Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Alaskans Lobby for Climate Bill in Washington

Even though the US Senate unveiled a climate change bill last week, the focus in Washington is mostly elsewhere: on financial reform, the massive...

Salazar Testifies Before Congress on Gulf Spill

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar says problems at the federal Minerals Management Service may have contributed to last month’s offshore oil rig disaster in the...

Wally Hickel's Legacy Honored at Funeral

Former Alaska Governor Wally Hickel was buried today in a downtown Anchorage cemetery after a funeral that brought together Alaskans of all sorts. Steve Heimel,...

Permit Refusal Puts All Alaska Gasline in Question

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has refused to extend a principle permit needed for construction of an All-Alaska Gas Pipeline ...

Denali Climbing Season Registers Its First Death

A climber has died on Denali. The National Park Service reports that French mountaineer Pascal Frison was at the 12 thousand foot...

Nuclear Reduction Proponent Visits Alaska

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski will be key to a vote to reduce nuclear weapons worldwide when the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty or START comes...

Plane Crash Near Willow Kills Pilot

Authorities say one man is dead following a plane crash near Willow in south-central Alaska. Associated Press Download Audio (MP3)

Cape Fox Native Corporation Involved In Criminal Investigation

Saxman based Cape Fox Corporation is enmeshed in a criminal investigation that could have consequences for the Native corporation’s 8A government contracting status. Ellen Lockyer,...

Federal Aid on the way for Yukon Fishermen

Fishermen on the Lower Yukon have had two devastating king salmon seasons. But things are looking up. Angela Denning-Barnes, KYUK – Bethel Download Audio (MP3)

9th Circuit Rejects Challenge to Shell’s Drill Plan

The 9th circuit court of appeals today rejected a challenge to Shell Oil’s exploratory drilling plan in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas off Alaska’s...

Federal Review Opens ANWR Debate

A large crowd turned out yesterday to give the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service their thoughts about how to manage the Arctic National Wildife...

Anchorage Lawyer Has Advice for Gulf Fishermen

BP is accepting damages claims as a result of the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Attorneys are weighing options on litigation strategies for...

Senators Grill Oil Company Executives

Congress called BP and its drilling partners to account today for a “cascade of failures” behind the spreading Gulf oil spill, zeroing in...

Salazar Proposes Minerals Management Service Split

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced today (Tuesday) a proposal to split the Minerals Management Service. The change would allow one agency to oversee offshore...

Alaska Fisherman Sympathize with Gulf Shrimpers

The failure of BP’s plan to cap a gushing underground oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico has only exacerbated concerns about...

Former Governor Wally Hickel, Dead at 90

Former Governor Wally Hickel – elected twice to the state’s highest office – died Friday night, the result of a heart attack...

State Says No to Education Funds

The state has again decided NOT to compete for education dollars available under a competitive federal program.  The Race to the Top competition was designed to...

Anchorage Teachers Ratify Contract

Anchorage teachers have ratified the tentative agreement with the school district for a new three year contract.   Yesterday the over 37-hundred members of the Anchorage Education...

Alaska’s Senators Propose Boost in Oil Tax for Spill Disasters

Alaska’s Senators have introduced a bill that would boost the amount of money oil companies are taxed to pay for spill disasters. Their legislation comes as...

Anchorage Records Drop in Serious Crime

The latest Uniform Crime Report for Anchorage shows burglaries and thefts rose in 2009, while crimes in the overall “crimes against persons” category fell. Two exceptions...