Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Two dead in northeast Anchorage small plane crash

Two people were killed today when a small airplane lost power shortly after take-off and crashed on a city street in Anchorage. The crash...

VECO CEO Bill Allen takes the stand, talks about Stevens home renovations

Former Veco CEO Bill Allen testified in U.S. District Court today that he did extensive work on Senator Ted Stevens home and didn't get...

Alaska delegation conflicted over financial bailout vote

Senator Stevens went from his trial straight to work at the U.S. Capitol. The Senate will be in session late tonight, voting on a...

Palin / Monegan firing matter headed to court tomorrow

All the litigation and political bickering over the investigation into the firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan will finally get a day in...

Bill Allen takes the stand in Ted Stevens trial

The government’s star witness took the stand today in the trial of Senator Ted Stevens.  Bill Allen was once a respected businessman in Alaska,...

Stevens' lawyers call for mistrial, Judge also upset by prosecutors

There were fireworks in the Washington, DC courtroom today where Senator Ted Stevens is on trial. Alaska's senior Senator is accused of lying about...

Rural schools funding dies in Congress, leaving Alaskan schools underfunded

A federal program that provides millions of dollars in education funding for southeast Alaska failed to make it through the U.S. House of Representatives...

More "Troopergate" witnesses ignore subpoenas

For the second time in the past week, witnesses who had been subpoenaed to report to the Senate judiciary committee did not show up....

Prosecution in Ted Stevens trial calls its first witnesses

Veco employees testified today in the trial of Senator Ted Stevens that they spent hundreds of hours working on his Girdwood home.  A bookkeeper...

Democratic legislators file paperwork for new gas tax initiative

One of the most contentious ballot questions of two years ago – the tax on North Slope natural gas that is not offered for...

Opposing lawyers present 2 very different pictures of Ted Stevens

Prosecutors and defense lawyers for Senator Ted Stevens presented their opening  arguments in U-S District Court today.  As the judge reminded the panel of...

How much pull is there for Republican candidates in Palin's coattails?

Candidates in this year’s legislative races are preparing to see what kind of “pull”  Governor Palin will have on this year’s general election. Her...

Stevens trial jury selected

Senator Ted Stevens arrives at the federal courthouse Wednesday morning with his daughter. They were dropped off in a white van with tinted windows...

Nome losing students and $300,000 in state funding

In Nome, school administrators are discovering there are fewer students in the classrooms this year and that’s threatening to take a big bite out...

Prince William Sound schools also losing students to urban Alaska

School districts around the Prince William Sound also have fewer students in attendance. Cordova, Copper Basin and Valdez have all lost K-12 students. In...

Jury pool trimmed in Ted Stevens trial

The judge presiding over the trial of Senator Ted Stevens narrowed the jury pool today.  Jury selection is not yet complete – the court...

Permanent Fund trustees bullish on national bailout package

The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 372 points yesterday and another 161 points today as investors reacted to the U.S. government’s $700 billion plan...

Stevens trial opens with jury selection and more than 200 listed witnesses

Powerful lawmakers and prominent Alaskans are on the list of more than 200 potential witnesses in the federal trial of U.S. Senator Ted Stevens....

Marine debris growing into trash tsunami

The National Research Council says 20 years of regulations and international treaties have failed to tackle the problem of garbage in the ocean. The...

3 Troopergate witnesses fail to comply with subpoenas

Three witnesses in the Troopergate investigation failed to comply with subpoenas this morning.  They were ordered to appear at 10:00 at the Anchorage legislative...