Bethel City Council imposes 6-month hold on marijuana operations

Bethel City Council unanimously passed a six-month moratorium on marijuana license applications on Tuesday. The moratorium places a hold on the city processing any land use, zoning, or licensing approvals for marijuana operations in Bethel.