Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Alaska Supreme Court rules against mandatory parental consent for abortions

The Alaska Supreme Court has ruled against a law which would have required girls sixteen years of age and younger to get parental consent...

Court also strikes down official English-language initiative

The Alaska Supreme Court also ruled today to uphold a lower court decision that struck down a provision of the Official English Initiative. Lori Townsend,...

Vic Kohring: Guilty

A federal jury found former state legislator Vic Kohring guilty of bribery, conspiracy, and attempted extortion this afternoon in Anchorage. David Shurtleff, APRN - Anchorage

House votes for mining regulation changes

The Democratic-controlled U.S. House approved a bill today that calls for a big overhaul of the laws that govern hard rock mining on public...

Halloween armed robbery no trick in Talkeetna

Two men were arrested in downtown Talkeetna last night for armed robbery. Witnesses say the two held a group of trick-or-treaters at gunpoint and...

Mat-Su creamery gets one last look

Matanuska-Susitna valley dairy farmers are hoping a last-ditch effort to put together a small creamery will pan out in time to save their struggling...

Kohring corruption trial goes to the jury

A jury that has begun deliberating corruption charges against former state legislator Vic Kohring has gone home for the day. The trial at the...

Convention on the Law of the Sea on the move

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea took a step forward today. The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 17 to...

Izembek road gets consideration in Washington, DC

Officials representing King Cove and Cold Bay went before a congressional panel today. They pitched their latest plan for a land exchange so a...

Court stands its ground on Kensington Mine

The U.S. Ninth Circuit of Appeals will not reconsider an earlier decision that the tailings plan for the Kensington Gold Mine is illegal. Rosemarie Alexander,...

Korhing trial set to go to the jury

Both sides have officially rested their cases in the corruption trial of former state lawmaker Vic Kohring, and the case will now go to...

Latest oil-tax proposal takes on water

A new revenue analysis of the House Oil and Gas Committee’s oil tax bill that appeared over the weekend shows the state would take...

Feds investigating Stevens fish deals

The Associated Press is reporting Federal authorities investigating Sen. Ted Stevens are talking to members of the Alaska fishing industry looking for evidence of...

Supreme Court takes up Exxon Valdez reopener

It wasn't what they had hoped to hear, but this morning, Exxon Valdez oil spill plaintiffs found out they have more rounds to go...

Governor and Legislators react to decision on Exxon Valdez

Governor Palin says the Supreme Court’s acceptance of the appeal was a “kick in Alaskans’ collective gut.” She says the litigation is now becoming...

Ted Stevens name raised in Kohring corruption trial

New details have emerged in the federal investigation of Senator Ted Stevens, and the renovation of his Girdwood home. The information comes from testimony...

Prosecution winds up its case against Kohring

We should know soon whether former state legislator Vic Kohring will testify in his own defense. Federal prosecutors were wrapping up their corruption case...

House and Senate diverge on oil and gas tax

The House and Senate are taking separate paths to a re-written oil and gas tax. In separate committee substitute bills released over the weekend,...

Kohring trial ends first week with VECO's Bill Allen on the stand

Week one of the corruption trial of former legislator Vic Kohring has come to an end. Today concluded with VECO's former chairman Bill Allen...

AFN 2007 – Day Two

APRN's Lori Townsend checks in from Fairbanks with independent journalist Nellie Moore, covering the days events at the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) convention...