Line One

Wednesdays at 10 a.m. (LIVE) and 8 p.m. (pre-recorded) hosts Dr. Jillian Woodruff, Dr. Justin Clark and Prentiss Pemberton and their guests discuss a variety of health-related topics during this LIVE call-in show. Line One features local physicians and national subject experts from the fields of childcare, mental health, nutrition, pharmacology, surgery and more. Callers can talk one-on-one with each week’s guests and are encouraged to send in email questions as well.

Tech and our kids- The science behind the noise.

Cell phone free middle schools was the last topic on Line One-Your Health Connection. This week, Line One co-host Prentiss Pemberton builds on that conversation with a closer look at the evidence that points to “immersive technology” use as the #1 threat to our kids physical and mental health. Thanks for listening!

Cell phone free middle schools in Anchorage? Why not?

Prentiss Pemberton hosts a conversation about the pros and cons of allowing cellphones in middle schools with one of the producers of the film ​Screenagers. They will also take a look at an initiative that promotes cell phone free learning environments, and will discuss the results experienced by schools that have already taken this step for their students. Thanks for listening!

“Aware”- The science of presence

On the next Line One: Your Health Connection, co-host, Prentiss Pemberton is joined by UCLA Psychiatry Professor and Author, Dr. Daniel Siegel, for a discussion of how Meditative and “Mindful Attention” practices can improve mood, functioning, and overall health. Thanks for listening!

Diet, microbes, and colon cancer

Roughly 1 in 25 Alaskans develop colon cancer, yet we still know little of the causes of this all-too-common and life-threatening disease. On the next Line One Your Health Connection, join Dr. Jay Butler for a discussion with Dr. Stephen O’Keefe, of the University of Pittsburgh. Thanks for listening!

Artificial intelligence and robotics in healthcare

Testing drug safety without patients, machines that are better than radiologists at detecting breast cancer, robots caring for the elderly…is this hype or the future? Dr Thad Woodard returns to guest host a program on artificial intelligence, robotics and your health on this edition of Line One: Your Health Connection. Thanks for listening!

A conversation with the U.S. Surgeon General

In September 2017, Dr. Jerome Adams was sworn in by Vice President Mike Pence as the 20th Surgeon General of the United States. The Surgeon General is often described as America’s Doctor. Please join Dr. Jay Butler for a conversation with US Surgeon General Jerome Adams on the next Line One: Your Health Connection. Thanks for listening!

Preventing infectious diseases

From AIDS to Zika, dozens of new infectious diseases have been identified in the past 50 years. Please join Dr. Jay Butler when he’ll be talking with Dr. Tom Hennessy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The topic will be investigating infectious disease outbreaks.

Drug and alcohol use during pregnancy

We’ll be talking with pediatrician, author and lecturer Doctor Ira Chasnoff, one of the nation’s leading researchers in the field of child development and the effects of maternal alcohol and drug use. Find out what we’re learning to improve the health of mothers and their children on Line One: Your Health Connection Thanks for listening!

“Less than human”- Why We Demean, Enslave, and Exterminate Others

Are we, in America, “immune” from the risk of a genocide event? On the next Line One, Professor of Philosophy at the University of New England, Dr. David Livingstone Smith, will join co-host Prentiss Pemberton for a discussion about dehumanization, fear, and moral disengagement. Thanks for listening!

Housing for health

Over 1.5 million Americans experience homelessness in any given year.  They face numerous health risks and are disproportionately represented among the highest users of costly hospital-based acute care.  Providing supportive housing is one way to treat homelessness that can potentially improve health, reduced costs, and decrease hospital utilization. Tune in and join co-host Dr. Jay Butler and his guests, Dr. Monica Gross and Dr. Dick Mandsager for a lively discussion of Housing for Health. Thanks for listening!

Certainty and conflict

At the heart of conflict lies each individual's belief that they are right. Without the basic belief of one’s “rightness” getting in the way, humans have the ability to work toward cooperative solutions to common problems. The problem with being certain is that it turns off the parts of the brain that are responsible for problem solving and critical thinking. On the next Line One co-host Prentiss Pemberton and mediator, Angela Hamann will discuss what’s at the heart of conflict and will look at how society as a whole is suffering from a widening divide of different truths. Thanks for listening!

National HIV Testing Day

For persons living with HIV infection, the good news is that early diagnosis and appropriate medical care can lead to a life expectancy similar to that of all Alaskans.The bad news is that 1 in 7 people with HIV still do not know that they are infected.  Join Dr. Jay Butler and his guests for an update on HIV testing and care in Alaska.

Personality disorders and high conflict people

On the next program, Bill Eddy, founder of the High Conflict Institute, will join us to discuss how to recognize and deal effectively with high conflict people. Thanks for listening!

Open Phone Lines

Whatever you are dealing with, you are not alone. For every person struggling with an issue, there are thousands of others who share their struggle. One of the main challenges in treating mental health or relationship problems is the shame and isolation that are associated with these complex issues, that feeling of being alone, vulnerable, and in emotional pain. Part of the mission for Line One is to reduce the stigma of mental health by having conversations about mental health. Thanks for listening!

Hypnosis- myths, realities, and practical applications

Hypnosis has long had the reputation of being a party trick, a gimmick or, at best, a “fringe” therapeutic intervention. In reality, hypnosis has long been used as a tool to treat a variety of conditions and there is a growing body of evidence that supports it as an effective approach to change. Thanks for listening!

Teens and Technology

Today's teenagers interact with an increasing amount of technology in their lives.  Line One co-host Prentiss Pemberton and Dr. Delaney Ruston, the director and...

Care and prevention of premature delivery

Preterm birth is the leading cause of neonatal death, and increases the chances of disabilities and developmental delays in those infants who survive. Join Dr. Jay Butler, co-host of Line One: Your Health Connection, for a discussion with Dr. Lily Lou on the state of the art of the care of the premature infant and prevention of premature delivery. Thanks for listening!

“A Child Called It”- A conversation with author Dave Pelzer

Please join co-host, Prentiss Pemberton for an interview with childhood trauma survivor and bestselling author, Dave Pelzer, author of “A Child Called It”. Thanks for listening!

Potential health impacts of climate change in Alaska

It is the consensus of climate experts and 18 major American scientific associations that climate change and global warming is occurring at an unprecedented rate since the rise of humans and that it is due a “greenhouse” effect caused by a number of gases, the most important being man-made carbon dioxide. On this Line One program we discuss the potential health impacts of climate change in Alaska. Thanks for listening!

”Speak the Secret”- Postpartum depression and anxiety

International expert Karen Kleinman joins Line One for a discussion about maternal mental health and wellness. Thanks for listening!