Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Congress heads out on its August recess with a lot of unfinished business

Congress adjourns tomorrow, and leaves Washington DC for the August recess with lots of work left undone.  Republicans and Democrats in the Senate are...

Senator Ted Stevens under the microscope; arraignment Thursday

One day after being indicted for lying, Senator Ted Stevens was back at work, serving as Alaska's senior Senator. He cast votes on...

Legislature to put subpoena power in hands of Monegan investigators

Preparation is nearly complete for the legislative investigation into the events surrounding the firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan and whether there was...

Eastern interior Alaska under flood warnings

Flood warnings are in effect across the eastern interior until tomorrow afternoon. Heavy rains have swollen rivers over their banks. High water is threatening...

Senator Ted Stevens indicted by Federal grand jury

A federal grand jury indicted Senator Stevens this morning on seven criminal counts of making false statements. He is the first sitting U.S. Senator...

Governor and legislators ‘rocked’ by Stevens indictment

Governor Sarah Palin said the indictment "rocks the foundation" of the state. She says she shares with others the concern and dismay over the...

Citizens around the state weigh in on indictment

News of today's indictment against Senator Stevens sparked a very mixed reaction around the state. Here's a small sample of what the Senator's...

Alaska Natives concerned over Stevens indictment

Reaction from the Alaska Native community over the indictment has been mostly one of concern for the future stability of funding for rural communities...

Ted Stevens coverage links

The Ted Stevens indictment is perhaps the biggest Alaska news and politics story of 2008, and it's getting national attention and coverage. As a...

Senator Ted Stevens indicted on corruption charges

Senator Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican senator and a figure in Alaska politics since before statehood, has been indicted on seven counts of making...

Legislature opens investigation into Monegan firing

The Legislative council today ordered an outside investigation into the firing of former Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan and the possible abuse of administrative...

FAA report details why LAB Flying Service was grounded

A Federal Aviation Administration report says LAB Flying Service lacks the care, judgment and responsibility required to hold an air carrier certificate. The 28-page...

Air Force General dies at Elmendorf AFB

Brigadier General Thomas Tinsley was declared dead last night at 10:30 p.m. following an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound to his chest. It's unclear whether...

Former governors tell Senators to vote down gas line plan

Former governors Wally Hickel and Tony Knowles today told the state Senate the same thing: "Vote No" on Governor Palin's proposal to allow TransCanada...

Delegation seeks protection for Alaska-Native bowhead quota

The Alaska congressional delegation introduced legislation yesterday that seeks to protect the bowhead whaling quota for Alaska Natives. Currently the International Whaling Commission, sets...

FAA grounds LAB flying service

The Federal Aviation Administration has shut down LAB Flying Service.  The report released this morning  shows seven counts against the company for poor maintenance...

State energy plan on special session agenda

The House and Senate are working their way toward putting together a state energy plan during the current special session. Dave Donaldson, APRN -...

Bear mauls woman near Kenai Princess Lodge

State troopers are reporting that last night a  911 call was received from the Kenai Princess Lodge stating employee Abby Sisk, 21, of Odgen,...

Resource Rebate bill gets hard look from Senate committee

The Resource Rebate bill the governor gave the special session ran into some problems today as the Senate Finance Committee began its review of...

Alaska House votes for AGIA / TransCanada plan

The gas line is on its way to the Senate. Last night and again today the House gave approval for the Palin administration to...