Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

UAF Prof to Quit Over Contract Dispute

University of Alaska Fairbanks professor Rick Steiner says he intends to resign his job at the University of Alaska Fairbanks because he believes...

Kate Shugak Mysteries to Become TV Series

Photo by Lori Townsend, APRN - Anchorage Mike Devlin of Evergreen Films says the company will work with novelist Dana Stabenow to turn her Kate...

SBA Considering New Regulations for 8A Program

The US Small Business Administration is prepared to issue new regulations changing the federal oversight of the 8A program that allows regional and...

Presidential Advisor Hopes for More Dialogue with Tribes

The first ever senior adviser to a President on Native American issues says she hopes to see better dialogue and increased respect...

Food Security Hot AFN Topic

The issue of food security and revising the subsistence management system continued to be a major focus of the Alaska Federation of Natives...

Bethel Buying Time on Alcohol Vote

The Bethel City Council is trying to buy time with the Alcohol Beverage Control Board before they approve liquor licenses in the City....

AFN Conference Opens; President Pleased About Upcoming Meeting with Obama

Photo by Patrick Yack, APRN - Anchorage The AFN Convention is a celebration of Alaska Native art. Ursula Paniyak of Chevak proudly displayed...

Allen Scheduled for Sentencing, Loses Plea for Delay

The man at the center of Alaska’s political corruption scheme will be sentenced next Wednesday. Today a federal judge denied...

Justice Department Anti-Corruption Head Stepping Down

The head of the Justice Department's anti-corruption unit is stepping down after the office's botched trial of former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens. The...

State Loses Key Child Welfare Case

The state of Alaska has again lost an attempt to overturn a decision that favors Alaska tribes in child welfare proceedings. The...

Crawford Raises $18,700 to Unseat Young

State Representative Harry Crawford (D-Anchorage) has raised $18,700 for his bid to unseat Congressman Don Young. Libby Casey, APRN – Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

Shell Gets White House Approval to Drill in Beaufort

The Obama Administration has approved a drilling plan by Shell Oil in the Beaufort Sea – with conditions.  The federal Minerals Management Service...

Public Gets Access to Developing State Energy Plan

The leaders of the state Senate Resources Committee on Monday opened a way for the public to participate in developing a statewide energy...

Federal Relief for Western Alaska Yet to Arrive

Federal relief for Western Alaska residents is not on the way anytime soon. Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Download Audio (MP3)

Missing Denali Plane Located

Yesterday's search for a small Cesna missing in the northern part of Denali National Park ended when the crash site was located. Dan Bross,...

Homeless Team Meets in Anchorage

Representatives from over 30  agencies, organizations and government departments gathered at Anchorage City Hall for the initial meeting of the "Homeless Team." They...

Governor Offers Update on Rural Energy Plans

During his brief address, the governor also gave an update on the administration’ buy cheap kamagra s plans for helping rural Alaska with their...

NOAA Head Says Offshore Oil Plans Should be Reined In

The head of the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration says proposed offshore drilling plans for Alaska’s coasts should be reined in because of concerns...

Bethel Votes to Reverses Damp Status

Alcohol will become unrestricted in Bethel. Bethel has been damp for 32 year but that's sure to change now. Proposition One ...

Juneau Sailor Recovering in Anchorage Hospital

A Juneau man whose boat sank in Sitka Sound over the weekend is recovering in an Anchorage hospital. Robert Woolsey, KCAW – Sitka Download...