
ll news stories about the Iditarod or mushing in general are categorized “Iditarod.”

Scenes from Saturday's Iditarod

Robert Nelson of Kotzebue helps one of his dogs with a bootie in Galena. This year's race is Nelson's third Iditarod. Martin Buser of Big...

Sunday Morning Iditarod Update

Photos by  Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage and Tim Bodony, APRN Dogs take a nap in Galena on Saturday. Hugh Neff and Hans Gatt joined Lance...

Iditarod Field Notes #3

Blog and Photos by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage We wait till about 2:30 am in the race headquarters. And wait and wait. A nice...

Mackey, King in to Unalakleet

Photos by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Iditarod champions Lance Mackey (above and below) and Jeff King arrived in Unalakleet Sunday morning. Mackey, who had taken...

Iditarod Field Notes #2

By Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage It’s still light at 8 o’clock. Temperature outside plunging to -20 at least . My nose hairs freeze. I have...

Iditarod Field Notes #1

From Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Brrr! It’s cold here in Unalakleet, but not very. The sun glares off the snow and the brisk...

Mackey Regains Lead, Out of Kaltag

Photos by Tim Bodony, APRN Hugh Neff nearing Galena on Saturday. Iditarod champion Lance Mackey blew through Kaltag and regained the lead over rival Jeff King...

Zirkle In To Nulato

Aliy Zirkle reached Nulato shortly before noon on Saturday, leading a talented field of women mushers. She arrived with 12 dogs about 11:25. The Two...

King Reaches Kaltag

Jeff King is first into Kaltag. He arrived about 11:42 Saturday morning. As of noon, there were no reports on the number of dogs. Other...

King Out of Nulato Leads Iditarod; Mackey in Pursuit

Jeff King continues to lead the Iditarod Saturday morning. He left Nulato at 7:20 Saturday morning with 13 dogs. He took about a four-hour...

King, First In To Ruby, Leads Iditarod

Jeff King was the first Iditarod musher to reach the Yukon River, pulling into Ruby at 3:08 this morning after the 100...

Musher Rescues Runaway Team

Musher Allen Moore was signing to himself on his way to Takotna when a team of 14 dogs raced past him. To stop the dogs,...

Musher Huff Neff and His Support for Reading

Hugh Neff, in to Ruby this morning, talks about his support for books and what he learned about Alaska and the Iditarod by reading.

Musher’s Best Friend – It’s Obvious

The Iditarod leaders were camped out at the remote Cripple checkpoint late Thursday afternoon. Dallas Seavey still tops the standings, ahead of...

Billy McCarty: Ruby's Master Sled Maker

The wood sled has all but disappeared from the Iditarod trail.  Mushers now prefer to use sleds made from aluminum or composite materials, which...

DeeDee Not Counting Out Her Chances

DeeDee Jonrowe left Takotna at blank this morning, after taking her 24 hour layover at the popular checkpoint. The Willow musher is running in her...

Mushers Reach Cripple

Photo by Annie Feidt, APRN - Anchorage William Pinkham's dogs - wearing their signature pink booties - take a break in McGrath. The race reaches the...

Baker Takes Iditarod Lead; King Wins Penair Award

Kotzebue's Jon Baker is leading the Iditarod pack at this hour.  Baker breezed through Ophir checkpoint at 8:45 Wednesday morning and breezed out four...

Haltmann: A Happy Musher

One of the happiest mushers on the trail is Sven Haltmann, from Fox, who pulled into McGrath late Tuesday night in 7th place and...

King, Schnuelle, Baker Battle for Lead out of Nikolai

Photo by Patrick Yack, APRN -Anchorage Each musher's sled is equipped with a tracking device that pinpoint the musher's precise location. A sled full of...