Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Teenager arrested on four murder counts in Sitka

Jason Abbot, 18, was arraigned in Sitka superior court this morning on four counts of murder in the first degree and one count of...

Alaska settles psychotic medication suit against Eli Lilly

Eli Lilly will pay the state of Alaska $15 million to settle a lawsuit over the company's anti-psychotic medication Zyprexa. The agreement was announced...

Retreating sea ice may push four seals onto Endangered Species list

The National Marine Fisheries Service announced today it will conduct a review to see if Endangered Species Act protections should be given to ribbon...

Quadruple homicide stuns Sitka

Police in Sitka say at least four people died in a stabbing incident this morning. Shortly before noon today police responded to a call...

House takes up predator control bill debate

The House today opened debate on a bill that establishes harvest by humans as the top priority for moose, caribou and deer populations. It...

Coast Guard abandons search for missing fisherman

The Coast Guard has ended its search for the missing crew member from a fishing boat that sank in the Bering Sea Sunday morning. Charles...

Coast Guard still searching for lost Alaska Ranger crewman

A Coast Guard cutter and two helicopters are still searching for the final missing crew member from the fishing vessel Alaska Ranger, which sunk...

Senate votes to block state spending on federal ID program

The Alaska Senate today passed a bill forbidding state agencies from spending any money to implement the federal Real ID program. Under the program,...

Kuskokwim 300 may not survive financial investigation

The future of the Kuskokwim 300 Sled Dog Race is in jeopardy, after a series of questionable bookkeeping errors which are now under investigation...

Board of Game rewrites predator control rules

The Alaska Board of Game has resurrected predator control programs halted by the state's superior court earlier this month. During an emergency meeting Friday,...

Four dead, one missing after ship sinks off Dutch Harbor

The Coast Guard continues to search this morning for a missing crewman, after a fishing trawler sank in the Bering Sea yesterday killing four...

Budget wrangling between legislature and governor Palin heating up

The state Senate will open debate Monday on next year’s budget with a plan that spends $4.2 billion for operating governmental agencies. The difference...

State Supreme Court hears arguments on "Methajuana" law

The Alaska Supreme Court heard oral arguments this afternoon on a recent law criminalizing the possession of small amounts of Marijuana. A lower court...

Governor takes offensive on education bill

Governor Sarah Palin says she is not satisfied with the Education bill the legislature sent to her earlier this month. And in a meeting...

Legislators will get long weekend, then it's back to work

The Alaska Legislature is starting to wind down for its spring vacation this weekend. But quite a few things have been left hanging as...

Senator Stevens comments on Alaskan oil development, prices, ANWR and natural gas

U.S. Senator Ted Stevens is hopeful that the proposal to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) if oil hits $125 per barrel...

Fur seal numbers dropping 5% per year in Pribilofs; researchers looking at fishing and warming

Most of the world's northern fur seals live on the Pribilof Islands. But the number of animals on St. Paul and St. George has...

Arctic Ice remains a concern despite good winter

Satellite data released today shows Arctic sea ice has rebounded some over the winter after hitting a record low last summer. The Bering Sea...

Senator Murkowski addresses Alaska Legislature

US Senator Lisa Murkowski today called on legislators to remember the state’s early years. And in her annual Address to a Joint Session of...

Legislature done with supplemental budget

The House and Senate have finished dealing with the controversial supplemental budget containing $70,000,000 in projects the governor vetoed last year. The bill is...