Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Alaskans may have been victims of anti-trust violations

The federal government is expanding its investigation of price-fixing schemes, as a former executive with a shipping company heads to federal prison on...

Governor Palin supports parental consent bills

Governor Palin today gave her public support to two bills in the legislature that would require parental consent before an underage girl could have...

UAF to house Ted Steven’s congressional collection

Archives spanning former Senator Ted Steven's 40 year Congressional career are on their way to the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The material is being...

Senators Murkowski and Begich weigh in on volcano monitoring

Alaska's Senators, along with bloggers and columnists around the country, are criticizing a portion of the Republican response to President Obama's speech last night....

Nome Hospital named a “shovel ready” project

A new hospital in Nome will be one of the first "shovel ready" projects to benefit from the stimulus package. Senator Begich made the...

Governor agrees to reimburse state for children’s travel expenses

Governor Sarah Palin will reimburse the state for costs associated with nine trips taken by her children. The Governor's office says it will...

Kikkan Randall takes silver in the Nordic World Ski Championships

Anchorage skier Kikkan Randall claimed a silver medal today in the skate sprint at the Nordic World Championships in the Czech Republic. It was...

Legislature takes first steps towards Darfur investment divestiture

The state’s investment officers – including the retirement board and the Permanent Fund – are one step closer to getting rid of any holdings...

State prepares for influx of stimulus funds

Besides some $800 billion tucked into the Economic Stimulus package President Obama signed last week,  state and federal officials see deadlines they have to...

Yukon Quest enters exciting endgame

The standings in the Yukon Quest sled dog race have shifted dramatically in the last 12 hours. Longtime race veteran, William Kleedhen, looked like...

Palin admistration defends Wasilla expenses

Governor Palin's spokesman Bill McCallister told reporters today that media coverage scrutinizing the Governor's per diem expenses for staying in her Wasilla area home...

Anchorage Mayor attends White House stimulus package meeting

Anchorage Acting Mayor Matt Claman was among dozens of mayors from around the country who met with President Obama today at the White House....

Alaska Permanent Fund set to avoid Sudan-related investments

The Trustees of the Permanent Fund yesterday endorsed legislation that would require all financial managers to no longer invest in companies that do business...

Murkowski speaks to Alaska legislature, issues warnings on Alaska gas development

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski today gave her annual report to the state House and Senate -- this year focusing on energy and Alaska's role...

Renewable energy projects to get national $40 billion boost

The new Energy Secretary says renewable energy projects will get a major boost from the economic stimulus package. Secretary Steven Chu says they'll also...

BP reports Prudhoe Bay spill of unknown size

British PetroleumBP has reported a spill of an undetermined amount of gas, oil and water from a flow line at Prudhoe Bay. The spill...

More prosecution ethical lapses revealed in Stevens trial

A series of previously-sealed motions and closed-door hearings have been revealed in the Ted Stevens case. The former U.S. Senator was convicted in October...

Priest sex abuse lawsuits suspended by Jesuit bankruptcy action

More than 60 lawsuits alleging sex abuse by priests in Alaska are on hold after the Jesuits of the Oregon Province filed for Chapter...

Alaska Airline cargo service posts profit in tightening economy

Despite an overall 2008 revenue decline for national and international air cargo carriers, Alaska Airlines proved the exception. The airline's air cargo division not...

Anchorage traffic stop finds apparent bombs, closes roads

On Anchorage's east side, an early morning traffic stop led to a bomb squad call-out and a 5-hour street closure. Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage Download...