Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Transcanada Announces Plan for Storage Facility in Kenai

Transcanada has announced plans to construct a natural gas storage facility in the city of Kenai.  The company formed Cook Inlet Natural Gas...

Delegation Responds To President’s Afghanistan Plans

Alaska’s Congressional delegation approves of the President’s decision to increase troop levels in Afghanistan, but their opinions of his strategy diverge from there. Libby...

Tribal Meetings with Interior Department Get Underway

The first in a series of Interior Department meetings with tribes on the issue of consultation kicked off today in Anchorage. Although...

DC Moves to Protect Belugas in Cook Inlet

The federal government wants to designate a large portion of Cook Inlet as critical habitat for the area's genetically distinct beluga whale population. The...

Officials Still Unsure of Oil Spill Cause

Officials still don’t know what caused a pipeline leak at the Flint Hills North Pole Refinery last week.  About 3,000 gallons of oily...

BP Rushes to Clean up North Slope Spill

Forces are mobilizing to clean up an oil spill on the North Slope. An unknown quantity of oil, water and natural...

Internet Helping Nunam Iqua Prepare for Winter

As people in Western Alaska prepare for winter, one Alaskan has taken on the small goal of getting help to a community.  So...

Vessels Finding Widespread Acidity in Beaufort

Canadian and Japanese research vessels are finding widespread acidity in the Beaufort Sea, off the coast of Alaska and Canada. The...

US Encroaching on Yukon Say Canadians

Canadian officials say Alaska is encroaching on the Yukon's turf and the Member of Parliament for the Western Arctic wants the Prime Minister...

Anchorage Cold Cases Get Review

Anchorage homicide cases that have remained unsolved for years are currently getting a thorough review. That's thanks in part to a federal grant...

Randall Hones Classic Technique in Preparation for Olympics

Anchorage cross-country skier Kikkan Randall just missed the podium in her first International race of the season. She placed fourth in the five kilometer skate...

Interior Department Releases Drilling Plans

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced today plans for oil and gas leasing on public lands next year – including in the National Petroleum...

Judge OKs Compensation Plan for Sexual Abuse Victims

A judge has approved a compensation package for victims of sexual abuse by clergy overseen by the Fairbanks Diocese. Anchorage attorney Ken Roosa...

Alaska Senators Split Vote on Health Care Bill

Alaska’s -S Senators split their vote Saturday on whether to bring health care legislation to the floor.  Democrats got exactly the 60 votes...

Halibut Operators Lose on One-A-Day Rule

Halibut charter operators in southeast Alaska have lost an attempt to get rid of the one-halibut-a-day rule. The charter operators accused the secretary...

Senate Expected to Vote on Health Care Bill

The US Senate is poised to take a first vote on health care tomorrow (Saturday) n cheap kamagra ight. Senator Lisa Murkowski will vote...

Cook Inlet Oil Draws Attention

While local officials and oil producer talk about a decline in oil production in Cook Inlet, at least one company is taking more...

Supreme Court Panel Hears Predator Case

A panel of three state Supreme Court justices heard a case that threatens to overturn the law that underlies predator control programs.  Ronald...

Environmentalists Concerned About Shell’s Plans

Environmental groups are concerned that the Obama Administration is giving Shell Oil Company extra time to weigh in on proposed development plans for...

Juneau Residents Recover from Massive Mud Slide

Juneau residents displaced by this weekend’s landslides will stay in hotel rooms through the weekend. About 80 residents of downtown Juneau were allowed to...