Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Senator Cowdery asked to resign

Members of the State Senate Minority are asking Anchorage Senator John Cowdery to resign from office for his alleged involvement in the ongoing VECO...

Justice Alito recuses himself from Exxon Valdez ruling

When the nation's highest court decides the fate of the Exxon Valdez punitive damages case next year, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito will not...

6.5 magnitude earthquake hits Aleutians

For the second time in a week, the Aleutian Islands have been hit by a large earthquake. Preliminary readings say today's quake had a...

Bison headed for Aleutians

As soon as the weather allows, Umnak Island will have three new residents: a trio of buffalo calves that are expected to boost the...

Presidential Candidate Ron Paul to open Alaska Office

Alaska is attracting more attention from candidates hoping to win the Republican and Democratic nominations. The campaign for Republican Ron Paul plans to open...

EPA releases draft report on cruise-ship pollution

The Environmental Protection Agency says the average cruise-ship passenger generates about 8 gallons of sewage a day while at sea. The agency has released...

Alaska elections security study released

The initial findings of the Alaska Elections Security Project were released today. They come just one day after a Superior Court Judge ruled that...

Court strikes down trawling restrictions

A Seattle-based fishing company involved in a battle with the federal government over restrictions on bottom trawling won a small victory in federal court...

Sealaska to build casino in California

The regional native corporation for Southeast Alaska plans to build a casino in partnership with the Cloverdale Rancheria tribe of Pomo Indians. John Ryan, KTOO...

Fire destroys Selawik church

The Friend's Church in the village of Selawik was destroyed by a fire this morning. David Shurtleff, APRN - Anchorage

Ethics Committee rules on Kott, Harris

It dismissed a complaint against former House Speaker Pete Kott, and upheld a complaint against current House Speaker John Harris. Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage

Palin signs new oil tax into law

The ACES plan could increase taxes paid by the oil industry by more than $1.5 billion per year. David Shurtleff, APRN - Anchorage

Convicted lawmaker Kott appealing case

Kott was found guilty of conspiracy, bribery, and extortion in September, and was sentenced earlier this month to six years in federal prison. David Shurtleff,...

Bush authorizes sweeping national energy plan

Fuel efficiency of 35 miles per gallon must be reached by the year 2020.  There are also Alaska-specific provisions in the energy bill, including...

7.2 magnitude quake rocks the Aleutians

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit the Western Aleutian Islands at about 11:30pm last night. Charles Homans, KIAL - Unalaska

Cook Inlet Beluga population nears 400

The annual count for the depleted Cook Inlet Beluga was released today, but researchers aren't ready to say the population is truly recovering. Lori Townsend,...

Senator demands 'Coconut Road' investigation

U.S. Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma is calling for an investigation into $10 million that was earmarked by Congressman Don Young while he was...

Mat Maid workers brace for closure

Matanuska Maid dairy plant in Anchorage, Alaska. Photo by Ellen Lockyer, APRN. Urban dairy workers are wondering where to find employment, and rural dairy producers are...

Feds will pay millions for Native care neglect

The Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation has settled its on-going lawsuit with the Indian Health Services. Angela Denning-Barnes, KYUK - Bethel

ConocoPhillips pipe rupture leads to spill

Emergency clean-up crews are on the North Slope this evening after more than 4,200 gallons of fuel and water leaked out of a pipeline...