Meet the Trump administration official whose signature could formally open ANWR to drilling

On his second day on the job at the U.S. Department of Interior, Joe Balash says he was personally tasked with carrying out Congress’ instructions to hold an oil lease sale in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. "I am confident that we are able to move forward here and not devastate the Porcupine caribou herd. I am absolutely convinced of that,” Balash says.

State regulators to Alaska lobbyist: Stop helping candidates raise money

Alaska lobbyists have been breaking an anti-corruption law by helping political candidates promote their fundraising events, according to a preliminary opinion from the state’s campaign finance watchdog. Listen now

Are great white sharks sinking their teeth into Bering Sea seals?

In the past three years or so, Brandon Ahmasuk says something strange has been opening its jaws to marine mammals in the Bering Sea. Listen now
(USGCS photo)

Western Arctic caribou populations stable, though officials worry about warming climate

Wildlife biologists say the Western Arctic caribou herd numbers have stabilized in the Selawik National Wildlife Refuge near Kotzebue.
Dean Westlake is challenging Barrow Rep. Bennie Nageak in the Democratic primary; in 2014, Westlake lost the race by 131 votes. Photo: Rachel Waldholz/Alaska’s Energy Desk

Democrats target their own in state House primary, backing Nageak challenger

Democrats are hoping to take control of the state House this year. To achieve that, they're gunning for two lawmakers who run as Democrats but largely vote with the Republicans. One is Rep. Bennie Nageak, D-Barrow, who represents House District 40, which stretches from Kotzebue to Kaktovik.
A white woman in a blue best poses next to a light blue boat with teh name "Axel"

In a down market, Alaska fishermen avert disaster by feeding families in need

A seafood donation program started by a Sitka organization is helping bring some stability to fishermen and consumers during an uncertain time.

Interior official: ‘millions’ more acres in NPR-A to open for oil development

An Interior Department official says the Trump administration is moving to open "millions" more acres in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, or NPR-A, to oil development. Listen now

Japanese tsunami litters North American shores with 10 times the trash

Scientists estimate following the 2011 tsunami in Japan there were at least 10 times as much debris washing ashore than ever measured. Listen now

Murkowski accepts climate change. What will she do about it?

Sen. Murkowski is a Republican who goes out of her way to talk about climate change and says we need to reduce emissions. But climate advocates say her deeds don’t match her words.

At Fairbanks Arctic Council meeting, the big question mark is climate change

As representatives from eight Arctic nations gather in Fairbanks, one issue is looming over the meeting: climate change. Listen now

Walker’s trade mission highlights links to China, opportunities for Alaskans

Representatives from more than 20 business, along with state officials and politicians will leave for China this weekend. There, they’ll peddle everything from baby food to seafood to tourism to Chinese consumers. Listen now

EPA head reverses course on Pebble, saying it may pose ‘unacceptable’ risk

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt said the agency is suspending its effort to reverse an Obama-era proposal to put restrictions on the mine. Listen now

U.N. committee moves toward banning heavy fuel oil in the Arctic

"It is a big deal that the IMO has been looking at a ban," Kevin Harun of Pacific Environment, a conservation organization, said. "It’s a very cautious body and it normally does not act without strong support from countries." Listen now

Tanacross hydropower project nets $500K federal grant

A small hydropower project near Tanacross is one step closer to fruition after receiving a half-million dollar federal grant. Download Audio

For third year in a row, Alaska seabirds wash up dead

For the third year in a row, seabirds are washing up dead along the coastline in Alaska. Hundreds of birds have been discovered along a stretch of the Bering Sea, on the Pribilof Islands and as far north as Deering.Listen now

Murkowski wants Alaskans approval for future national monuments

Alaska has five national monuments — public lands that are given special protections, and Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski doesn’t want anymore of the state added to that list. Listen now

Questions surround Walker’s gas line plan

Gov. Bill Walker is making the case that his new gas line plan will get the project off the drawing board and on to Alaskan soil. But it’s not hard to find skeptics who say Walker is just creating more paperwork.

Oil company deal postpones North Slope drilling

Two oil companies say they are shifting their ownership split on an oil field development project in Alaska and will delay work planned for this winter.

Energy lobbyist denounces Walker’s oil and gas tax changes

The top energy industry lobbyist in Alaska denounced Governor Bill Walker’s proposed oil and gas tax changes on Monday. Alaska Oil and Gas Association President Kara Moriarty told the House Resources Committee that companies can’t afford higher costs when oil prices are low.

For methane researcher, golf course bubbles are a first

“It’s an area that I and some other colleagues have started thinking about: can you get methane forming in terrestrial environments? But it’s a very new area of science,” carbon scientist Katey Walter Anthony said. Listen now