Changes to oil tax bill scale back incentives for new oil

With just over a week left in the legislative session, lawmakers are wrangling over the always-contentious issue of oil taxes. Gov. Bill Walker had requested a complete overhaul of the state's oil and gas tax credit program. The House Resources scaled back that proposal. Now, a third committee has weighed in. The House Finance committee chose a middle route -- while also introducing some changes that weren't even in the governor's bill. Download Audio

Shell oil rigs leave the Arctic, skip Seattle

Shell's two Arctic oil rigs pulled into Unalaska's Dutch Harbor on Sunday, some 1,100 miles south of the company's drilling site in the Chukchi Sea. Download Audio

$50 million budget cut latest indicator of waning support for state gasline project

The head of Alaska’s Gasline Development Corporation (AGDC) is in China this week, working to attract buyers and woo investors into supporting a state-run LNG export project. Meanwhile, political support in Alaska for the ambitious project is waning. Listen now

El Nino is out. Will La Nina follow?

One of the strongest El Ninos on record ended in May. A strong La Nina would normally follow. But that isn’t a sure bet this time around. Listen now

With Alaska LNG project, how secret is too secret?

The Alaska legislature officially gaveled out of its third special session this year. The House and Senate united behind Gov. Bill Walkers bid to buy out TransCanada. But the session was also marked by divides, especially over how much of the project should be kept secret. Download Audio

Major climate report warns of rapid change, potential tipping points

One climate scientist says the report can be summarized in one sentence: "Climate is changing, humans are responsible, the risks are real, and the window of time to fix this thing is narrowing fast." Listen now

Railbelt utility overhaul could mean more renewables, cheaper power

Utilities from Homer to Fairbanks are in discussions to overhaul the way electricity is generated and transported across the region. The goal is cheaper electricity -- and more renewable power. Download Audio

Endangered Species Act overhaul could put Alaska’s polar bears in crosshairs

The Trump administration announced revisions to the Endangered Species Act to make it easier for developers to navigate the law. Environmental groups criticized the proposal. Listen now
Two silhouetted figures in the distance around some lakes with mountains in the background

Federal judge will weigh request to block oil leasing in Arctic refuge

U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason will hear oral arguments at 1 p.m. Monday, just two days before the federal government plans to hold its lease sale.

Remove your rings and get out your card blanket: A table-side view of one of Utqiaġvik’s most animated card games

In Utqiaġvik, snerts is one of the most popular games in town. Die-hard enthusiasts play on a regular basis, and there’s even an annual spring tournament.

Murkowski’s message at AFN? “Climate change is real.”

Delegates passed a resolution asking the federal government to make climate impacts in rural villages eligible for disaster relief, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski told the convention, "Climate change is real." Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: New satellite will improve forecasts, inform policy

"There's always something new and fascinating that you've never see before when there's a new generation satellite that's launched." Listen now
The community of Ambler along the Kobuk river as seen from the air

Environmental groups sue Trump administration over approval of Ambler Road

Nine environmental groups are suing the Trump administration for approving the 211-mile Ambler Road project.

Latest oil tax credit bill off to a rough start in state House

Last session, the fight over oil tax credits was one of the biggest questions lawmakers sought to answer.  And while they did manage to pass a bill, it focused on Cook Inlet. Now, many lawmakers are saying it’s time to look at the North Slope. Listen now
A small harbor with 30-foot fishing boats on a sunny day with large spruce trees nearby.

Seafood Trade Relief Program offers help to fishermen hurt by U.S.-China trade war

USDA will provide cash to Alaska fishermen based on last year's catch: 16 cents a pound for salmon, 4 cents a pound for herring and a whopping 76 cents per pound for geoduck clams.

Renewed fight, but old arguments for lawmakers wanting to open ANWR for drilling

Over the past 25 years, Alaska’s Legislature has passed nearly a dozen resolutions asking Congress to allow drilling in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But this year, something is different. There’s been more push back and public testimony opposed to passing an Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) resolution. Listen now
a sign says "Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation"

$63B and counting: How long can Alaska’s Permanent Fund keep growing so fast?

Right after the last big global financial crisis in 2008, Alaska’s sovereign wealth fund had about $25 billion dollars in it.  And today, Alaska’s Permanent Fund has $63 billion in it. It doubled in size in less than a decade. Listen now

The Cost of Cold: Keeping warm in Unalaska

For The Cost of Cold, we profile Unalaska resident Travis Swangel, who heats his small home on the island with a Toyo stove. Listen now

Kaktovik is crawling with polar bears. Now a man is going to prison for wasting one.

The case shows how it’s become common for polar bears to disrupt village life in Kaktovik, which sits on an island at the edge of the Beaufort Sea. As climate change melts sea ice and drives the bears ashore, residents say they’ve been under increasing stress.

In Russia, a competitor for Alaska’s gasline project comes online

The $27 billion Russian project is heavily funded by partners in China. When completed, it will be almost as large as the Alaska LNG project. Listen now