
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

Rep. Young calls on Juneau Republicans to support Sturgeon case

Congressman Don Young called on Juneau Republicans to support legislative funding for John Sturgeon’s legal fight over operating a hovercraft in a national preserve. Young also says that while he’s running for re-election, when the time comes for a successor, Alaskans should choose someone who’s young. Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Apr. 4, 2016

Criminal justice bill amended to reduce benefits to sex offenders; Senate Finance Committee pulls various bills from hearing; Alaska Air buys Virgin America, and may keep a hint of its bling; Retired EPA ecologist Phil North speaks out; Eielson chosen to base the F-35; avalanche fatality at Summit Lake; State calls off student testing; Seawolves fall to Lubbock Christian in NCAA Division II championship game; Juneau seawater heat pump more than a pipe dream? Download Audio

Senate Finance puts public employee retirement bill on hold

Late last month, the Senate Finance Committee introduced bills to cut back the Community Revenue Sharing grant program, and up the amount schools and municipalities pay towards employee’s pensions. But it appears those bills are on hold, at least for the moment. As KDLG’s Hannah Colton reporters, the bills were pulled from Monday’s scheduled hearing with less than a day’s notice. Download Audio

Simulated train wreck brings out Mat Su responders

Hundreds of emergency workers and volunteers joined in a mass casualty exercise in Palmer over the weekend. The simulated train - school bus wreck tested the abilities of all public safety personnel in the Matanuska Susitna Borough.

Criminal justice bill amended to reduce benefits to sex offenders

Senators have amended a bill that would overhaul Alaska’s criminal justice system, taking steps that makes it more difficult for those convicted of sex crimes from benefiting from the bill’s provisions. Download Audio

What’s on the ballot? Your guide to bonds, budget battles, and a pot tax

On top of Assembly and School Board seats, Anchorage has several controversial bonds and tax measures on the municipal ballot.

Senate weighs increasing contributions to retirement plans

A co-chair of the Senate Finance Committee is looking at whether bills that would increase local contributions for two state retirement plans are needed this session given new actuarial estimates.

Alaska Air buys Virgin America, and may keep a hint of its bling

Alaska Airlines announced this morning it’s buying 9-year-old Virgin America in a deal worth $2.6 billion. It will turn Alaska into the fifth largest U.S. carrier. It’s too early to say how it might affect service for traveling Alaskans, but if any of the Virgin brand makes it onto Alaska’s jets, passengers can expect a flashier ride. Download Audio

Avalanche fatality at Summit Lake

A North Pole woman was killed in an avalanche near Summit Lake over the weekend. The fatality comes as thousands of Alaskans head to the area for the Arctic Man event. Download Audio

Seawolves fall to Lubbock Christian in NCAA Division II championship game

The University of Alaska Anchorage women's basketball team fell 78-73 to Lubbock Christian on Monday in the NCAA Division II National Championship Game in Indianapolis. Download Audio
A passenger on the deck of an Alaska Marine Highway ferry. (Flickr Creative Commons – supafly)

Bill introduced to allow communities to contribute to Marine Highway

A Southeast lawmaker wants communities to be able to contribute directly to the Alaska Marine Highway System. Download Audio

Retired EPA ecologist Phil North speaks out

Retired EPA ecologist Phil North resurfaced in the US last month for deposition in a lawsuit filed by the Pebble Mine. Pebble alleges EPA broke Federal Advisory Committee Act rules when it developed the Bristol Bay watershed assessment, and says North was at the center of the effort. But whether Pebble found a silver bullet with EPA's once 'missing man' remains to be seen Download Audio

Eielson chosen to base the F-35

Today, the decision on where to base the F-35 was made official. Download Audio

Juneau seawater heat pump more than a pipe dream?

Recently, the Alaska House passed a bill that could make it easier for one hydro project to get off the ground. If the Juneau Hydropower Inc. plant gets built, the company wants to bring sustainable heat to some residents from an abundant source.

State calls off student testing

The state of Alaska has canceled standardized testing in schools this year. Upwards of 70,000 students were scheduled to take Alaska Measures of Progress (AMP) assessments across a five-week window, but in a press release issued on April 1, Alaska’s Department of Education & Early Development called the whole thing off. The reason? Ongoing problems connecting to an online server – in Kansas. Download Audio

Legislators blow off steam at Annual Legislative Team Shoot

Every year, legislators take a break from their work at the Capitol and head to the gun range. Lawmakers, their staff, and members of the Alaska Correctional Officers Association recently participated in the 19th Annual Legislative Team Shoot at the Juneau Gun Club and Juneau Hunter Education Shooting Complex.
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Alaska increases oil production for first time in more than a decade

The Alaska Oil and Gas Association has announced that the state had its first year-over-year increase in oil production in more than a decade.
Gov. Bill Walker’s plan to fund state operations with Permanent Fund earnings is up for public comment before the Senate State Affairs Committee. (Photo by Jeremy Hsieh/KTOO)

Governor Walker’s plan for fiscal stability

Governor Bill Walker's plan to solve the state's 4 billion dollar budget deficit has it all- budget cuts, new taxes and lower Permanent Fund Dividend payments in the years ahead. But his approach has plenty of critics in the legislature. What do you think? Join host Lori Townsend for a discussion on the state budget on the next Talk of Alaska statewide. Download Audio

Alaska Airlines buys Virgin America for $2.6B

Alaska Airlines is acquiring West Coast-based airline Virgin America for $2.6 billion dollars - around $57 dollars per share.

F-35 basing decision expected Monday

The Air Force is expected to issue a final decision Monday on the basing of F-35 fighter jets at Eielson Air Force Base.