Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Correctional officers union vote to censure commissioner Schmidt

The Alaska Correctional Officers Association gave the state corrections commissioner Joe Schmidt a "no confidence" censure vote today. ACOA union members voted 514 to...

Wade pleads not guilty

Joshua Alan Wade pled not guilty this morning to federal charges that he murdered Anchorage nurse Mindy Schloss. David Shurtleff, APRN - Anchorage

Irwin blocks Exxon on Point Thompson

Natural Resources Commissioner Tom Irwin has turned down Exxon’s latest attempt to keep open the Point Thomson Unit on the North Slope. With reserves...

Begich officially announces run for U.S. Senate

Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich formally declared his candidacy for the U.S. Senate this afternoon David Shurtleff, APRN - Anchorage

Regulators want 6 more months to decide beluga whale endangered status

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) says it will take up to 6 months longer to decide whether Cook Inlet beluga whales should be...

Juneau blackout may have energy conservation silver lining

City leaders in Juneau believe the city's power emergency is an opportunity to become more energy efficient. And so they've begun a process of...

Governor Palin gives birth to 5th child

Governor Sarah Palin welcomed her fifth child into the world today.  Her spokesperson, Sharon Leighow says Palin interrupted a meeting of the Governors’ Energy...

Alaska's Orthodox Bishop Soraich steps aside

Leaders of the Orthodox Church of America say Bishop Nikolai Soraich, head of the Alaska diocese, is taking a voluntary leave of absence, effective...

Alaska Ranger investigation focuses on ship itself

Two Coast Guard ship inspectors who surveyed the Alaska Ranger several months before it sank testified in a Marine Board of Investigation hearing Thursday...

Senate wants Justice Department to investigate "Coconut Road" earmark

The US Senate today voted to ask the US Justice Department to investigate how a Florida road project supported by Congressman Don Young made...

Joshua Wade indicted for murder

Today a federal grand jury indicted Joshua Wade on two counts relating to the murder of Anchorage nurse, Mindy Schloss.  If convicted, Wade could...

Chopper crash kills four, leaves one teen survivor

Three state employees and their pilot are dead after a helicopter crash 100 miles northeast of Anchorage. Miraculously, there was one survivor. David Shurtleff, APRN...

Avalanches drive up electricity costs in Juneau

Several massive avalanches have knocked out nearly all hydroelectric power to Juneau -- sending power rates skyrocketing for at least the next three months. Rosemarie...

Izembek road on the radar in Washington, DC

Supporters and critics of a proposed land swap for a road that would connect King Cove with Cold Bay appeared before a US Senate...

Radio racism

A classic rock station in the Anchorage market is getting a lot of attention from the Native community and beyond for demeaning and derogatory...

Senate presses Kempthorne over delay on polar bear decision

Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne was pressed again today on when the Bush Administration will decide whether to put polar bears on the threatened species...

Korhing's prison delays will run out in May

A federal judge says convicted former lawmaker Vic Kohring will be sentenced to prison in May. This comes after months of delays, as Kohring...

Legislature wraps up with $5 billion in profits, $2.7 billion in controversial projects

The regular Legislative session wound down yesterday after lawmakers had dealt with only a few key issues over the weekend. The next step in...

Stevens and Begich jockey over mud-slinging

Senator Ted Stevens, Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich and the Alaska Democratic Party are ‘one-upping’ each other in a tussle over smear tactics in the...

Legislature sprints to meet session deadline

The legislature is pulling the final strings for issues that have been left hanging until the end of the session. With the adjournment only...