Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Governor proposes repeal of Certificate of Need law

Governor Palin’s proposal to eliminate a law that balances community needs with the brick and mortar of health care has local hospital administrators worried. ...

Anchorage school board approves budget

In a special session yesterday, the Anchorage School Board unanimously approved its proposed budget for 2008-2009. The board and administration's next step involves...

Environmentalists push for federal walrus safeguards

An environmental group is petitioning the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list Pacific Walrus under the Endangered Species Act. The Center for Biological...

Interior Secretary justifies quick Chukchi lease sale

Today, Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne used the numbers from yesterday’s Chukchi Sea oil and gas lease sale as a justification for not delaying the...

Lesil McGuire to undergo ethics investigation

Senator Lesil McGuire is to be investigated by the Select Committee on Legislative Ethics for possible violations of lobbying laws and legislative standards of...

Chukchi Sea oil and gas lease sale sets records amid controversy

The oil industry showed it has an intense interest in the Chukchi Sea today, putting down record bids for an Alaska federal oil and...

Alaska Presidential caucuses burst at the seams

Alaskans showed up at the Democratic and Republican Caucuses across the state in big numbers last night. But traffic in Anchorage was snarled, keeping...

McCain leads Republican race; Alaska's representatives noncommittal

There are still more primaries and caucuses to come before there's an official Republican presidential nominee. But Arizona Senator John McCain emerged as the...

Governor Palin reverses Governor Murkowski on Habitat Division

Governor Palin today overturned the first controversial decision made by her predecessor in office, Frank Murkowski. She moved management of the Habitat Division from...

Fairbanks Jury mulls charges against former mayor Jim Hayes

A jury is deliberating the case of former Fairbanks mayor Jim Hayes. Hayes is on trial in federal court in Fairbanks on 28 counts,...

Sinopec pitches legislature on gasline

The legislature yesterday heard the Chinese interest in a gas pipeline to Valdez. Sinopec was rejected by the governor’s gas team after submitting an...

Court takes Anchorage assembly to task over Walmart rezoning

A superior court judge ruled  yesterday the Anchorage Assembly ignored municipal requirements when it rezoned some 20 acres in the Wal-Mart Supercenter and Sam's...

Kempthorne: Polar bears unrelated to Chukchi Sea oil and gas leases

Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne today rejected the idea of putting Wednesday's Chukchi Sea oil and gas lease sale on hold until he decides whether...

Y-K leaders agitated by lack of rural reps on Board of Game

Leaders in the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta are upset over Governor Sarah Palin's recent appointments to the Alaska Board of Game which does away with both...

Congressman Don Young releases fundraising numbers

A federal campaign funding report shows that Congressman Don Young received nearly $45,000 in contributions last quarter but paid out more than $425,000 in...

Response period still open in Kensington Mine appeal

Interested parties have until February 28 to file a response to a U.S. Supreme Court appeal of a lower court decision striking down the...

Evironmentalists target Shell over Chukchi and Beaufort leases

 Environmental groups are gearing up for a public and shareholder pressure campaign aimed at getting Shell to back off from plans for oil and...

Opponents of Chukchi leases file suit in federal court

Alaska Natives and environmental groups have filed a lawsuit in federal district court in Juneau. They hope the court will stop a proposed...

Candidates reveal how much they've raised

Candidates for congressional offices have to file their fundraising reports for the 4th quarter of 2007 with the Federal Elections Commission by the end...

House discusses what rules should define a conflict of interest

A House of Representatives committee today opened consideration of one of several bills that would allow members to abstain from voting on issues where...