Line One

Wednesdays at 10 a.m. (LIVE) and 8 p.m. (pre-recorded) hosts Dr. Jillian Woodruff, Dr. Justin Clark and Prentiss Pemberton and their guests discuss a variety of health-related topics during this LIVE call-in show. Line One features local physicians and national subject experts from the fields of childcare, mental health, nutrition, pharmacology, surgery and more. Callers can talk one-on-one with each week’s guests and are encouraged to send in email questions as well.

Line One: Moms Matter Now supports mothers before and after pregnancy

Motherhood is an amazing and incredibly challenging time, but few people talk about the emotional and psychological transition.

Line One: The Trouble with Trauma

In order to make decisions and judgements, the human mind uses cognitive shortcuts. Dr. Michael Scheeringa, author of “The Trouble With Trauma: The Search To Discover How Beliefs Become Facts", explores why that's an issue.

Line One: The rise in fentanyl overdoses in Alaska

Overdose deaths from fentanyl are on the rise in Alaska, and its important to remember that the statistics account for more than just one person.
Rows of portable cots and plastic totes fill the floor space of the Sullivan Arena shelter

Line One: Health and homelessness in Anchorage and beyond

Health issues related to homelessness include frostbite, injuries from violence and mental health problems. How does sheltering and medical treatment of the homeless population impact outcomes?

Line One: Community vaccine outreach in Anchorage

Alaska’s COVID case rate appears to be improving, but omicron remains a concern for  vulnerable populations in and outside of Anchorage.

Line One: How childhood nutrition affects chronic illness

Childhood chronic illness affects 40% of school-aged children and adolescents. Nutrition, movement, environmental toxins and genetics play a role in this progression.
close up doctor

Line One: All things poop

Have you ever wondered if your bowel movements are normal? Is it too soft? Too hard? A weird color? Is it painful? We'll discuss bowel movements, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer.
A boy gets a shot from a woman in a mask.

Line One: Alaska Coalition of BIPOC Educators advocate for vaccination

On the next installment of Alaska Public Media's Talk to your Neighbor series, members of the Alaska Coalition of BIPOC Educators discuss how they're getting the word out about vaccination in schools and in the community. 
A book cover that says: Make Crazy Work For You.

Line One: Making your ‘crazy’ work for you

In "Making Your Crazy Work for You," the authors explain that by confronting and understanding the root causes of our unhelpful behavior, we can learn how to embrace healthy and fulfilling relationships with ourselves and others.

Line One: All about sleep

Difficulty sleeping has affected all of us at one time or another. Lack of sleep or inadequate sleep can have drastic consequences for our day to day functioning as well as our overall health and happiness.

Line One: Dan Millman’s ‘Peaceful Heart, Warrior Spirit’

Author Dan Millman's first book, The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior, introduced the idea that the moment is all that really exists and that the quality of our moments become the quality of our lives. Millman's new book explains how people can use the “peaceful warrior way” to transform their lives. 
The exterior of the ARCH building. (Photo via Volunteers of America - Alaska/Adolescent Residential Center for Help website)

Line One: Youth mental health and substance abuse in Alaska

With an estimated 75% of adult mental health problems developing before the age of 25, early and effective intervention is critical for a child’s future physical and emotional health. Volunteers of America Alaska works to fill in some of the resource gaps in Alaska.
A boy in a mask gets a shot.

Line One: Dr. Zink provides updates on vaccination and hospital capacity

Now that the COVID vaccine is approved for children ages 5 to 11, a lot of parents are having tough but good discussions with each other and their children, so what should you do? Alaska's Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink answers your questions.
Scrabble tiles spelling Mental Health

Line One: ‘Why do I feel this way?’ When and how to seek mental health services

In Alaska, the overwhelming need for mental health resources is growing, but the capacity for care is stretched thin.

Line One: Flourishing with mental illness

In her new book, From Survive to Thrive, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Psychiatrist Dr. Margaret Chisolm details evidence-based principles that help people living with mental illness not only improve their well being but flourish in their lives.
A health care provider in full personal protective equipment in a Juneau hospital room.

How the pandemic is impacting health care workers’ mental health

Trauma is taking a serious toll on health care workers across the country. The constant exposure to death, and the sense of powerlessness that comes from watching patients die alone, has caused a spike of resignations and staffing shortages that only heightens the stress and pressure felt by those who remain on the front lines.

A new approach to thinking about brain health and the aging brain

The authors of American Dementia: Brain Health in an Unhealthy Society argue that the cure for Alzheimer's Disease will not be found in pharmaceuticals but in our ability to live our lives in a way that promotes positive Brain Health.

LISTEN: ‘Shining a light’ on suicide awareness

Suicide effects nearly all of us at some point in lives, and its impact is felt throughout our communities in Alaska. Whether you yourself have struggled with thoughts of suicide or self-harm, or you know someone who has, its vital to know that help is available and where to find it.
A woman sits in a hospital room wearing a face mask, face shield and gown.

LISTEN: COVID updates from a medical professional

A year and a half after COVID-19 shut down America, it seems to be as strong as ever. The numbers continue to rise and our hospitals are overflowing once again. What do we need to know about the Delta variant and breakthrough infections? Does vaccine effectiveness fade? What’s the story on booster shots and unverified treatments? 

LISTEN: Deescalating situations with E.A.R.

Like it or not, dealing with angry, upset people is inevitable. Learning some simple skills can help deal with high conflict situations in an effective way.