
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

New restrictions made on king salmon fishing in Kenai and Kasilof

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced restrictions Thursday for king salmon fishing in the Kenai and Kasilof Rivers in order to try and meet escapement goals.
Alan Zuboff comes to these Angoon flats almost every day to dig for cockles. (Photo by Elizabeth Jenkins – KTOO)

AK: High levels of mercury spell hazards for subsistence in Southeast village

Earlier this month, Angoon’s mayor asked for help after discovering high levels of mercury in subsistence seal. With only one grocery store in town, the small Southeast village is dependent on what’s in the water. And according to a tissue sample test, that might include contaminants from a nearby mine. Download Audio

49 Voices: Ryan Kennedy of Anchorage

This week, we're hearing from Ryan Kennedy, an unemployed carpenter who lives in Anchorage. Download Audio
(Photo by Josh Edge/APRN)

Racial Equity

What does it mean to have equity? Is it a simple measure of equal access to employment, housing and education, or something much deeper? APRN: Tuesday, 2/23 at 10:00am

Thompson: Panel working to get budget to floor by March 9

A co-chair of the House Finance Committee says the panel is working hard to get the state operating budget to the House floor by March 9.

Fishermen, lawmakers weigh in on proposed fish tax increase

Fishing industry and lawmakers puzzled over the origins of a proposed one percent tax increase in fisheries business taxes and fishery resource landing taxes.

Investigation continues into walrus deaths on Alaska shore

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says the agency continues to investigate the deaths of 25 Pacific walrus found dead five months ago in northwest Alaska.
Reporter's roundtable update on energy

Reporter’s roundtable: Energy in Alaska

Listen Now: On this week's Alaska Edition we discuss energy in Alaska, where bush residents have not seen prices drop for gasoline or diesel fuel, even though gas is a little more than $2 a gallon in Anchorage.

University of Alaska Regents hear testimony on restructuring plan

The University of Alaska Board of Regents heard public testimony Thursday morning on its plan to restructure the University system in light of state budget cuts.

Memorial services for Rep. Gruenberg set for Sunday and Thursday

Memorial services are set in Juneau and Anchorage for longtime Alaska lawmaker Max Gruenberg.

Nome’s port commission confronts near-empty bank account

Nome’s Port & Harbor finances are not looking good. The city’s Finance Director Julie Liew broke the news at the most recent Port Commission meeting.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016

In a day, Murkowski changes her tone on court nominee; GAO: Rush imperils missile defense; UA opposes bill that would allow for concealed carrying on campus; state leaders look to fix Alaskan health issues; Palmer heroin dealer to face federal charges; former Juneau lawmaker fined $18K for allegedly helping oil companies while seeking oil jobs; budding cannabis entrepreneur is not who you think; 2016 Iron Dog Race projected to be faster and riskier; Yukon Quest rookies help each other on the trail Download Audio

State leaders look to fix Alaskan health issues

Medicaid is one of the biggest drivers of Alaska’s state spending. At the same time, Alaska has the nation’s highest suicide rate, and a growing problem with opioid addiction. There is a new effort to address both issues. State leaders believe they can lower the long term growth in Medicaid costs – and make Alaskans healthier mentally and physically. Download Audio

In a day, Murkowski changes her tone on court nominee

Yesterday, Sen. Lisa Murkowski said she believes it’s “important” that the Senate hold a hearing on President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court. “I do believe that the nominee should get a hearing," she said then. Today, on Twitter, Murkowski essentially said there should be no nominee. Download Audio

2016 Iron Dog Race projected to be faster and riskier

The 2016 Iron Dog Snowmachine Race gets underway this weekend. The ceremonial start in downtown Anchorage begins Saturday morning, and then the green flag officially drops at the Big Lake starting line on Sunday at 11 am. Iron Doggers are expecting a better trail than last year. Download Audio

Yukon Quest rookies help each other on the trail

The Yukon Quest is winding down. The last musher, Canadian rookie Gaeton Pierrard is expected to cross the finish line early Friday morning. Running at the back of the pack can be just as trying and rewarding as racing at the front. That was the case for rookie mushers Andy Pace and Laura Neese. Download Audio
Heroin powder. (Photo courtesy Drug Enforcement Administration)

Feds charge Palmer man in heroin death

Overdose death leads to federal charges against a Palmer man. Download Audio

UA opposes bill that would allow for concealed carrying on campus

The University of Alaska is opposing a bill introduced by a Fairbanks state senator. SB 174 would remove restrictions for the carrying of concealed firearms on college campuses. The bill received a vetting yesterday in by Senate Education committee. Download Audio

GAO: Rush imperils missile defense

A new report raises doubts about whether the missile defense system housed largely at Fort Greely can protect the U.S. from a North Korean attack. The GAO says the Missile Defense Agency is compromising reliability with a rushed schedule as it expands the number of interceptors at Greely to 40. Download Audio

I Am An Ice Truck Racer

Chris Lamson built his first truck when he was seventeen, and now spends winter weekends racing trucks on Big Lake, Alaska with a community of four-wheeling enthusiasts. He is dedicated to racing and hopes to see the sport grow in Alaska.