Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

2009 Legislature opens in Juneau

This was a day of formalities in Alaska’s legislature as Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell opened the new legislative session this afternoon. Dave Donaldson, APRN -...

State sends delegation to Emmonak

The State sent a delegation to Emmonak today to assess the economic crisis in the Western Alaskan community.  5 representatives from a diverse array...

No Bush pardon for Stevens; only a few hours left

With only about 12 hours left in President George Bush's term, a pardon for former Senator Ted Stevens is unlikely. The New York Times...

Thousands of Alaskans in DC for Obama Inauguration

Hundreds, if not thousands, of Alaskans are among the millions of people gathered in Washington, DC for President-elect Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony tomorrow. As...

Barrow-based Native dancers representing Alaska at Inauguration

Three performance groups will represent Alaska at the Presidential Inauguration tomorrow, including a Native dance group from Barrow. Janelle Everett, KBRW - Barrow Download Audio (MP3)

Green, baby, green

The State released a new blueprint today to help communities across Alaska come up with cheaper and more efficient sources of energy. In announcing...

Supply boat sinks under offshore platform in Cook Inlet

An oil industry supply boat sank near an offshore platform in icy Cook Inlet today after it began taking on water in the early...

Izembek refuge land swap legislation passes senate in massive lands bill

Officials from the Alaska Peninsula community of King Cove are pleased with today's Senate passage of a huge lands bill that includes language authorizing...

New lawsuit filed against Jesuits over sexual abuse in Alaska

A new lawsuit has been filed against the Oregon Society of Jesus alleging sexual abuse by clergy it provided to Alaska catholic parishes. The...

Pribilof’s Fur Seal population drops sharply

Biologists have documented an alarming decline in fur seal pups on the Pribilof Islands. The latest survey numbers show pup production is at its...

FBI whistle-blower named in ongoing Stevens case

An FBI whistle-blower who criticized a fellow agent working on the Alaska corruption investigation has been identified. The name of Anchorage-based agent Chad Joy...

ANWR may get new environmental protections in newly-Democratic DC

A renewed effort to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) from development is being met with excitement from environmental groups who hope they...

Senator Clinton says she will focus on Arctic issues as Secretary of State

Senator Hillary Clinton says if she’s confirmed as Secretary of State, Arctic issues will be a priority.  Clinton testified today before the Senate Foreign...

Senate Energy Committee grills nominee for Energy Secretary

Senator Murkowski helped welcome President-elect Obama’s Energy Secretary nominee to Capitol Hill today.  As her party’s ranking member on the Energy Committee, she was...

Senator Murkowski invites nominee for Education Secretary to visit Alaska

Senator Murkowski also dropped in on the confirmation hearing for the Education Secretary nominee. Arne Duncan is the chief of Chicago’s public school...

Extreme cold forcing Emmonak residents to choose fuel over food

Residents of the Southwest Alaska village of Emmonak are running out of food as a trifecta of bad circumstances have forced them into choosing...

Juneau power switches to diesel following avalanche

Once again, an avalanche has destroyed a tower along the Snettisham Hydroelectric Project south of Juneau, knocking out low-cost power to the capital city....

Supreme Court hears Kensington Mine toxic waste case

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments today on whether mining company Coeur Alaska can dump tailings in a lake near Juneau. The waste from...

Izembek deal approaching U.S. Senate passage, part of $10B lands bill

The U.S. Senate has advanced a massive lands bill, which includes a land swap in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge on the Alaska Peninsula....

President Bush signs new Arctic policy

President George W. Bush has signed into law a new policy for the Arctic, just 10 days before he leaves office. The policy...